Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Monkees can't navigate but at least Cedric saved the day!

I should have known yesterday that Ruby's mission to rescue 007 would not go according to plan!

As predicted she did end up on the Isle of Wight - in the very picturesque village of Godshill, as it happens.

After asking a policeman they found their way back to the mainland and, eventually, onto the M4 - albeit the wrong bit of the M4 and, scarily, in the opposite direction to the rest of the traffic!!!

After causing several near misses, and a possible trucker's heart attack, Ruby and PG1 were finally headed the right way - due west.

They made it as far as the M5 interchange at Bristol.

They were nearly there.

Somehow something went slightly wrong with Ruby's satnav (PG1 as he's known to his friends. A monkee of very little brain who can't read a map for toffee - especially when going at speed in an open top armoured personnel vehicle).

I have a feeling they may have turned right instead of left.

Next stop Liverpool.

Another look at the map (later found to be upside down) got them back on the road......

.......headed due Scotland.

Ruby was getting very tired by this point - she had, after all, been driving a heavily laden vehicle for several frustrating hours.

Therefore, she may not have been listening properly when PG1 said 'We need to come off at the third exit.'

She thought he said first - oops!

By this time they knew they were well and truly lost.....

.......and more than a little bit awfully big bit scared too!

Do polar bears eat monkees made of knit?

Ruby wasn't waiting around to find out and stuck the pedal to the metal baby - they were out of here!!

Unbelievably the saga doesn't stop there!

She drove so fast.....hitting mach 3.....and of course missed every turn off to Brizzle.....ending up somewhere rather lovely and romantic as it happens :)

This seemed a good time for a rest. Ruby and PG1 were incommunicado for several hours en France.....?????

Satellite links were restored early this morning, by which time 007 was already safe and sound, cooling his achey bits, after a dramatic rescue by everybody's favourite superhero Cedric Splatt!!

It's so fantastic that 007 is back, safe and sound - if a little bruised and high-pitched..... although, the perps are still very much at large!!

Ruby is still trying to find her way home......

......having just realised the cause of the navigational difficulties.....PG1 has been pointing left the whole time......which doesn't exactly explain that right turn that got them to the home of the Beetles.....stick with me folks......we're nearly there....

A quick stop in paradise....

.....and some amphibious exploration......

....... last I heard they were once more heading north and may be home sometime tomorrow.....


Jane said...

laughter! Jane x

trash said...

That toffee-brained sat nav. Ruby wants to complain to Q. Or at least ask for her money back at the shop!

Locket Pocket said...





and a few ha ha ha ha ha's thrown in too!

That was very funny Mrs Moogsmum - still laughing actually! Hope Ruby makes it home sometime soon!

Lucy xxx

artisbliss said...

Well, at least they've taken advantage of the scenic route.

Kaz said...

That is soo funny!! Poor Ruby, she should know never to let a man navigate as he won't ask for directions. Still they had a good whirlwind world trip. They've been to more places than me.


dottycookie said...

Snort! Someone's been having fun with Photoshop ;-)

quiltdude said...

OMG I think I need to lie down now, far to fast paced for me, where does Ruby get her energy from? and can she bottle it and send me some.

Julie said...

Giggling well here! Thanks for the laugh. I hope Ruby gets home safely.

Well done you for a great post - so much effort! :)

Monkee Maker said...

Hells bells and little fishes, those little monkeys covered A LOT of miles in 24 hours!!

Fair play to them - and it was lovely having a whistle-stop world tour thrown in.


ps. Brilliant photo editing skills there, Mrs M., I particularly liked the travelling down the motorway the wrong way one .... it reminded me of an old movie .... or RGH's dad's driving ... ;)

Monkee Maker said...

ps. I meant to ask .... what's that little rating thingy? I gave it top marks anyway.

pps. There is a rating thingy there isn't there - it's not just in my overactive imagination, is it??

marit said...

I wonder if it was Ruby I saw on that soccergame tonight...she was certainly in a hurry...LOL!

trash said...

giggle, giggle. Babyman's only question on viewing the saga of 'Ruby and the Sat-Nav' was ' how 'did Missus Moogsmum take pictures of them underwater?' teehee!!

Bethany said...

Oh my gosh, I am rolling with laughter!!!! I was wondering what happened to poor Ruby. No wonder she didn't show up at the scene! I have my money on green shoes even though she took no responsibility in the matter. You British really don't know how to drive right, do you?!!! (going the wrong way! phew!)

Gina said...

What an amazing trip (how many hours did that take!!?... the photo editing not the trip!)
Very funny post and so pleased Cedric is making himself useful.

Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

such fun!!!

Simone said...

That is soooo funny and very clever too!

Twiggy said...

Ooooo I love reading about racy Ruby and her exploits, I just made Mr Twigs come and take a look and he thinks she is v.entertaining too :)
Twiggy x

Louise said...

Ruby headed due South then! I would have stayed in Godshill, it is lovely there. We had the best coffee walnut gateau in one of the teashops a few years back. x

Michaela said...

You're just as mad as Mad Mrs Monkee Maker aren't you? Hilarious post, well done you!

Jennie said...

LOL fabulous!! love it!

Leanne said...

Wow what an adventure. That is one amazing jeep.