Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Pay It Forward

As if yesterday's gorgeous parcel from Kaz was not enough the postman came up trumps again today!!

Again I forgot to give the sender my actual surname (doh!) and I think it's fab that the postman had to deliver a parcel addressed to Mrs Moogsmum :)

I was expecting this one as the lovely Jo at French Knots emailed me last week to tell me that a Pay It Forward that she had blogged in October was on it's way to me.

Jo apologised for the delay which really was not a problem as I had forgotten that I'd actually signed up!!

I feel like the luckiest blogger in the world this week!!

Isn't this the prettiest peg bag? I shall have to wear a pinny to hang my washing out now :) Look at those fab pegs too - I want to hang my whitest whites out with those ones! I bet you're thinking 'that chocolate can't have lasted long' - you may be surprised.

It's a very timely gift as I overheard two ladies chatting about being able to hang their washing out in the sunshine yesterday. I was feeling quietly envious as I can't put anything out there right now with all the muck that the reroof is generating.

I'll photograph the first load I put out as I know you'll enjoy that bit of domestic loveliness!!

My lovely new peg bag is a definite improvement on this. I'm going to treat myself to some new wooden pegs too :)

The card that Jo enclosed is now adorning my fridge as I just love it!!!

Thank you so much Jo - I am absolutely delighted with my goodies!!

So now it's my turn to Pay It Forward. I will send a little handmade gift to the first three people to comment on this post. It may not be straight away, it may be a month or two but you will receive a little something lovely and of course you will then need to Pay It Forward on your blog.

For those of you in the Blogland Women's Army who have been steeling yourselves for giving Moogsdad a good prodding for keeping me off the internets I am pleased to announce that a solution has been found - and a very comfortable one too!

Now I really am pleased I bought my company laptop when I finished work :) (When offered the chance to buy my 1 year old laptop plus free printer/copier/fax/scanner machine thingy at a fraction of it's original cost I did so as I thought it would be ideal for the children to use in future for homework etc.)

Here's a tip though. Do not place your delicious bar of whole milk goodness next to the fan outlet of your laptop. It will melt.

That is why the chocolate has not been eaten - yet! It's in the fridge recovering. Having said that now that I've reminded myself about it it won't be there for long!!!

Before I go to lurk around on everyone else's blogs I have a job to do for Trashalou - she has tagged me for seven things of interest. I suppose it should be about me but the children discovered this hidden on the bookshelf not half an hour ago:

So here's a treat.....instead of facts about me, 'cause hey, what don't you know already?!, I will find seven fascinating facts from this weighty tome.

Fascinating fact No.1: Twenty percent of all road accidents in Sweden involve a moose!

Fascinating fact No.2: In the average lifetime a person will breathe in nearly 20kg (44lb) of dust! - unless they live here, in which case double it!!

Fascinating fact No.3: Gnosiophobia is the fear of knowledge!

Fascinating fact No.4: Geniophobia is the fear of chins! Good job I don't have that seeing as I have two of them!!!

Fascinating fact No.5 : Turkeys often look up at the sky during a rainstorm. Unfortunately, some have drowned as a result! ( I didn't make that last bit up - IT'S IN THE BOOK!!!!)

Fascinating fact No.6: (FOR MONKEE MAKER!) - a monkey was made a corporal in the South African army during World War II!!!!!!!!! :)

Fascinating fact No.7: Statistically you are more likely to be attacked by a cow than a shark!!

I do hope you enjoyed them - I have a creeping dread that I may have found myself something new with which to entertain myself. Tomorrow I may post 7 tips from my Book Of Household Hints and Tips, or 7 ideas from Things To Do Now You're 40 - or I may post 7 knots from the Book of Knots and Knot Tying.

You'll just have to come back to find out, won't you? :)

Night night xxx

p.s. accidentally ate the chocolate whilst writing this as DH has taken kids to swimming lesson!!! It was lovely :)

p.p.s. in case you are, for some unearthly reason, visiting this post for a second time I have just edited this several hours after first posting - on this occasion you are not, in fact, going mad ;-)


Yummers! said...

I can't believe I'm the first to comment and I'm a first time reader.
Your clothes pin bag and pins with words are adorable. I love the words stamped on the pins... so clever. I love words on anything. But, I especially looooove the chocolate.

