Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Things that go bump in the night

News of the earthquake in the middle of the night has been whizzing round blogland. Unlike many of you we slept through the whole thing!! Having said that the dog was being even more of an idiot than usual last night.

She barked for no apparent reason at 11.30 last night and practised her tap dancing on the hall floor for almost the whole night. In between times she galloped up and down the stairs harumphing loudly. I may have asked her less than politely to return to bed about 12 times!!!

Makes me wonder how I missed the darned thing!!

According to the man on the BBC news this morning it was 'A very British earthquake' - I imagine he meant it was nothing compared to bigger and more damaging quakes in other countries but sufficient to drag us Brits out of our collective torpor for a day!! It was a refreshing change to hear something other than government sleeze and spin on the news.

I've spent a good chunk of the day preparing for tomorrow's interview and actually, unexpectedly, finding myself becoming a little excited about a potential return to work - especially a return that would actually enable me to make use of my degree!!

I got excited in Sainsbury's (as one does!!) at the thought that if I get the job I'll be able to buy my babies nice clothes again. I may even be able to afford a new bra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I finished off a couple of WIPs neither of which I can show in full as one is for the Bunny Hop Swap and the other for Challenge No.7 but here's a sneaky peak anyway :)

I'm now going to conjur up a meal using the contents of Mrs Hubbard's Cupboard and get the naughty arguing ones to their swimming lesson.

Then again Moogsdad may be forced to do the swimming lesson bit while I stay home and blogsurf :)

Edited at 10pm to say: Don't know what got into me this evening - on the eve of a potentially life changing job interview - I've only gone and opened an Etsy shop - something I've intended to do since April last year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


trash said...

So much good luck for tomorrow and I think you should buy the new bra anyway!

tintocktap said...

Good luck for the interview tomorrow! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. And to think I'd always wanted to know what it was like to experience and earthquake!

Jane said...

Good luck for tomorrow, know the feeling about returning to work. Glad you got some sewing done on thumper, i kept my old machine and she's a rattler! Jane x

Kitty said...

I slept through the whole thing as well - about which I'm seriously pi$$ed off. It would have been the first time in YEARS that the earth had moved for me - if you know what I mean ;-)

Lovely looking WIPs there Mrs Moog.

Very good luck for tomorrow - I shall be thinking of you. x

Locket Pocket said...

We need to talk about bra's Lesley. I am hoping that you only need a new one because your others are old and boring and not because you don't actually have one. You really should wear a bra for the interview because, you see, getting the job "that way" is rather unethical.

I hope you are able to take my very well intentioned advice.

Lucy Locket

Thimbleanna said...

Gosh -- I didn't know you ever had earthquakes there -- glad everything didn't crumble around you. Good luck on the interview tomorrow. If you get it, I'm sure you'll make it all work. I have to admit, as much as I hate working, I'm much more organized and probably get more done because I know I need to make my minutes count.

Anonymous said...

Good luck for tomorrow - hope you get it as jobs that fit in around small children are always hard to find.

We missed the whole earth tremour thing although my daughter barged into our bedroom at 2.00am this morning - banged on the light and then feinted at the foot of our bed!! Tripping over a pair of shoes and head butting the wardrobe as she went down. It definitely woke us both up! Needless to say she had the day off school today and, I think, feeling much better now.

Will be thinking of you tomorrow

Your Big Sis x

French Knots said...

According to some bloke on the radio we have 200 earthquakes here every year! Well I must all those too!
Hope tomorrow goes well for you. x

Monkee Maker said...

What earthquake??

The sneeky peeks look good - loving the dress and the apron combo.

Good luck tomorrow & I agree with Trash .... go on, treat yourself (& hubby possibly?) to that new bra.


Bethany said...

I don't check your blog for one day and you go and do something life altering, like finding a job!!! I hope that you get it...if that's what you want. I feel selfish in saying that I know you won't be posting as often... like I am dependent on your wit and wisdom or I can't make it through my week!!! If it's meant to be, then you'll get it! Someone just said today that they heard a loud boom last night here... and then I read about the earthquake there! The world is ending (or something). Thanks for your comments about my post too! I love hearing what my friends think about those things!!

est said...

oh gosh! if that's the bunny outfit in the sneaky peak?, i'm going to be very embarrased of mine!! yrs looked so neat!! what a real pretty outfit for a bunny!all the luck for yr interview and congrats on yr etsy opening!!!! :)

artisbliss said...

I'm thinking about you and your interview today. Good luck!!

Love the bunny outfit preview--those fabrics are adorable.

Glad you lived through the quake. Not fun, I know. I live in tornado country, so we have our own excitement here!

Leigh said...

Good Luck with your ETSY shop!!!!!

dottycookie said...

We didn't feel the quake here. Mind you, I didn't even wake up when a car ran into the wall attached to our house ...

Hope the interview went well, and the shop is looking very pretty!