Thursday, September 27, 2007

Star gardeners

I'm very pleased to report that the Minx and her gardening club friends won Gold in Southampton in Bloom for their school 'kitchen garden'. Last term I helped out with the after school gardening club that Minxie went to and we had a great time growing herbs, strawberries and runner beans and lots and lots of flowers.
The garden was entered for Southampton in Bloom for the first time and we came away with an impressive silver trophy, a certificate and a book for the school library. Well done to all my little green fingered friends who worked so hard digging, planting and weeding.

The very same Minx had a surge of creative energy this morning - before school (not the best time) - and this is how the table looked just before breakfast:

Trying hard to be a positive Mummy I asked what she was making (with my PVA glue!) and she said 'The Great Fire of London' and look - it is...

The ladybird is 'flying away home' - how cute!
They are doing a topic on the Great Fire of London at school and Minx loves it. She tells me new interesting facts every day :-)
I had a heavily caffeinated morning! First my friend came back for coffee after dropping the kids at school. We opted for a cafetiere of proper coffee (with cream!) which I do not normally do. Then a dear friend who I used to work with called to see if I was in. When she got here I made another pot of coffee. So 2 mugs of strong stuff for a girl who usually has maybe 1 mug of instant a day left me in something of a caffeine-induced dither!
I couldn't seem to get focussed on anything for the rest of the day. I did play with my new machine a bit though. Here is the little pack of felty goodies that came yesterday:

Here's what I did with some of them:

and just look at these lovely colours too:

Both babies are tucked up in bed after a story with the Dadmeistergeneral and I feel some cabling coming on - 'bout time too!!
Brrr - it's been freezing here today - winter seems to be barging it's way in already and we haven't even had autumn yet. The school crossing lady told me she's hoping for snow! (barking mad ;-) ).
Very much inspired by Lucy's marathon soup making exploits I shall be making a big thick veg soup with homemade bread tomorrow - mmm.


Locket Pocket said...

I really wish we had a gardening club at our school! I love that felting you have done - it is so amazing and tactile looking (seeing as I can't touch it from here!!!) Hope the soup -making goes well! Lucy x

artisbliss said...

How lovely to win a gardening prize. My oldest son took first place in a school contest for rose arranging when he was young. I still have that ribbon around somewhere.

I love to see your yummy felting stuff. Those colors are just gorgeous.

It's sliding toward soup weather here, too. I love homemade soup!

Bethany said...

I just realized I missed reading this and congratulations to your daughter on her Garden Club award!!
My daughter got up an hour early this morning before school to continue a needle felting project she started last night! She's taken to it like a moth to the flame! I told her about you and she's determined not to stick her finger as much as you did the first time ;)) ha ha!