Monday, August 11, 2008

Twenty four hour holiday

We've been away on holiday!!

A couple of weeks ago we visited friends staying at Durdle Door campsite. Whilst there I booked a night for the Moog and family.

Yesterday morning - once Moogsdad finally got moving (!!) - we packed the tent and headed west.

Once pitched we walked along the coastal path to Lulworth...

...and spent a happy hour or so on the beach looking at boats, rocks and water...

...and some of the most amazing rock formations in the UK.

All rounded off with some downhill rolling....

....very yummy ice-cream....

....and photographing trees.

I love this garden. It is on the road down to the beach and the owners have hung their yew tree with buckets discarded on the beach.

They also have chickens :)

Fab :)

Once back at camp the Monster and I took the rickety old Moog on an evening walk on the cliffs.

Then it was back to the tent for a night of blissful sleep for the whole family...except for yours truly who turns into an insomniac every time we camp!!

This morning we struck camp and headed to Studland to utilise our National Trust membership in the South Beach Car Park.

Moogsdad was hungry so we went in search of a full English breakfast at Middle Beach and discovered some very well- preserved World War II pillboxes and gun-implacements on the way.

We took the Sandbanks chain ferry and journeyed home via the millionaires community of Sandbanks.

So now we're home, not necessarily well-rested physically but most certainly mentally relaxed.



Jennie said...

ooh hello and welcome home! Glad you had a great time! I love that tree with the buckets on. It all looks lovely! (did you save me an icecream?)

artisbliss said...

Wow, you covered a lot of territory in a short amount of time. My oldest son would loved to have seen the pillbox. He's a WWII history buff and knows the subject inside out. Glad you all had such a good time, and I know what you mean about insomnia. Mine happens not only while camping but any time I'm not in my own bed. Not very flexible, am I?

Locket Pocket said...

Dratted Google Reader! It hadn't uploaded your post so I've just sent you a long rambly email (nothing new there) full of questions that could have been answered if I'd read this first!

The weather looks like it was good and the scenery is beautiful - I'm not jealous at all. No, not one bit! I remember going to Sandbanks on a school outing when I was about 9 and being amused that I really did get sand in my sandwiches at Sandbanks. And I got one of those really huge lollies with a face on and white icing round the edge - very impressive!

It's good to have you back from your travels - just don't go away for so long next time okay???

Locket xxxxx

willywagtail said...

How lovely. I do like those round little hills. Cherrie

silverpebble said...

So fab to see pics of your little holiday. We stayed near Lulworth cove a couple of years ago and I spotted that quirky bucket tree too - it has significantly more buckets hanging from it now! Studland has to be one of the best sets of beaches in the country. Beautiful. My fave is Shell Beach - it really does have thousands of shells.

But what about the English breakfast? Did you find it? Fried bread?

Gina said...

That brought back many happy childhood memories of camping near Lulworth Cove. A beautiful part of the country.

wonderwoman said...

have not been to lulworth cove for years - we used to take the kids there all the time when they were younger - used to race up the big hill at durdle dor - bet i couldn't do that now! great pics, brought back a lot of memories- used to ride the horses at studland, only allowed during winter months tho! once as we were riding along, two nudists popped out behind a bush and ran into the sea - dont know who was more shocked them or us!

Angela said...

Glad you all had a great time. You must of needed a break after all your recent craftiness. The wardrobe revamp is brilliant, I think there are too many people who throw clothes away because of minor imperfections.
Love the bucket tree.

Unknown said...

that bucket tree is brilliant!
I am a wimp and can't camp, not even for a night, I am sure a great big earwig will get into my sleeping bag and eat me alive.
And as for insomnia - I never sleep when I am away from my own bed, and I take my own pillow on holiday with me as well. As I am writing this I realise I am actually a bit more than a bit weird.....

Unknown said...

I am SO jealous - we used go to Durdle Door every year when we were little!!!

Sunshine said...

I love your pics and your vacation. I *must* have a tree with sand pails all over them just like that! How cute is that? That tree actually looks happy to be decorated. :)

Thimbleanna said...

You've been camping in Heaven! Ooooohhhh, I SO want to camp there. What beautiful scenery!

Leanne said...

Thanks for taking us camping with you ...I love blog land I have so many wonderful adventures. Love the bucket tree hee hee

Bethany said...

Very fun... I love the tree of buckets!