Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Unspectacularly quirky

In lieu of doing anything crafty I have been spending my evenings whittling away at the gazillion posts waiting to be read in Google Reader.

During my bloggy catch up I've been tagged.

Lina has tagged me for Six Unspectacular Quirks about me and the rules are:

* Link the person who tagged you*
Mention the rules in your blog*
Tell about six unspectacular quirks of yours*
Tag a new set of six following bloggers by linking them

Here goes then....

- I really need to read myself to sleep at night. Just a sentence or two will do.....or like last night 40+ pages!

- I can't stand mess - which is odd, as I'm not in the least bit tidy.

- As I get older I find I can only sleep properly in my own bed - hence this week, after 7 nights' camping I am majorly sleep deprived.

- I can't start the day without a cup of tea in bed - preferably not made by me!

- I can't bear the smell of hair. Clean hair fine but not washed for a few days hair.......ick, just can't do it. May hark back to sharing a house with someone at Uni who only washed her (naturally blond and curly) long hair once a fortnight or so to stop it being 'frizzy' - 'cos, like greasy, stinky, and plastered to your head hair is such a good look!!

There you go then - not hugely quirky but most definately unspectacular!

Go on, pick the tag up guys - I'm far too lazy to pass it on as I still have all your posts to read....tell me your most unspectacular quirks :)

We haven't had one of these for a while.....


edited to say:

HAH! It would seem that I also cannot count and only posted five quirks! Righty-oh pressure....a sixth quirk......

- I love having my hair played with and will happily sit for hours while Minx (who has been specially trained) fiddles with my hair.......seems I have a hair thing going on!!!

Going now.....


Bethany said...

I think I need to post that sign in our bathroom! Craig brings up my coffee in the morning! I also hate messes but I really seem to be the messiest person around here (don't tell the kids that!). I don't know if I want the world to know anything more quirky about me! I hate toes... how's that?!

Jennie said...

Oooh I'm the same with the hair fiddling thing! Our poor children!
I have long curly naturally blonde hair and no I don't leave my hair for a fortnight before washing it.
Apparently I used to fall asleep when having my hair cut when I was little so I think I just find it relaxing...

trash said...

We call that'coopy head', as in chicken coop. Even as a child I hated that smell. I hav eto confess that no regardless of how much I wash their hair my two have been known to suffer from coopy head :-( cuddles are limited then.

trash said...

WOW! Could that have had my typos, do you think?

Locket Pocket said...

I really need my cup of tea in bed in the morning and fortunately Mr Locket is very kind! Can't say I can agree with you on the hair fiddling thing though - think that would drive me completely bonkers! (ok, so I'm already there but hair fiddling would definitely make me MUCH worse!)

Me xxx

Locket Pocket said...

P.S. I don't need to tell you any of my quirks as I think you know about most of them already and I don't want to tell the rest of blogland because I think they are under the delusion that I am relatively normal!

Me x (again) x

Julie said...

I'm with you over the fusty-hair-smell-thing but no, I don't like my hair being fiddled with - mind you, you'd have a job at the minute, it's barely long enough to wind round a finger. Oh, and the tea thing....don't speak to me before I've had my morning cuppa, but I have to get my own :( Hubby either gets up too early or is snoring in oblivion!

Munkeh said...

Lets see - Hair - ICK - specially when its someone elses. Say at work you have to sit at someone elses desk and you go to get a pencil from the desk drawer and there are all kinds of pieces of hair in the drawer from the person who usually sits there - YUKKY!!!
I hate the sound of someone drinking - the glug, glug sound - eeeew! (don't know why that is)
Those are two biggies for me!

Unknown said...

Yuck - 2 weeks - ick ....

Lina said...

Thanks for playing! I tried growing dreadlocks at Uni which meant "washing" my hair with hot water - no shampoo. Needless to say, I could not bear it for long, my hair is so fine I wash it EVERY day, such pain!

Ally Jay said...

I long for my day to start with a cup of tea in bed but have been told that in order for that to happen I would need to stop springing up before 6. Enjoy your tea.

JuliaB said...

I have the hair fiddling quirk too! Hope you had a good camping time despite the sleep depravation. x

Thimbleanna said...

No, you're spectacularly quirky!!! That dirty hair person must have been hard to live with LOL! Hey, you're on google reader -- could you do me a favor and let me know how you made it to my last post that you commented on? Did you randomly end up there, or did it show up in your google reader? I thought my feed notification was still broken from my site (it doesn't seem to be working with blogines) -- is it working for google reader?

Gina said...

I'm with you all the way on a cup of tea before getting up (which of course means you can't possibly make it yourself), the clean hair thing, and the mess although I am notoriously untidy. Was going to tidy my workroom tonight but look what I'm doing instead!

est said...

all that's are quirky enough!! lol :)

Jane said...

Ah no I can't stand having my hair fiddled with. I have taken up the challenge of your tag but i've never managed tea in bed so end up getting it myself - defeats the object. Jane x

Charlie P said...

Hmmmm, interesting...veeeery interesting. Can definitely undstand the dislike of greasy hair (greasy, dirty skin is almost as bad :s)
My quirkiest quirk is a phobia that other people will be sick in my presence. Public transport and drunks are not my friends!

Oh...and can't bear to eat in restaurants with fish tanks. Is that really, really odd?