Friday, November 23, 2007

Laugh? I nearly cried!

I've decided to make it official - I LOVE YOUTUBE - in the interests of avoiding the housework blog research I was on Youtube earlier looking for today's music. Totally unfocussed curious as ever I put 'Comedy' in the search box. This little video popped up - you really must watch it all the way through - my sides are acheing and the Moog is looking at my like I'm mad - mmm.

Lucy and any others with sonically challenged technology please accept my sincerest apologies - you really need the sound on for this one!

That's better. I just had to get that over with before I got into my other burblings.

I'm out to my friend's tonight for her 'girls' night in' birthday party. Being somewhat low on funds right now I could not afford to go and buy her a pressie.
She's just about to start a fab new job for Benetton and has a meeting to go to in London next week. I know she has to take some files with her and was going to take them in a carrier bag. Not the best look for a fashion retail executive!

As public transport can be a pain with hands full of bags I thought a messenger bag might be useful. I've never made a gussetted bag successfuly before so was nervous about making anything this complicated.

A quick Google search came up with this brilliantly clear and straightforward tutorial . There is also a link on there to the author's blog and she does some beautiful knitting and stitching. This bag took less than 2 hours to make and although more involved than the bags I usually make it was very nice to do.

It has a magnetic clasp closure and the lining rather than the main fabric is interlined with Vilene, which seems to give it good support.

Of course, I now have to make them in every size/shape/colour!!!

Now I really do have to get on with my list! Monster has his first ever sleepover tomorrow night. We have 4 boys and 2 girls, including my two, all in a state of high excitement about the prospect of staying awake as late as possible!!! Before you ask, I am indeed quite quite mad :)

Due to the sleepover I have no idea if I will be blogging this weekend. I may have to get my fix if I'm still awake in the wee small hours!

Back to the lovely Youtube then for some tunes.

Love him or hate him Mr Loaf can really belt them out. I love it when this comes on the car radio - bet the driver looking in his rear view mirror doesn't agree though :)

In case that's not your bag how about this - chillin'. Or this - oh blimey, how did that get in there!
I saw him in concert at the Birmingham Odeon too!
Have a lovely cosy and cuddly weekend xxxx


Locket Pocket said...

Now Mrs Moogsmum can you please take the lining back out of that bag and give me back my duvet cover NOW! I had curtains to match too (although I think they may have been my sister's really (yes my real sister's really, although she is the same sister as my imaginary sister) geddit?)

Stop posting links I can't listen too. SNOT fair!

the loose-locket xxx

Anonymous said...

Love the bag! I have a duvet cover ( from the charity shop) in that flowery fabric too, my daughter recycled some of it into a HUGE beach bag this summer, her first go on the machine.

Monkee Maker said...

Love Meatloaf - especially that track (and Two out of Three ain't bad) and RGH and I LOVE belting it out in the car. The girls, funnily enough, don't love it :)

Fabulous bag, I'm sure your friend will be chuffed with it.

Good luck with the "stay-awake"-over, and have a happy weekend.

pinkgreen said...

I had tears rolling down my cheeks at the clip - there is something about other people losing it that really makes you lose it too isn't there?!
The bag is fab - hope your friend likes it and you have a lovely night. Good luck with the sleep-over. I found for our first that I didn't sleep even when they were all asleep in case one of them woke up an didn't know where they were!
Cathy XX

dottycookie said...

Sleepover? Oh how I am NOT looking forward to that stage. Good luck .... and have the winde handy for when they all go home!

Excellent bag!

dottycookie said...

Of course, I meant wine, not wind. And they pay me to work with computers. Good grief.