Sunday, November 11, 2007

Oh ye of little faith!

So you all thought I'd wake up today feeling achey and saddle sore did you?


Well, as it happens so did I but luckily that was not the case - must be to do with the fact that I didn't manage to ride more than 50 metres at a time without having to have a 10 minute stop to see to Minx or Monster's needs!!

I have no photos today as we didn't go to the beach but stayed home and tried to get the house together after a week (or ten!) of putting off all but the most desperate bits of housework. Hence, it was a matter of exciting activities like changing all the beds, ironing 15 work shirts for DH, cleaning out the gerbils blah, blah, blah!!!

I did run up some teddy bear clothes for the Minx's favourite bears this afternoon and did a bit more sewing towards Friday's school fair - I'll do photos tomorrow.

After browsing You Tube yesterday for Fat Bottomed Girls I have been on there again today. You'll be delighted to know that I am going to do a link every day this week to a really naff song from the UK charts over the past 30 years or so.

For those of you who remember them - enjoy! For those of you who are either unaware of them due to geography or age - enjoy!!

So to play out today's post I give you this. xxxxx


Monkee Maker said...

Mmmm, yeah, see ..... I really enjoyed Queen in yesterday's post .... and then you had to go and blow it today!

(and if I can't sleep tonight for that ***** song going round my head I'm blaming you!)

Locket Pocket said...

Ah, wise one, if you remember correctly, I said it would be tomorrow that you would feel the pain! So let's wait and see shall we?

My computer doesn't do sound but I used to LOVE that song when I was little! and now I am going to go to bed laughing about the fact that MM won't be able to sleep because of it!

(which is a very good job as I have just sobbed my way through "My Boy Jack" on ITV. I think J was getting quite concerned!)

Tell us how you are tomorrow! Lucy x

Anonymous said...

I am glad you don't have bunkee pain, hehe! The song got me, you are just a mess. That was said in the nicest way! Thanks again for the entertainment!

Anonymous said...

Great, I get to have that sodding song going round in my head all morning! Thanks!! Goodness knows what you next choice will be but I hope it's not the Birdie Song.......oh great now I've got that going round in my head too!!

Gina said...

Sounds like a fun w/e. Got THAT song in my head now as weLl!!!

Bethany said...

See what I miss when I don't check in all weekend?!!! Lots of fun. And I am laughing at this song...what DO you people listen to over there?!!! Ha!

My dad actually loves that song, "Fat Bottom Girls" as he married one. (did I just say that?)
Now to find out what all this horse riding is about!

Bethany said...

Ha!!! It was bikes, not horses!!!! And now I see the relevance to that song....LOL!

Jane said...

Hahaha, thats spooky, one of my girl friends sang this down the phone to me at work today and i now find it on your blog, brilliant i remember this!