Monday, October 15, 2007

Staying put

We finally found out this afternoon that we are not going to be moving as DH did not get the job in Wales. Although I was happy to move I do feel mighty relieved that we do not have to face relocating and all that entails. So I can put my roots back down again and hopefully get some focus back - well, maybe!

I'm glad to report the birthday girl loved her bag and has carried it round all weekend according to her Mum! I actually felt quite tearful when she told me how much she loved it :)

DH was busy busy this weekend replumbing the bath and shower which meant I was on Minx and Monster duty. We kept ourselves nicely busy and even managed to sort out their art drawers - just how many thousand felt-tip pens do two children need? I did find them some great pictures to colour in here and that kept them occupied for quite some time :o)

I had a desperate urge to crochet (as you do!) but having decided the ripple blanket would be a Christmas surprise for Minx I had to find something else to do. I dug out some thrifted wool and a big fat hook and whopped together (technical term my Mum used to use) this scarf in simple filet crochet:

I think it's pure wool and it was lovely to crochet with. It also drapes beautifully. I just hope it isn't itchy to wear as it's going into the Christmas presents basket. I'm not sure who will end up with it yet - hopefully someone who will appreciate it!

Once the babies were in bed I got on with some more rippling. The colours look awful on this photo - it's actually much less red than this. It is growing quite steadily and the pattern is well and truly lodged in my head now so it's a real picker-upper, if you know what I mean.

Sunday afternoon was sunny and warm so we headed down to our favourite country park to walk the dog.

Just look at these crab apples - amazing colours. I'd have loved to pick some but it's not encouraged sadly. Still, they'll keep the birds going over the winter.

This footpath was closed for months for repair work and has only recently reopened, so we decided to take this route back to the car.

With the little folk back at school this morning I felt in need of some retail therapy. I called in to my local charity shops and managed to find a few good bits.

Some white cotton sheeting and yellow flanelette. The flanelette was too good to pass up as it's great for adding a bit of body to handbags - a great tip from Amy Karol's book.

I also found some pretty pillowcases, two and a half pairs of curtains and a couple of remnants.
Some of this has already been cut up to make cushions for Christmas presents. I've been inspired by Bethany's reading cushion and now have about eight to make!!
All this lot came to less than £10 which I felt was pretty good going.

I've got to squeeze a lot of crafting into this week as the children are at home for half-term next week and I'll be entertaining them rather than me!! There might even be a bit more scouring of charity shops too ...


(Angie) Norththreads: said...

Oh, now your making me soooo envious that you knit too! I can crochet, but man thats gorgeous! Thanks for visiting!

Locket Pocket said...

What a relief not to have all that upheaval! I still don't believe that ripple crochet is easy! Lucy x

SadieandLance said...

oooo I love Crab Apples! My Grandma makes Crap Apple Jelly, it's delicious. I'm intrigued why you can't pick them? They usually just fall all over the ground and rot if they're not picked seems like a waste.