Friday, June 20, 2008

I must be coming down with something..... I decided to spend most of my day off (today) spring cleaning the living room!

I know!!!

What on earth has got into me?

I sorted out our groaning bookshelves and have sorted two carrier bags of books to go to the charity shop and four crates of books to go up into the loft. I even cleaned behind and under all the furniture!!!!

I had an ulterior motive of course - I needed to find somewhere to put all my lovely craft books. Moogsdad and I share a bit of a book buying habit and over the years have amassed a rather eclectic collection to say the least!

If you want a book on the history of Wales or England or Scotland or India or Russia.....or want to learn how to speak Japanese, French, Spanish or German.....or want to brush up on particle physics or Bridge or hillwalking or windsurfing...or Celtic Art ...or even knot tying.......or maybe you're a nature lover and yearn to discover more about trees, wildflowers, birds, hedgehogs or bats....or maybe just fancy a bit of chick lit or fantasy fiction...or even a few classics.........or want to delve into the human psyche or the building regulations of the UK........or have a desire to learn how to cope with sulky people...then we can probably furnish you with an appropriate text!!

Having looked at the spines of many of these books for the past 10 years but never having actually read them I took drastic action and packaged them up and hoiked them up to the loft.

I now have some rather gorgeous shelves of rather gorgeous craft books to peruse at my leisure........once I've finished the Harry Potters of course!

Harry Potter update - now onto page one hundred and something of book 6 (Half Blood Prince) and have borrowed the Deathly Hallows from the library.

My blogland absence this week has been entirely due to my current fixation with HP.

I may rewatch the movies this weekend!! may be under the impression that this was once a craft blog, right?

Ok then.

I give in.

I've taken the sewing machine out of mothballs.

Today (after the 'big clean') I made a present for Minx's friend who is having a very girly birthday party tomorrow at a local beauty salon - she's 7!!

A bag...

...with a matching purse.

I also finished off this purse for my shop and have a few others in the pipeline.

I loved making this as I got the wool fabric from Monda's etsy shop and Syko sent me the gorgeous floral fabric with her fab mini-quilt. It was so good to make something with such lovely reminders of two of my favourite bloggers.

I am now going to take my leave and play catch up with your blog posts....I may be some time......

Hope you have a relaxing weekend.


p.s. blackbirds still with us and very busy collecting yummy grubs and chicken accomodation coming on nicely.


Lucykate Crafts... said...

we have lots of books in the sitting room too, i'm always suspicious of people who don't to be honest, i makes me wonder, where are all the books kept, and if they don't have any, why not?

i look forward to the day that our oldest gets into harry potter, she's heading that way slowly but surely!

Kaz said...

Oh I love the bag and the purses, I so want to be Minx's friend when it's my birthday next!!

I also have a load of books that have never been read, not as many or as varied as you though and I am in awe that you have sorted them!

Enjoy your hopping!!


jo said...

We have two large bookcases full of books and bag fulls up the loft. It all needs a sort out like you. Love thata green purse with the flower on.

Locket Pocket said...

We have rooms hiding behind our bookcases and actual books hiding behind all the extra "stuff" that gets piled up on top of and around them on said bookcases. But like Kaz, I don't think we can claim the same variety as you! And like LKC, I am also surprised and rather puzzled by seemingly book-less homes - just weird!

Love your sew-age from today - very impressive, especially with all that uncharacteristic tidying that you have been indulging in - you are such a hedonist aren't you?!!!!

monda-loves said...

ahhh how lovely to know that I am one of your fave bloggers. I am all smiley now.

I loved all the Harry Potter books too, you can just get so wrapped up in them and before you know it you've lost hours. Your blogging absence is totally justified if you ask me, although I'm totally loving that little green purse, so much so that I have just bought it! Woohoo!

Have a nice weekend :o)


trash said...

Hallo there. You look a little like an old friend of mine, she used to be here a lot but seems to have been off doing other stuff recently. If she does stop by while you are there would you say hello for me :-)

French Knots said...

Crikey - be careful too much tidying and cleaning is very bad for you!
Love the bag and purses, sunshine colours.

Kitty said...

Books: we have zillions, and some I just can't bear to part with. People are either book people or they're not (in my experience) and somehow they have to all be 'housed'. Well done on your sort out.

That bag and purse are gorgeous, I'm sure Minx's friend will love them. (I still haven't tackled the bag project *blush* )

Hope you and yours have a brilliant weekend. x

Bethany said...

Very cute bags!!! They will love them! Summer seems like the perfect time to get lost in a novel! I missed you while I was gone!

Charlie P said...

NO! DON'T WATCH THE MOVIES! They'll contaminate your imagination and after watching Prisoner of Azkaban you will never be able to see Lupin in the same light ever again...really, I wouldn't have let that be-moustached, be-cardiganed, 'come into my office and have a look at my grindylow- I'll give you chocolate' -saying bloke anywhere near my children... werewolf or not!

Beautiful matching bag and purse set by the way :)

Charlie P said...

p.s. not that I have any children...I meant hypothetical ones of course...honestly ;)

Gina said...

Super bag and purses (as always) Very impressed by all the clearing out... fancy coming to my house to do some? I'm sure I've got book titles to rival those!

Julie said...

I can excuse you the cleaning as it resulted in book space for beautiful books LOL! We too have books in every room except the wierd is that? A fella who doesn't read in the smallest room?

Beautiful bag and purse you've made there :)