Sunday, April 6, 2008

No lie in but worth it!

I was planning a nice lie-in this morning as Moogsdad was the only one who had to be up this morning - for a 10k road race!!!!

I was going to have a lazy morning.

Maybe blog yesterday's photos:

However, some very excited little people thundered into the bedroom just before 8 am, shouting IT'S SNOWING!!!!!!

Well.....they were last.......after waiting eagerly all Winter finally snowed (snew?) on April 6th!!!!!

Only about an inch of the stuff

but so much fun :)

The last time we made a snowman - albeit just 8 inches high! - Monster was one year old and Minx was still cooking :)

Needless to say, we made the most of it.
Four snowmen were made in total - two at 8 inches, one at 18 inches and a whopper at a majestic 2 foot!!!

All were equipped with stone eyes and carrot noses and photographed for future reference.

Monster also made another big snowball and asked if we could keep it in the freezer - which, of course, I said yes to!!

The daft old Moog didn't quite know what to make of the white stuff as it's been a while since she last saw any. She did a bit of standing and woofage but soon got bored and proceeded to steal and eat each carrot nose in turn - much to Miss Minx's absolute disgust.

Minx has a party to go to this afternoon - a ski-ing party of all things, on a dry ski slope.

One of the other Mum's has just phoned me to ask if I think they'll cancel it because of the snow.

Well, stranger things have happened.....

Off to do some shelf stacking and then I have a nice roast dinner to make :)

Have a lovely day - sun, rain, snow or all three!!


Locket Pocket said...

Oooooooh! That's REAL snow! I don't think it's fair though that we live in "the frozen north" and you are softy "Southerners" and yet you get more snow than us! (Ok, so I'm a softy Southerner by birth) - Our snow was pathetic.

Loving absolutely EVERYTHING in your shop - I want it all - but Mr Locket has very sensibly advised me not to go shopping just now as we really do need to be able to feed the children!!!

Good photos too by the way!

Locket xxx

Monkee Maker said...

Fab snow shots! You had more than we did, thank goodness. And then the lovely sun came out and melted it all away. Before the kids (who have only just roused from their pits) knew anything about it.



Kitty said...

I woke up to the white stuff this morning (that's snow, not any illegal substances). No smalls here though, just me and cat who took one look at it and 'said' "You must be bloody joking ... I'm not going out in that!"

Just off to check out your shelves.

(Gorgeous mosaic pictures by the way).


Louise said...

I can't believe we have had all this snow, I thought we may have got away with it this year. How much came down, there are some really deep drifts in our garden. Good you got out when you did, because it is quickly turning to slush! x

Kaz said...

Whoo to your snow and gorgeous gorgeous pictures. Glad to see the Moog had fun too. I just love those pink felt purses especially but all the others are great too.

I see your children like space hoppers on the trampoline too!

dottycookie said...

Oh you're so lucky with the snow! We have blown it big time with snow this year - when it snowed on easter Sunday our village was dumped on but we were in 'ampshire and missed it. Then today, two days after returnign from my mum's house, they got 3 inches and we got a light dusting. Pah.

And to add insult to injury I have to go back to work tomorrow.

Julie said...

Yep, me too, I'm with Lucy on all counts. Only a bit of sleet here in the Midlands today. Swizz! Huge snowballs on your trampoline!

Leanne said...

Wow snow - Tony was most excited watching the soccer on Fox this morning when it snows - I showed him your pictures he thought Lucy should have had quite a bit because the soccer was near her I never know where places are in England especially when he is talking soccer.