Monday, October 1, 2007

Quick game of tag

I didn't mean to post again today but Lucy's invitation to play my first game of tag could not be ignored!

So here goes:

7 honest things about myself:

1. I left school at 16 with 6 'O' levels and then trained for 6 years as a florist
2. I left work at 26 to do a BSc degree in Environmental Science - believe me when I say global warming is by no means a recent phenomenon. I used data from the 1960's during my degree in the 1990s! Stables and horses bolting come to mind :o(
3. I'm not by nature a rule breaker but a rebel lurks inside ...
4. I'm early for everything
5. I had one baby in Southampton and the other in Northampton - thank goodness there are no East or West Hamptons - are there?
6. I don't assert myself enough as I can't stand confrontation
7. DH is nearly 7 years younger than me - chronologically - but 20 years older mentally! and I've known my best friend longer than DH has been alive!!

These are the rules:
1. Link the person who has tagged you
2. Tell seven honest things about yourself
3. Tag seven new people
4. Leave a message with the person you have tagged so they know about it

and here are the 7 lucky people I am inviting to play tag with me:
Bethany - Red Yarn
Blissful artist - artisbliss
Raspberry - with those beautiful bags
Angie - norththreads
Julie - those little cotton rabbits
Mollycoddle - my inspiration to stick to a grocery budget ;o)
dizzydesigns - check out the amazing lampwork beads in her etsy shop


Bethany said...

Thanks for tagging me... I guess I didn't run fast enough!!!! We have so much in common except that I'm not a florist and I never did a BSc degree on global warming...for the rest, you'll have to read my blog!

dutchcomfort said...

Well Leslie, this is some nice way to meet you! You are so funny! Lovely facts!

(Angie) Norththreads: said...

AAhh, thank you so much for tagging me! Very interesting facts-escpecially the global warming comment.I will play just as soon as my house has the walls back on! Thanks for visiting!

turnedlight said...

Hi - I would love to play, I do need to find 7 contacts first! Thank you again for your kind comments.