Friday, April 4, 2008

Handy ironing tips for bloggers...

Apart from crocheting a bit of my poor neglected ripple blanket and doing a little fabric applique onto card, it has not been a terribly creative morning in Moogsville!

Standing for over three hours last night as I worked my way through this mountain of crumpled nastiness may not have helped! My ironing would not stand up to M-i-L's scrutiny - I sort of 'showed' it the iron!!

My tips for 'happy' ironing have to include comfortable footwear (sexy slippers bought for me by Moogsdad - he knows me too well :) ) .....

Plenty of fluids....

and Michael Palin bumbling round the Himalayas.

That revolting pile of drudgery included 14....that's fourteen..... yes 10+4.....2x7.....20 minus 6.....1,000,000 take away 999,986....of Moogsdad's shirts!! Considering he promised to iron his own work shirts, way back when he was trying to keep me sweet, that's rather a lot I feel.

We need to redistribute the chores a bit when I start work - working up to broaching that particular subject!!!

Onto much more pleasant things ....

Postie brought me a lovely parcel today - cheers Postie :)

A beautiful knitted bag, for my birthday, from the very lovely and very clever Jane! Thank you so much Jane - I love it and it's my favourite colour too :)

Thought you might just like to see today's little bargain!

I need a diary for when I start work and of course, as it's not January, the choice is somewhat limited in the local shops. I managed to pick up this 'pretend Filofax' for £2.50!!

It was either this or a teeny tiny one that I would, quite frankly have struggled to write in - big writing/small page = illegible.

I've decided it's Retro/1980's and therefore highly fashionable :)

All I need now is the right clothes and maybe a new phone I'll be all set!!

I have two hours left before fetching the little baggages from school, taking the car for it's MOT, going to the library and......

......making the most of the warm day by taking them down to the 'beach' (I use that term very loosely!!) to eat fish'n'chips out of the paper for our tea :)

Have a happy weekend xxx


trash said...

happy weekend to you too Madam. I am home alone tonight and as they left CK asked if I wouldn't be too lonely? Hahahahahahaha begone foul pestilent husband and children - the house to myself for a whole day? Hahahahahahaha

Kaz said...

I am so glad I live alone looking at the size of your ironing pile!! I like the fact that you start on the wine early on in the day. It shows great dedication to the cause.

Enjoy your fish and chips.

Kaz said...

I've just reread your post and saw that you had the wine last night!! And are, in fact, not a boozey wench!! Forgive my bumblings!!

Louise said...

Did you get to make a hole in that ironing? x

Locket Pocket said...

Regarding Louise's comment above I have to say that the only hole I would ever make in a pile of ironing is by leaving the iron on too long while distracted by the wine and the telly! As you know, ironing clothes doesn't feature on my agenda so I am very impressed with you!

Lovely slippers by the way and lovely bag from Jane.

Can't wait to see your work clothes now!

Locket xxx

Kitty said...

Ooooh, look at you getting all businessy. Well done on that ironing mountain, I confess I have a 'lady' *blush* She doesn't do it all, but she does enough for there to be a 'large hill' rather than a mountain for me to tackle each week.

Fabulous sunshiney day here - I wish we were by the sea.


Monkee Maker said...

Cuh, that Kitty! I have "a lady who does" envy! I'm the lady who does in our house .... apart from I hardly ever do ....

Gorgeous knitted bag from Jane; horrible, horrible ironing pile; lovely lovely glass of white (but please don't ever sully it again by putting it next to an iron .... ugh - never the twain should meet ...)

Back in the day when RBD1 was a babe in arms, RGH borrowed a mobile phone from work, and it was WORSE than that one .... it came ATTACHED to a HUGE battery pack! And I thought I was so cool using it! Ain't technology grand ....


ps. Sorry about the SHOUTING ... wine has happened (although ironing DEFINITELY hasn't!)

Blossom said...

ahhhh I don't iron either..unless its fabric...ROFL!!!!!!
and no my children do not look like little ragamuffins......LOL

I buy stuff that doesn't NEED ironing......

Love the bag!!!

est said...

lol! you are very clever to have that 'fluid' with you to make you daze and probably to blur you with all the shirts counting when you bulldozed those piles from mountain of hell!!! HAHAHAHAHA oh lesley you really make my day!!xo

Anonymous said...

Ironing? Hate's all in the washing and folding whilst drying...smoothing it out and pegging it as close to it's 'wearing shape' as you can...and contract out the business shirts...Safeway (sorryy, Morrisons) do shirts at £5 for 5, take them in dirty and screwed up, and they come back clean, neatly hangered and dressed in a plastic bag (we take the hangers back for the next lots because otherwise they are like carrier bags and breed when you aren't looking! well worth the walk down there and the fiver! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Ironing? Hate's all in the washing and folding whilst drying...smoothing it out and pegging it as close to it's 'wearing shape' as you can...and contract out the business shirts...Safeway (sorryy, Morrisons) do shirts at £5 for 5, take them in dirty and screwed up, and they come back clean, neatly hangered and dressed in a plastic bag (we take the hangers back for the next lots because otherwise they are like carrier bags and breed when you aren't looking! well worth the walk down there and the fiver!) Good luck! Fran x

Anonymous said...

Oh look, that went in twice, once with the mistakes and then again once corrected! How did that happen....Sorry, Fran

Gina said...

Ironing... let them wear it creased I say! Well done for tackling the ironing - the wine helps! Lovely bag from Jane. Isn't it nice when birthdays last for days! Happy weekend.
Gina xxx

Jennie said...

*gasp* blogger lost my comment!! How could it! *sniff*
I usually iron on a Sunday evening but there has to be something on the tv as it is a tedious task otherwise.
I am still agog at Kitty's lady. :O
I love the bag, it's a gorgeous colour.
Nothing better than fish and chips out of the paper!!
(Apologies if this is repeated, silly blog technicalities)

Aussie Jo said...

Very cute bag. I have to share my ironing strategy too, hang up or fold straight off the line and iron later if needed. Husband, daughter 1 and son 1 iron their own. I just do son 2 and daughter 2 and mine if needed. Mostly all stretchy things that don't need ironing.

Totty Teabag said...

Apart from crocheting a bit of my poor neglected ripple blanket..

I read that as nipple blanket. But then I have been ironing with extra fluid on the side.