This little pink person woke up very tearfully at 10 o'clock last night with a very poorly ear.
Despite the fact that she has had to miss out on being Gate Buddy (where the older children get to help the littlies into school), plus both Christmas dinner and school disco she preferred to stay home with snarly growly mummy!
Whilst I sewed she watched Daily Mail freebie kids' DVD's (given to them by Grandad)- only the best ;) She also played a game of 'how loud can I turn the volume up to drown out the sound of the sewing machine' - our poor neighbour will definately have needed her ear defenders today!!!
I absolutely had to get out to the post office and the bank so we wrapped up warm. A need to buy medicines to drug her up with also led us into our local Sainsbury's home store. The medicine ended up costing over £30 due to having my shopaholic daughter with me!
She came home with Calpol, Ibuprofen, Ultrabalm tissues, 2 pairs of jeans (£6 a pair sweatshop ones), 2 pairs of gloves (£1 a pair even sweatier sweatshop ones) and a pair of fluffy pink slippers. In addition her brother now has a new school coat - £6!!!! and two pairs of gloves and will no doubt bend my ear about not having slippers too - they didn't have his size, alright!
Just to make sure she realised that being at home rather than school is not a soft option I dragged her into the Co-op on the way home for some essentials.
She had a good idea:
So maybe home is a soft option after all :)
I had to get my sewing finished today and have managed to do just that. Three aprons. All finished and ready to be parcelled up for Christmas.
Now maybe I can get some more of this psychedelic wonder done:
It's not quite 2ft long and needs to be about 6ft. By my reckoning that will be about 9 stripes a day between now and Christmas Eve and then there are the ends to sew in on this one and on the pink ripple. I may not quite get there!!!
Now I really should go and snuggle up with my earachey daughter. Oh good, she's watching a non-Disney version of Little Mermaid - marvellous!
You? Snarly? Never!!!!
Hope Minxy is feeling better and her own poorly ear wasn't too offended by the volume she had the telly at!
Very impressed with your baking - how did you make that cake look soooo professional???
Love the aprons and the psychedelic number is very impressive! I'd say, concentrate on sewing in the ends of the pink one so at least that's finished then enjoy doing the Monster's blankie at your leisure - you can show him it at Christmas even if it's not completely finished.
Talk to you later! Lucy xxx
P.S. Still think of you as Supermommy!
Love that snazzy blanket - and good advice from Lucy about getting one finished. Impressed with all that shopping and sewing today. Get well soon Minx.
Gina x
Poor Minx, earache is horris. Srangely enough I 'baked' a maple and pecan slice today for my brekkie!
Ooh, I hope the pecan twist is yours - i love those!
I also recently bought a £1 pair of sweatshop gloves at Sainsbury's for my DD2, but frankly, at the rate they lose them... I did also buy the slightly more expensive ones with the really sweet animal faces on the fingers...
Hope she feels better soon.
Sending well wishes to your house!!! At least it's not Christmas yet! I just started my shopping today... it's been so long since I checked in with you! My computer is back up :)
Snnrr grrrrllll roawrrr.
Roooar grrowl snaaarl.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Rrrrrrrrr.
Hmmmphhh Gurgle Snrrrk.
See. I would have taken the sick child as an excuse to sit beside her and watch the free dvds with her.
You, meanwhile, got lots done.
That's the difference between us.
Any mother/daughter shopping trip that ends in cake is always fabulous, dahling! And it's a little known fact that cake actually cures all ailments (hope it works for Minx too).
Good luck with the blanket :)
Hope your Minx soon feels much better - I'm sure the cake and shopping helped :) I used to get lots of earache when I was young and it's lousy.
Poor Minx- hope she gets well soon!
A tip about all those crochet it is really easy to weave in ends as you go, just crochet around the end that you've cut off (it would be wise to leave it fairly long- or not cut it until you've crocheted over it for about 10-15 cm. I hate weaving ends, so I always try to fasten them as I go.)
Great aprons!
Oh poor Minx. There hve been some really evil bugs going round recently and they're all so tired they catch everything going. Hope the cakes made her feel better!
Sorry about your Minx, I hope she feels better.
Your shopping trip sounds great and ended very well, with sweets!
Your sewing and blanket all look marvelous!
Think there are some very lucky little people getting those aprons - they look great. Hope the Minx is feeling better!
Hope the Minx is feeling better today, and sorry that both of you had to miss the festive things yesterday. Your day still sounds quite nice, though (apart from the earache on Minx's part, of course).
Good luck with the blankets - I think Lucy's suggestion is a very good one, just in case comletely finishing both blankets becomes impossible. I'm very impressed with how much you have got finished though... still don't know how you do it!
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