Thursday, September 13, 2007

Craaaazy legged cat

Ooh ooh I just have to tell you - the scrapstore was fab! There was all sorts of board and card there, lots of good stuff for collages and model making but of course I got totally caught up in the fabric. For £1 I managed to stuff my carrier bag with these beauties:

It's all soft furnishing type fabric of various weights. Lots of canvas pieces and all those lovely prints that are in fact off-cuts of Designers Guild fabrics. I think the store must get offcuts or last season's samples from a soft furnishers. There are some great bits for bag and toy making. I've been gazing at it and stroking it all morning!
I felt a bit guilty taking this lot but if the scrapstore wasn't there all of their stock would be landfilled on incinerated. What a thought :(
Check out the Thrifty Thursday goings on at Artsy Crafty Babe - I can't be jealous as I don't think I can fit any more fabric in this house just yet (yeh, right!).
I've been trying out some ideas for soft toys and drafting patterns. Being uncharacteristically patient I've even cut out prototypes from old curtain lining, to iron out any glitches before I cut anything out of good fabric.

I've sewn up a cat so far and boy am I glad I did a dummy run - check out those crazy legs man!!

One leg longer than the other and most definately just got off his horse LOL :p
This poor baby is now destined to be unstuffed and put in the 'lessons learned' pile - which is growing fast at the moment! I could finish him off with a funny face and have a quirky cat I suppose - maybe I won't rip his insides out just yet :o) I've a feeling he'd be loved anyway in this house of misshapen cuddlies! It's getting like the Little Shop of Horrors round here.
Have just looked over my shoulder and realised I really ought to clear up my trail of destruction before I head up to school for the babes.


Bethany said...

Funny! But I do like him!! Poor thing, relegated to a misfit pile. He never got a chance to "see"!

I love your fabrics and am now sitting here jealous...thanks.

Anonymous said...

That looks like a super haul for a pound, I especially like the little soldier fabric....and it's recycling too so no need to feel guilty ;)!

beki said...

I'm jealous of all your lovely finds!!