Thursday, February 14, 2008

From the mouths of babes

Moogsdad and I had a lovely surprise this morning. It seems those very naughty babies who should have been IN BED last night were getting into the spirit of Valentine's Day.

We did hear a bit of giggling and moving about when they'd gone to bed and shouted upstairs once ot twice to suggest they go to sleep.

I'm glad they didn't though. They were having a little secret arty session making Moogsdad and I a Valentine card each :)

This is from the Minx to her Daddy:

and this one is from my lovely boy:

We don't go mad buying presents or anything on Valentine's Day but we do send each other a card. I had a sudden panic yesterday afternoon when I realised I'd better pull my finger out and get one made for the man himself!

Here's a bit of it:

The Lurve theme has continued today as I work on this week's challenge.

I managed to get my parcel posted yesterday for my Valentine Swap partner so at least something useful was achieved in my non-blogging time!

I thought an early blog was in order today as Moogsdad has selfishly suggested we have a special meal after the naughty ones have gone to bed tonight and spend a pleasant evening in each other's company watching a lovely film or two, thereby distracting me from precious Catching Up With Everything On the Internet Time!!!! I suppose I could tear myself away from the computer for one evening just to show willing. If I really have to ;-)

I told Minx that Daddy and I were going to have a special romantic meal tonight.

She wasn't impressed.

I told her I'd be going 'Kissy,kissy,kissy,wuv you, wuv you, kissy, kissy' and holding his hand and generally smooching.

Her response?

'Eeurgh!!! You're gross!!!'

Nice :)



French Knots said...

We aren't having a romantic meal as he is going to a football match! I shall stuff myself with the chocolates he gave me.
Those are the best sort of Valentine cards!

Jane said...

Hope you have a lovely kissy wuv you evening. Unfortunately Em is ill so we'll be having pizza and Garlic Bread but her best friend who happens to be a boy! is coming round to wish her happy valentines aaah. Jane

Locket Pocket said...

Great cards from the Moogschildren! No one got a card this year although Daisy has made one for her boyfriend who emigrated to Spain about a year ago. He is going to come back to marry her.

Your challenge thingy is looking loads better than mine - mine's totally crubbish but I should get it finished tonight which sort of makes up for how bad it is.

No romantic meal for us - other than watching Masterchef, do you think that counts?

Locket xx

PJS said...

LOL... I remember having that general opinion when I was younger. My man is glad I grew out of it.

Hope you had a good evening.

Julie said...

I'm sure those lovely drawings deserve to be on some future project, Lesley. We are foregoing the computer too for a night in front of the telly complete with me sneezing and sniffing. Wonder if we'll all last till bedtime without sneaking onto the net?! lol
Have a lovely evening.

Kitty said...

I'm with the Minx ... eeeewwwwww. :-p

Those are lovely cards .. all I got was No.2 writing on my shopping list: To Mum, Happ Valentimes, xxx

Hope you have a lovely evening. x

Monkee Maker said...

Awww, such cuteness from your little people!

I hope you have a super smashing marvellously romantic time tonight, BUT I'LL BET, come bed time, you'll say "I'll be right up, Darling ...." and then sprint over to the pc for a final check .... come on, admit it ....


trash said...

I'm with Minx. Eurgh! Loving the cards though.

dottycookie said...

Awww, lovely cards. Mine did something similar, bless them.

Hope you have had a wuvly evening. I drove back from my parents today so I'm tired out, and DH is already asleep - oooh, our life is so romantic!

Thimbleanna said...

Cute cards -- gee, I think they love you! You're so funny. And a good wifey. I'll be making the romantic meal, then rushing back to the laptop to try to catch up on the blogs that I'm SO far behind on! Happy Valentine's Day!

Bethany said...

Your kids are sweet!! And I'm glad you're showing some attention to that poor man who puts up with your addiction on a regular basis (I have one of those too!!!). Hope your evening was good! Mine's just about to get started when these kids go to bed! (Check out the You Tube link on my post today...that'll make you laugh!!!)

Ali said...

Hubby's valentines gesture was not going to the pub with his mate (as is the norm on a Thursday night). Aaaah love!