Thursday, June 12, 2008

I'm so 'on trend' - even if I do get there later than everyone else!

....but first I must show you this week's crafty doings.

You may recall I posted about this fab yarn last Friday. It came with a free pattern for a cute little purse and has proved to be the perfect little project to satisfy my crafty urges this week.

This yarn is quite hard work and it really made my thumb ache to crochet with it!!

The finished result was worth the pain and I now have a lovely little purse to carry a few essentials.

I couldn't bear to waste any of the yarn so I decided to make a crocheted flower. As this turned out somewhat rigid I added a hanging thread and it's now hanging in my window. I also adapted the purse pattern to make a cute little pouch for my MP3 player.

Now then - let it not be said that I don't keep up with the trends. It's just that sometimes - most of the time - I keep up with them a bit later than everyone else!

Mostly 'cos I'm utterly contrary and don't like being told what I must or most not do/like etc.

This little series of books came out that everyone was raving about. Hah - some people even camped outside bookshops to get hold of them! Some have even been made into films!

I've seen all the films several times and have enjoyed them all. I even borrowed and read the first two books some time ago before giving up a short way into the third.

However, with two children who are becoming gradually more confident in their reading I decided, with the help of four bargain charity shop purchases, to start to collect the series.

I bought two others from Mr Amazon himself and now have just the final book to buy.

I'm holding out for either another charity shop find or the imminent paperback release before I complete the collection.

So, in between working, crocheting and finishing up some swap goodies to be posted tomorrow - this week I are mostly been readin' 'Arry Potter (imagine Jesse's voice here if you will :) ).

Progress so far is good - verging on the obsessive - if you count reading outside the school gates, whilst boiling the kettle, whilst drying my hair and whilst bathing the Minx.

As a result I've almost finished book three - and so far the best - The Prisoner of Azkaban.

After this one it's on to the big boys and they may take a bit more reading......just as well really as Deathly Hallows isn't out in paperback until 5th July!!!

I'm in celebratory mood tonight as I have tomorrow off!!!

My first proper day off all to myself since I started work 7 weeks ago! (Weekends and school holiday not included as I get even less time to myself at such times!)

Mwah ha ha ha haaaaa - it's mine all mine I tell you!!!!

After a quick whizz to the post office and the hairdresser tomorrow morning I will do loads of housework, cooking and laundry curl up on the sofa with my books and a cuppa :)

Going reading may have to be neglected as I only have 80 pages to go........



trash said...

See you when you surface!

Charlie P said...

I'm incredibly impressed you managed to hold off Potter for so long! ...and am secretly quite jealous that you are getting to read them for the first time. It's not the same once you know how it ends.
Tempting as it is, I will not do to you what my father did to me and tell you who dies before you read each book.

Brilliant hundreds and thousands crochet by the way!

Dyan said...

Hi there, just wanted to say hello toady. Your knit purses are so cute, ironically I'm making a few for my shop, but mine are a little different. It took me awhile to catch on to the books - I like to take things at my own pace too. Book 2 is my favourite followed by Book 4. Happy reading.
P.S. Would you believe that I finished up your toadstools yesterday and was all set to take some pictures when I realized that Hubbykins had taken off with my camera? Ah well, what to do, what to do.

Locket Pocket said...

Gee, I never had you done for a slow starter!!!!!

Hee hee!

Seriously love all that tasty crochet!

Locket xxx

Kitty said...

No.1 has read each of the books at least 3 times. She is a Harry Potter afficianado: could do very well on Mastermind. We have the game 'Harry Potter Scene It' only the rest of us can't be ar$ed to play with her any more as she wipes the floor with us. And we're bad losers.

Hope you really, really, really enjoy tomorrow.


Gina said...

I started reading the first Harry Potter to Joe when it came out. By the time I was half way through the second he decided he was too big to be read to at bedtime (are you ever too big?) so I haven't read them since. So I'm way behind you! Very pretty crochet.
Enjoy your day to yourself.
Gina x

JuliaB said...

oooh! have a nice day off!

dottycookie said...

