Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Spooky doings while time stands still

How can it be that some days seem to have more hours than others? I seem to have packed lots into today and still have almost an hour until I have to fetch the naughty babies from school. Maybe it's Hallowe'en that's doing it ......

As we don't go trick or treating we've developed a few of our own traditions to make Hallowe'en fun for the Monster and Minx.
They like to dress up in suitably spooky outfits.

We have to hang something across the living room door. Usually I use tattered black plastic rubbish bags but this year decided it was too wasteful to buy them just for this. After a rifle through my stash I happened upon some gifted gold crushed velour - could have made myself some attractive slacks from it but never mind (JOKE!!). I've stuck a notice on 'Beware all ye who enter here'.

A smashingly spooky menu is required:
Bats Blood Soup - Heinz Cream of Tomato (3 for 2 at Co-op just now if you're interested!)
Dead fly bread with ants eggs - homemade bread with oregano and sesame seeds:

Bursting bloodshot eyeballs - cherry tomatoes.
Popping pupae slime with yeti ice - lime jelly with grapes and ice cream:

Ugly face cakes - self explanatory - green cake mix, yum yum!

Feeling hungry yet?
I've set the table, having stopped briefly to whizz up some ghostly placemats. I love how the purple fabric clashes with the walls!
After dinner by candlelight we have to turn off all the lights and play a great game for about half an hour that involves DH and I growling and creeping round in the dark frightening the living daylights out of the babies - n'ya ha ha ha haaaaaa.....

Sausage is well into the spirit of things and has been making good use of the How to Draw Cartoons book he got at the library yesterday. How do you like these guys he did last night using thumb prints? Aren't they fab? My favourite is the big red multi-eyed guy!
I know you're probably not at all interested in any of this but would rather know if I've managed to make something for the 50th post giveaway.
Well, yes I have - this is something else I got done today :o)
Here it is.....
A handy shopper/tote bag (!) that is made entirely from recycled fabrics - scrapstore on the outside and charity shop on the inside (and that's a good thing - not just me being scroogey). I'm not showing the lining as that's part of the surprise. I use one this sort of size as a knitting bag.
The bag will contain some more goodies, including a fab apron that I found at the Age Concern charity shop just this morning but I'm not going to let you see them - ha ha!
So don't forget to leave a comment on yesterday's post if you haven't already and if your name is drawn out of DH's best top hat on Friday afternoon they will be winging their way to you.


Locket Pocket said...

Hi Lesley - this is me being really clever by leaving you a comment and picking the children up from school at the same time! How cool is that???

Ok, so Jonathan is off today and he has gone for them instead. (so I can be here when MM opens shop - do you think he will guess?)

Your Halloween menu is brilliant - I am a bit of a Halloween humbug (coz I don't like it) but my friend Alison always has a great party so we are off there tonight - she has been using my stove again (her's broke) to make the soup so I got to taste-test it for her! Yummy!

Have lots of fun.

Lucy x

dottycookie said...

Oh I'm rubbish at Halloween food. We're having jacket potatoes :-)

But we do have a pumpkin with a candle in it, and I do expect some people to bang on the door later so not completely useless!

Ali said...

You look set for a great evening! Makes my sausage 'fingers' and grape 'eyeballs' look very lame.

Monkee Maker said...

Halloween looks fun in your house .... can I come next year?!

Bethany said...

You are so much fun! I wish I had these ideas before today so I could do them too! Maybe next year. I like your tote bag!!!

Gina said...

Love the Halloween menu Lesley. I used to do similar things when mine were little... spaghetti makes great "Dead man's veins" and we used to have lots of fun with spare ribs! But now they are grown up and just think I'm silly!!!