Monday, January 28, 2008

My kind of retail therapy...

Hey you guys - thank you sooooooooooooooo much for all the wonderful words of support that you left on my last post :) The prospect of cooking big family meals and entertaining in-laws seemed to strike a chord!! Sorry I'm crubbish and have not answered your lovely comments - heck, I even lost several batches of lovely ebay fabrics this weekend due to enforced computer rationing!!!

The weekend went well and M-i-L seemed to enjoy it which was after all the whole point of the exercise! I'm very lucky to have a lovely M-i-L and I was happy to be able to do something nice for her.

The beef was very tasty but I would have liked it more if I'd taken it out of the oven earlier - not so that it was still mooing but not quite as 'done' as it was. I did the whole Yorkshire pudding thing without incident though and made the most fab dessert 'apple tarte au citron' from this book by the goddess Mary Berry :)

Sadly no photos of the feast as it took all my wits to get it to the table never mind set up attractive photo opportunities!!!!

Now onto all things crafty. I have been busy today starting to get some work done on some cushions for an order.
This is for a little boy who loves rats - especially their ratty tails - nice :)

This is for his elephant loving brother:

I have to topstitch them and put red and blue checked borders round them tomorrow. I have another to do with a West Highland Terrier which I will be fabric painting this evening.
I also started this over the weekend to keep my hands busy whilst watching telly:

This is Gary's Ripple - ripple pattern no.160 in this book and is even easier than the one I did on Minx's blanket. Every row is treble crochet so it grows nice and quickly. If it grows quickly enough it will be a present for my Aunty's birthday at the beginning of March.
Moogsdad has been home poorly today as he woke in the wee small hours feeling very nauseous. Hopefully it's nothing nasty but he spent the day in bed and has brightened up a bit now. Maybe it was the fact that he ate two doorstep sandwiches filled with half a roast cow yesterday evening!!!
After doing my cushion pictures today I just had to get out of the house so I rang my friend and we ran away to the Scrapstore. I needed some retail therapy but funds are low. However, a trip to the Scrapstore satisfied my urge for new fabric.
I came home with this carrier bag load for £1!!!! This time nearly all the pieces are at least 1metre lengths and some are 2 metres. Several of them are Sanderson and Crowson fabrics - all gorgeous!! There was so much there and I was very restrained but I may have to go back for more very soon.
I'll let the pictures speak for themselves:

I can see the (1.5 metres!!!!) green wool fabric making lovely toys and I just love the (2 metres!!!) of black with cream circles.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow to get some sewing done and to start this week's Tilda Bunny challenge!!!
If you haven't done so already pop over to Mrs Locket's place to find out about our 'blind date' coming up soon!!! I need to start losing weight right now......well, maybe tomorrow :)


Locket Pocket said...

Right! This post requires a detailed response. In 9 individual points:

No.1 Even though you missed some ebay fabric, I know for a fact that you got some goodies!

No.2 Being busy is no excuse for not showing us photos of lovely food

No.3 The rat is impressive (and quite friendly looking!) and the elephant is lovely

No.4 The rippling is amazingly fab!
Glad to see you have something to keep you out of mischief!

No.5 Hope Moogsdad is okay! Eating half a cow can have detrimental effects even if it is in a sandwich!

No. 6 So that's where you were when I rang this afternoon! Spending LOADS of money (ok, so it was only £1) on fabric at the Scrapstore!

No.7 Good fabrics - especially the pink gingham - definitely qualifies as "sweet pea colours"

No.8 Get on with those Bunnies!!! I have already partly made 4!

No.9 Can't wait to meet you for real in London!

Lucy xxx

artisbliss said...

Very glad you survived the weekend. Too bad about the e-bay fabric, but there's lots more where that came from, in my experience. Love the new crochet work. My favorite color scheme!

Monkee Maker said...

Wow, you've had rellies staying AND you've been really busy crafting? Tres impressive.


ps. Please stop bragging about Scrapstore .... some of us are prone to envy :(

Lina said...

Love that elephant!

Kitty said...

Oh wow ... that stuff from Scrapstore is fabulous. My favourite is the cream with yellow check and little red flowers - so pretty.

Hope Moogsdad feels much better soon.

Take care. x

the vicious chicken said...

I never thought I would need to use the following words in the following combination, but... that is a very cute rat! :o)

PS. Ditto MM's PS (envy is obviously the affliction du jour here in Brizzle...)

Julie said...

Love the rat (did you know we will soon be in the Year of the Rat?) and the heffalump! We have a Scrapstore up the road at Newark. Think I'll have to pay them a visit. I'm very tempted by the London thingy. I've been to the BDC several times. Hmmm. I'll see how the energy levels are nearer the time. It would be good to see Gina again and meet you too :))

trash said...

Quelle impressive work Mrs M.

Aaah poor Mr Moogsmum. Cow digested now?

Off to haunt Mrs Locket-Pocket for details of bunnies.

Bethany said...

Glad to hear the family dinner went so well! Hopefully everyone else is well there too ;) I love your new fabrics! I just sorted out a box that the kids always tear through and found some I forgot I had! I can't wait to see your bunnies and as I suspected, your ripple blanket is coming along beautifully and quickly!

(Angie) Norththreads: said...

Wow your so busy!!!!! I would love too make that bunny too, I wish I could get my hands on that book in Canada. Maybe I will check ebay canada! Sounds cute!

Leigh said...

I am so glad your dinner went well!! Somehow I knew it would because you are my crafty, domestic goddess hero! (I will not admit this on my blog, as I have to limit the love there! Hence my mother just move in with you!)

I really do love that fabric great finds!!

I hope My Hubby is feeling much better soon!

Yummy a blind date, wear something fab! Teehee!

Guzzisue said...

why do I really feel the need to visit our niece and nephew who live in Southampton? Scapstore looks brilliant

Jodie said...

That ratty is great- please show him again when he is finished.

Elora said...

Always impressed by your productivity - Ive had to stop myself from buying fabric (actually put some back in a charity shop yesterday - still feeling slightly sick about it) because i have so much and no time to make anything with it.

dottycookie said...

Oh, poor Moogsdad - hope he feels better soon.

And why is there no Scrapstore near here? Enquiring minds need to know ...

Gina said...

Love that ratty cushion! And some impressive shopping for just £1. Think that green fabric is gorgeous.
Hope Moogsdad is feeling okay - and more importantly that he has gone back to work today ;)
Gina xx