Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Technical hitch!!!

Just a very quick post - as I'm currently sitting in my local library doing this - we seem to have developed a problem with our broadband connection - marvellous!!
I had a lovely weekend and really appreciate all your kind comments. Last night I sat down at the PC eager to get back to the blog and post some crafty goodness but what d'you know I just could not connect to the Internet or email :(
DH is on the case but as you will all know these things can often take time. As soon as we are back online I'll be making up for lost time and of course a bit of a giveaway too.
Finger's crossed I'll be back soon - I'd better be as I seem to have an awful lot of time on my hands all of a sudden ;o)

1 comment:

Locket Pocket said...

Hurry up DH and fix the bl...y computer! We want more Moogsmum news! Hope you are up and running again soon! Lucy x