Locket Pocket said...

If I comment now can I please say that I am not signing up for the PIF thingy as I have 3 patient blog-friends still waiting to receive their gifts from when I signed up to one last year! At least I have 365 days to do it in so there are a fair few left!

Lovely presents from Jo - I'm amazed the chocolate lasted that long even if it was melted.

Hope Moogsdad is okay after all the threats of violence towards him!

Lucy x

Kaz said...

ooohh I've snuck down to the comments to see how many have posted so now I've made it I'm going back to read the rest of the post!!!

Kaz said...

Am back!! Melted choc is criminal! Glad you finished it in peace without having to share it.

Love those facts, how stupid are turkeys?

Mrs Moog said...

as Lucy doesn't want to play (no worries Lucy) and Kaz has felt compelled to comment twice with a very funny turkey comment THE NEXT PERSON TO COMMENT (apart from me - obv!) WILL BE IN THE PIF (unless you really don't want to)
Lesley xx

Bethany said...

Yeah!! Sign me up! I love your trivia facts and I think I will pass some of those along to my daughter's teacher. I can't believe you have a laptop just sitting around, not being used. I have to sit down in the basement to blog and you can probably go anywhere comfortable in your house now and type away! I'm so jealous. But I'm so glad you're back on... my day is always more fun when I can visit you!!

Mrs Moog said...


Lesley xx

Julie said...

Yee haa! Thanks Lesley, I'm glad I don't have to PIF (although I am tempted.....) Peg bag? What's a washing line? I used to have a whirly but now I dry everything in the conservatory (something to do with the artroom taking up half the garden!). I loved the 7 facts. I'm with you with the dust inhalation - don't come to my house if you've got a dust allergy! Atishoo!!

Kitty said...

What a fab peg bag - rather nautical I thought.

And I LOVE those facts. I'm the sort of sad old git who would sit tittering whilst I read through that book over breakfast. I know, I know - I need to get a life.

I'm thrilled you've found a way to be on the interweb even if Mr Moogsdad is working from home. Necessity is indeed the mother of invention. ;-) x

dottycookie said...

Your postman must wonder what on earth you're up to! Lucky old you!

And I always knew I was right to be wary of cows ... vicious beasts ;-)

Gina said...

Would you like to borrow my beautiful crochet pinny for when you peg out the washing with your beautiful new pegs? Just a thought.
I couldn't stop laughing at your seven random facts... I'll be back for more!
Gina x

French Knots said...

Glad it got there so quickly!
Loving the random facts, have been dusting my mucky house today so have no doubt breathed in a years supply of dust!

marit said...

Hehre, loved your random facts! Yes, moose(and deer) and cows are the perils of countrylife in Scandinavia...LOL!

Guzzisue said...

can I add to the list of tips, do not stitch next to your computer if it has a front cooling vent When my old machine was last serviced, a needle still complete with thread was found wrapped round the cooling fan!!

Stephanie Pettengell said...

Sorry I was so slow in logging on, I missed out again but won out with getting another smile from your post. Loved the facts you posted

Leigh said...

Mrs Moogsmum, you are just to funny! Thank you for the trivia that I can now throw at unsuspecting folks!

Patti said...

Fab facts. Now I just have to remember them so I can pop them into the conversation with unsuspecting people. Unfortunately my brain is rather small and I'll end up saying something like "a monkey was something er, em really it's interesting, wait a minute, em em ..... " and they'll have gone. P'raps I could write myself some flash cards.

Monkee Maker said...

Great random facts there .... those South African's ... they knew what they were doing, didn't they? Shame the idea didn't catch on really ....

I too am amazed that you haven't come up with the laptop idea before now .... now you can carry the internet with you around the house and be on-line all the time .... hurrah!


Jane said...

I liked the funny facts, the peg bag was good to. Our washing hangs on the airer in the kitchen, as the garden is too small and the birds *#'! all over the washing and then i have to wash it all again. Have you heard about the monkey hangers? Jane x

tintocktap said...

Love the random facts, I'll have to rememver them. And Americans wouldn't appreciate your peg bag, I found out over Christmas that they're not allowed to hang washing outside there!