Thursday, April 24, 2008

Missing you ...

Well, here we are, almost at the end of my first week in my new job. Apart from a tiny lurk, I've been somewhat absent from blogland this week as I've been a wee bit wiped out each evening.

The good news is that, after a couple of little admin issues, work is turning out to be great and the people I have met so far are really lovely. I had my first visit to a school today to see the education programme in action and it's going to be so much fun - the kids were fab and so switched on to environmental issues :)

We've had meetings every day and there's a lot to take on board and plenty to learn but I'm sure I'll soon get into the new 'normal' and find the time for the creative things I enjoy and, most importantly, blogging!

Whilst I've been at work (or collapsed on the sofa) my veg seeds have been bursting into life.

I bought some 'sprouting seeds' and these ones are sprouted red cabbage seeds - they taste just like mustard and cress seeds but look really pretty sprinkled on salad. They're growing in a tray of damp tissue on the kitchen windowsill.

These are tiny baby basil plants :)

.....and the rocket seeds are rocketing away!!

I had a second - and this time successful - attempt at making mayonnaise using these fab instructions from Mrs Marmaladekiss. Thanks for sharing the recipe and great instructions Julia - the whisk did the trick!!!!

I tried to use my handblender to make it first time around and it failed dismally. This time I used my electric whisk and it worked like a dream.

I used some to make homemade coleslaw - yummmmmm.

I've used a bit more tonight to make Marie Rose sauce to have with some fish for tea.

I haven't managed to get round to making the meringues yet though!

Being out at work has meant I wasn't here to receive a lovely parcel of fabric that I'd ordered from Monda's shop. Tonight we whizzed down to the local sorting office to pick it up.

You really must go to Monda's shop if you haven't already been.

My gorgeous new felted wool blanket pieces :)

Monda also put this fabulous bundle of goodies in the parcel as a lovely surprise!! Thank you so much Monda - I don't how I'll ever dare to cut into it!

Before I go I feel the need to say something.

Just what's up, huh?

I go back to work and miss a bit of blogging and like the whole world updates their blogs like every day and sometimes more and I now have like twelve billion blogs to read!!!

Slow down people.

Chill a bit and take it easy.

I have catching up to do, ok?!!!!

.....going to get my fix now :)


p.s. I did do a little crafty something this week but can't show you as it would spoil the surprise for someone who has a birthday on Saturday - don't tell her I told you so!!!!


Bethany said...

I miss you too! Funny how I never SEE you but I just know you're not there. I'm so happy that work is going well for you! I bet they love you there! And your new blanket pieces are gorgeous!! I also had to laugh that I picked up ingredients today to make cole slaw... it must be the time of year! I haven't planted any seeds yet, so i guess I better get busy! And I'm trying to slow down with blogging too. Daily is really too much!

JuliaB said...

Oh I'm so glad you got your work "admin" sorted out! And glad too that the mayo worked (phew!!). And thanks very much for the link, I have already had a referral! Hope you are not toooo tired by the end of tomorrow.

dottycookie said...

Slow down? SLOW DOWN? If I post any less frequently people will start to think I no longer have a blog.

And anyway, now you know how I feel ;-P Sorry the work's been taking it out of you, but glad you're havng a good time.

Homemade mayo - yum I thought Julia's recipe looked good though I have to admit the raw egg factor has always squicked me out a bit. Maybe if I keep it away from the kids, bwahahahaha!

Louise said...

I noticed those sprouting seeds in the seed catalogues and was tempted, I may get some now I have seen yours. Maybe nice in an egg sandwich with some of that lovely mayonnaise, and homemade coleslaw really is one of my favourites, I could eat that whole bowlful. I know what you mean about the blogs, I don't post every day now as I am already spending too much time reading and commenting, have you seen the length of my list! I will send this comment, even though the probability is that you are slumped over your keyboard, fast asleep! x

Monkee Maker said...

Oooh, fabby parcels, that Monda sure packs a great parcel!

Glad to hear that your work is going well, but blimey, blogland is very quiet without you!


ps. Your coleslaw looks de-lish! My mum makes homemade and I just love it. Especially when she adds sultanas. Or is it raisins? I don't know, but it's one of those fruity things .... well ... quite a few of those fruity things ...

Julie said...

Hmmm! Meringue and fish! Very tasty! lol
Good to see you tonight. And there was me about to go off and put some more photos up tonight!
Lesley? Lesley? Lesley!! Wake up! It's bedtime!

trash said...

Well, hello Missus! Am dead impressed you can fit any sort of bloglife into your new 'grown-up' life.

Errr.. if that blanket/felty stuff is seeming to difficult to cut then please know we wil accept it at Trash Towers. NOt that we would cut it but we are in all day and so could provide it with the requisite stroking!

Ali said...

Arrrgh - the elusive work/craft/blog balance. How in the heck do the full timers do it???

Perhaps we just need more practice. Your fellow in knackerdness x

Thimbleanna said...

Ahem Lesley! Welcome to my world. Working and blogs gone wild. I've tried the appeal to tell everyone to slow down, but it just doesn't work. Have fun catching up -- you'll eventually find the balance!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your rocket looks like that because ours does too, and i thought maybe it was just weeds!! Hope you find time to 'craft' soon and work doesn't make you too tired.x

Locket Pocket said...

Lovely seedlings - stop making me feel so bad! At least I got my seeds sown last night!

And your goodies from Monda are fabby!

Still wish my imaginary friend hadn't gone and got herself a stupid job!

Little House By The Sea said...

The fabrics look lovely, I wouldnt be able to cut into them either.


Gina said...

Starting a new job and making homemade mayonnaise all in the same week... who is it who has to slow down???
Really pleased the job is working out but we miss you!
Gina x

artisbliss said...

Glad everything is going well at work, but I sure miss you in blogland.

Kaz said...

I'm glad your job is turning out to be great and you enjoy it.

I haven't blogged much at all either so you've missed nothing from me!!

Here's to a lovely weekend off - enjoy xx

Twiggy said...

glad your job is going well, clever lady making your own mayo. I'm going to look at mondas shop right how :)

Unknown said...

I always wish I could grow to like mayo, but I hate it - it's yuk! It's there with anchovies and olives on my list of yukkiness. Oh, and aubergine too - that's just slugs, I am sure it is. I am, however, very jealous of the rocket...I could eat rocket (and cress and most green leafy things) all day long. Maybe I was a rabbit in a past life?

Ooh, work. I don't really remember what that is like, it's been 9 years since I had a real job. I think I'd have a nervous breakdown if I had to go back - it's bad enough now, hubby is always telling me I don't have any REAL deadlines, there will be no disaster if that piece of sewing isn't finished. ha ha ha. Fool, What does he know, eh?!

Blossom said...

lovely to hear from you.
sounds like work is going along well..........YAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

You have been a busy bee!!!

aussie hugs

Leanne said...

Blogland is quiet without you.
Glad to hear the job is working out well... the tiredness will pass once you get into a routine.

est said...

don't worry lesley. we'll miss you even though you don't blog regular BUT you better do!! lol :)

Jodie said...

I am so glad that you survived the first week.
We all promise not to do anything any exciting until you catch up.

Lina said...

Glad work is going well for you - hope you manage to keep up with the craftiness now that you have a job and chickens to add to the mix!