Friday, February 8, 2008

Curious George

A little while ago Jodie posted a wonderful story starring her lovely boys - Fletcher, Toby and Oliver. The Sausage Monster just loved seeing the boys' adventures and requested a Fletcher all of his very own.

As Monster doesn't often ask me to make things for him and patiently observes his little sister scoring lots of new bags/dolls/clothes etc etc made by the Mummeistergeneral I felt it was the least I could do to oblige.

After a lovely email from Jodie giving me her blessing to make a little playmate for Monster I (eventually, after fobbing Monster off a billion times about how I was doing it....soon) got busy.

Today I finally got the latest addition to the cuddly toy mountain made.

Monster wanted his boy's hair to match his own. After perusing the shelf of lurid coloured felt at Hobbycraft for quite some time I opted for an auburn as the orange felt was somewhat dayglo!!
Therefore, Monster's chum is more of an Oliver than a Fletcher.

I feel that in tribute to the very talented and very funny Jodie I should leave it up to the fella himself to explain - over to you young man:

Leserley cutted me out of a big bit of white stuff what she got from the scrapstore and then she sewed my hair on. She wanted to do curly hair but I said no I wants it spiked cos all the other boys has their hair spiked an I said can I have tramlines? but she said no cos I'd look like an oik.
I thought she'd take ages to get me done cos she kept talkin to the Locket womun on the phone but it was ok cos she stuffted me and sewed my stuffin holes up even though she wus natterin on the phone for like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaages!!!

She wanted me to sit still while she maded me some clothes but I was too busy playin with all the toys that had been left everywhere.

I liked the StarWarsAttaktix the best cos they shoot real bullets and everything and i shooted the dog about eight times with the wookie it was great.

Even though I was really really really busy playing dog shooting she made me stand there like a doofus while she taked pictures of me in my dweeby shorts.

It all got better when the Sausage Monster comed home from school can you see how we've got like exactly the same coloured hair and everything and he decided to call me George and not Fletcher or Toby or Oliver. We went to the park and I've never been to a park before and I was soooooooooooo excited even though I didn't even know what a park was but it was a really cool place .

Me and Monster played a bit of football and I climbeded a great big tree.
Leserley got a bit cross though cos me and Monster both gotted dirty and she said we'd have to go in the b****y washing machine and why couldn't we just walk like normal children and not muck about in the mud but it's ok cos we didn't get put in the washing machine and both goed to bed with dirt ALL OVER US!!!


Back to the 'grown up' then.

I am so grateful to Jodie for being so generous in letting me reproduce her ideas. I feel my version could do with quite a few tweeks - like a slightly bigger head and less sloping shoulders for a start!!- but Monster has gone to bed with him, a very happy little boy indeed. I also think it's fab that an eight year old boy, who might otherwise deem himself toooo cooooool, asked me to make him a boy doll :)

Yup, we did go to the park as it was such a glorious afternoon we couldn't bear to waste it.

The late afternoon light was wonderful and I am so pleased I didn't give in to laziness and stay at home.

See how incredibly tall and slim I am?

The sky was changing all the time and so clear that the lines drawn by the airplanes appeared to glow.

As we walked back to the car it kept getting better.

Isn't it amazing how picturesque a huge oil refinery can be?

The weather looks like it's going to be good for the weekend so we may make the most of it and ignore the messy house and go walking.

I hope you all have a happy weekend. For those of you who have been dealing with tornadoes this week I hope you have a calm and safe weekend.

Love and hugs xxxxxxxxxxx


Jane said...

George is very cute, you are very good to be able to sew stuff and natter to lucy on the phone ! Happy weekend i think we'll be going walking too. beautiful pictures. Jane x

Locket Pocket said...

Oh wow! I love George!!!! He's much better than you were predicting - even though I was distracting you!!!! I'm so glad the Monster loves him - result! I'm also very glad that you didn't put the Monster in the washing machine - I'd have to send him the Childline number if you did!

Lovely evening down south!

Locket xxx

Locket Pocket said...

Oh maaaaaaaaaaaan! Just seen the Monster's hair (the picture hadn't loaded up before) it's such a gorgeous colour!!!!!

Kitty said...

Wow ... George is a bit of good lookin' little thing isn't he? Well done you, another fabtastic creation. x

Leanne said...

Fantastic post Leserley - brought a great big smile to my face. Love the photos and I'm sure George will love living in the Moog household.

Julie said...

Welcome George! Sounds like you had a great adventure today! You made me emile too! Those photographs of your outing are beautiful. Very romantic looking oil refinery :) lovely skies. Have a great weekend!

Jodie said...

He is just great !!! I see there is something about these little stuffed boys that just causes naughtiness. He is really cute, i am sitting here with the biggest grin on my face !!!

Leigh said...

I love your George! Great job!!

I hope we have a calm weekend too, people here sure could use for clean up!

French Knots said...

How cool is George, no wonder the SM likes him! Just what every boy beeds - a partner in crime.

Gina said...

George is gorgeous and obvious well loved by Monster already!
Fabulous photographs. Enjoy your weekend - I'm about the head off for Derby but needed a blogfix before I left
Gina xx

ps I've finished packing!! (well... almost!)

Unknown said...

George is gorgeous. My little one asked me to make a boy for him on friday, but he's only 2. I hope he stillwants dolls when he's 8 (the 8 yr old daughter does, so that's a relief)

My - you do look giant on that photo, don't you?!

Blossom said...

I just love George!!
what a cutie.....
I love that your sweet boy wanted a doll......

pics of the
sunset are just spectacular!!!!!

artisbliss said...

George is wonderful and it's wonderful that your son would ask you for him.

I'm all for walking to avoid housework!

Kaz said...

Hi Leserley!! I love George, he's so cute and can talk so well for such a youngster!

Hope to catch up properly when my lappy gets back from the drs.

kaz xx

Bethany said...

I love George! I think it's great that Monster wanted a friend...he'd get along with my son well! (They both have a sister to contend with all the time!) I love your son's hair!

Monkee Maker said...

Hi Lesley,

George is great and his hair is a perfect match for the Monster's!

Loving your park shots too .... especially the long and lean one of you - and I thought you said you were on a diet - NO NEED, MRS!