A day to yourself? I think I've had about 3 of those since the kids were born. Not that I'm jealous or anything ;-)

That wool is very pretty - did you see the free bowl pattern they had too?

Thimbleanna said...

Isn't it funny -- you've seen the movies, you know what will happen, and you're still reading. Says something about those wonderful books, no? I've always wondered why people didn't like them!

Julie said...

I must admit to having read all the HP books but I could easily read them again. Have fun!

The crochet is lovely.

marit said...

I didn't buy the books when they first came out, deciding that I didn't want to read what everyone was reading! But then I got a good bargain on the first four...and was hooked...I read all seven again in April/May, when I should have been preparing for the confirmation...oh well, he did get to the ceremony- and we even had a party afterwards-LOL!
Have fun reading, and enjoy your day off! Days like that are precious:-)

est said...

yay for the off day!!! love the little bags! they look like sesame beads :)

artisbliss said...

The Harry Potter books are absolutely addictive page turners. I couldn't put them down! Extremely well-written, I think.

Claudia said...

I love the HP series! I discovered them soon after Book 4 was published and I was one of those camping outside the bookstores waiting for 5, 6 and 7! My favorite is Book 5, angsty but really good. Have fun reading them!

Anonymous said...

I've got some Miro...I actually won it by texting my address to Simply Knitting Mag and I've won 10 balls in mainly white with black...and 20 balls of different (softer) knitting cotton 10 in red and 10 in variegated reds pinks and terracottas....I thought the Miro might make a good bathroom mat if crocheted on a large-ish hook.... I am studiously avoiding HP, they were reading the most recent one as a book group choice and my daughter (21!) said there was absolutely NO point in only reading that one, I should start at the beginning or not bother...I only had 3 weeks and a huge family and a full time 24 hour rotational shift job....I've chosen not to bother, I'm reading something else instead!!! Fran x

Jane said...

Lovely purse and crochet, I love HP and have read all the books as have Al and Em. Tony hasn't got any further than book three. Jane x

Twiggy said...

I'm whispering this - I haven't read any Harry Potter or seen any of the films - don't chase me out of the village will you :)I might get into them when Twiglet is older at the moment, it's Thomas, Thomas and a bit of Miffy!!(the Miffy is for my benefit really) Love your crochet, I can still only do chains but that's probably cos I haven't practiced since January - oops
Twiggy x

silverpebble said...

Lovely tiny sweetie - style crochet. That flower is very pretty.

I'm a total Harry Potter virgin, apart from one of the films. Don't know whether to try or not - might pass the time while feeding tiny Miss P2.

wonderwoman said...

hi there, we have not met before - trashcan got me started on this! just had to say your purse and flower were gorgeous - also welcome to the HP club! my daughter and i did the waiting outside the shop at midnight thing! (twice) - with the last book we got home at 1.30 am and got up again at 6 and started reading - she finished an hour before me - i did have to cook and stuff - i finished at 9 - what a day - hubby pleased as he could watch sport all afternoon! have read the book once more since then!

Louise said...

I really like your latest knits, that yarn is fantastic. Now you mention the hundreds and thousands they remind me of those Fab lollies you could get when we were kids. I think I am the only person on this planet who hasn't seen a HP film, or read a HP book! x

Michaela said...

I am a Harry Potter geek! I have all of the books, on audio-cassette as well as in print, and often listen to them while cooking away in the kitchen. I've also got all of the films, which together with a mini-dvd player, often while away a few hours while waiting for a cake to bake!

My favourite one is number 3.

Have you seen Charmed Knits - the Harry Potter tribute knitting book? It's great!

God, I'm so sad.

sukigirl said...

You have something in common with my 24 year old male athlete son..he is also between books 4 and 5 but he isn't gardening, LOL... he is running races.
Not sure how close that is to your life.....
Shows how well written those books are!
I'm off to find the toadstools that dyan mentioned in her post!