This is a very quick post (yeah, right!!) to update you on the fabric painted Westie disaster. The first one was beyond rescueing so here is Westie MkII:
The damp patches on the fabric are where I had to scrub away a couple of bits if white fabric paint that occurred when I dropped my stupid paint brush!!
Here's a tip - don't leave your freshly redone fabric painted nightmare on the dining table. It will attract spots of homemade tomato soup from a small boy's dinner.
It is now damp again having had said tomato soup hurriedly scrubbed off.
I have a feeling I may need to do some 'freehand' embroidery on the background!
I had a lovely surprise in the postbox today - not that I was in the post box - but this was:
A lovely pink carnation from the blogger with the bestest name ever to aid recognition when I meet up with her and Mrs Locket and Mrs Locket's big scary sister at the Country Living Fair.
I'm so relieved I have my beautiful carnation and don't need to send her a photo as I'm not photogenic and don't have many photos of me that pass muster.
Mind you, my latest photo is actually not bad.
In fact, it's a really good likeness!!!
Photo shamelessly stolen from
Would recognise you anywhere!
Westie mark II is looking good despite attempts to sabotage with blobs of paint and tomato soup.
Gina xxx
Your westie looks wonderful, well done.
That's just how I imagined you!!! (and to think you reckon Ally is scary...............!)
The Westie is fab - even with added sprinkles - and the mouth perfect!
Good work Mrs M!
Good job I haven't got my own blog space coz you would really be scared if I posted a picture of me!
Can't wait to meet you now - will you have your teeth in?
Love your new bestest big sister.
Ally x
PS won't need the carnation now you are one in a million but it will gow well with your outfit.
I agree. Good job on Westie II. I'm sure Gina will know you straightaway! You'll know Gina cos she hasn't changed much! ;)
Put your teeth back in and you will feel ever so much better!
Westie II is lovely!
Westie the 2nd looks very nice in spite of everything. And a lovely carnation without the requirement of self-revelation--can't beat that.
You know leslie, we could almost past for twins - the resemblance is striking but I just don't have your ability to accessorise....sigh......
Well done on the second Westie - are you happier with this one? They both looked good to me.
You've got a slightly 'Les Dawson' thing going on there if you don't mind me saying. Do you play the piano?
Take care. x
Good save. I've had a few disasters sewing lately - usually to do with me sewing late into the night being too tired to think straight. Take for instance the birthday bunting which said "happy birtday". I seriously thought of not fixing it - my kids are pre spelling age! But I couldn't let it go.
Good save there, MM, and thanks for putting up the stunning picture of you. Have you had a little work done to achieve those supermodel looks?
Beautiful carnation from Gina
Love your photo - is that you getting all pumped up at the thought of your 14th March date?
Oh your so...welll...interesting!!!He He
Love the westie...much better than road kill but it was kind of funny!!!!
Hee hee... your Westie is great! And I forgot to tell you that those flowers in the next post are so beautiful! I needed that on a day like this!
Wow you sure are one helluva beauty Lesley!! tomato soup, small boy and fabric eh?? Almost as bad a combination as Kaz, any dinner/cuppa tea and clean white t-shirt!!
Love the westie!
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