Monday, July 13, 2009


I seem to have blinked and a whole week went by!

I'm pleased to say Monster is much better. He had a very heavy cold but no sinister flu symptoms and was packed off back to school after a couple of days driving me mad.

I then spent the rest of last week catching up on work, as I'd had to cancel several meetings thanks to sneeze-boy. Only eight working days left and the holidays begin - woohoo....I can't wait!

Just a gazillion reports, numerous meetings and lots of cruddy worky I.T. problems to wade through first.....not to mention school disco, sports day and awards ceremonies to attend.

Still, there's six lovely weeks of long and lazy get-ups to look forward to.

The summer reading library is well stocked and thanks to Jo, I now have two extra books and some sustenance to enjoy :)

A brief foray to a local charity shop last week, saw me come home with a very pretty little cakestand - to which we added homemade Rocky Roads.... purely for the sake of providing blog-fodder, you understand ;)

By Friday night I was desperate for a little creativity. A pink cotton curtain from the Scrapstore and a bag of scraps from Cinnamon Kids, teamed with an old crochet doily, were the perfect ingredients for a pretty new cushion for our bed.

Yesterday, I was forced ;) to stay at home with Monster as he just didn't feel like going on a bike ride. So, while Moogsdad and Minx disappeared for the afternoon, Monster and I settled down to a gentle few hours pottering.

I'd developed a sudden overwhelming urge to crochet something circular.......

.....and rainbowy......

......and finished at 11.30 last night.....another bl***y cushion, as Moogsdad calls them.

What is it with men and cushions?

Don't hear him complaining when he rests his weary head on them after a long day's breadwinning!

.......and the reverse of the bl***y cushion

I now have to resist the siren call of my crochet stash and put my mind to teachers' presents and a birthday present for Minx's friend........any suggestions gratefully received!

Have a lovely week :)



the vicious chicken said...

Hello. Lovely cushions :-)

Have been popping by occasionally to see how you are, but my commenting mojo appears to have gone the way of my blogging - just don't have much to say.

Glad you're doing alright. xx

wonderwoman said...

well to my mind your b....y cushions look fantastic!!! as for the sustenance - wow, could i please have one now with my cuppa?!
p.s. your pressie will hopefully be with you by the end of the week!


silverpebble said...

Wow Mrs Moog - as fabulously creative as ever. Check out your new crochet-y header! I think it suggests a new, er obsession, um I mean passion!! Your cushions are very lovely - all of them! I will resist the temptation for any saucy jokes - he!

I'm glad Monster is better.

Hm, what about a handbag for Minx's friend? Or maybe a bag of craft bits and pieces - a junior sewing/knitting kit? E xxxx

trash said...

Never yet met a man who doesn't like to rest his head on something pillowy and comfortable at the end of the day.

Oh and 'Gods in Alabama'? Brilliant. Sits on my bookshelf and I never think to recommend it but it is triffic!!

Rachel said...

Mmm, that rocky road looks delicious! Love the new cushions, the one with the doily is especially pretty! Great new banner too, by the way. I can also recommend Gods in Alabama - I've read it twice, very good choice!
R x

dottycookie said...

I need to make some Rocky Road soon - I saw a new recipe which had maltesers in it as well as all the other goodies, yum!

And if Moogsdad doesn;t appreciate your b****y cushions you're very welcome to bring them over here :-)

LiEr said...

Yikes - sick children. Glad monster is better. In our home life (as we know it) comes to a standstill when the children get sick. Then we pray extra hard that the grownups don't catch the bug, too. So also glad you're fine and turning out lovely things. Like that round cushion! Gorgeous.And men and cushions/pillows - funny! The other day a friend sent a lovely patchwork pillow in the post. Husband didn't say anything when he saw it, other than "oh so that's what was in the box - it was so light" and her husband, when shown it before it was packed, said, "Um, uh nice (or something like that".

Ideas for pressies: what about a little fabric purse or bag? Filled with hair accessories as an extra treat? She's going to grow up to have too many purses if she's anything like the rest of us, so might as well start her young!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

We have the same issue in this house with bl***y quilts! But the DH is the first to use them when he is napping :o)

JuliaB said...

I bet you're needing those Rocky Roads after your day!... I know that I would KILL for one!!! xx

est said...

that's ONE FABulous cushion! i love the colors on both there a zip at the side to insert the pillow in?

Locket Pocket said...

Wow! Fabbydoodle cushion Missus! Just when I wanted to know how to make a crochet circle too! Thanks for the over-the-phone crochet tute last night - I can't wait to have a go now - so why do I have to go to work?????

Locket xxx

jo said...

I love your bl***y cushions and the rocky road looks good too.

Jo xx

Angela said...

I may just have to make some Rocky Road.
Your cushion made from scraps is lovely. Ther must be something in the air when it comes to scraps because Stephanie is making a cushion cover from scraps but it doesn't look like yours she is using strips.

Jodie said...

men do not understand cushions - someone should do a thesis on it...It is afcat.
I, however love that circular cushion - its awesome!!!

julie said...

Yes, men are immune to the charms of a good cushion - luckily we're not so keep showing us your cushiony creations - they're lovely! Your new cakestand is too - especially with rocky road adorning it!

Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

oh cushions, yer what is it with men and cushions, I think you can not have enough of them especially when they are as lovely as yours....

Anonymous said...

Hello Moogsmum!

Just stopped by to thank you for visiting my blog and leaving me such lovely comments. I have been away for a few days and there's nothing like coming home to some love on my blog (oh, and the family!!!). Love your crochet - I've just discovered free-form. Fun, fun.


Annie said...

Lucky you heading into big holidays. I had to laugh out loud about the bl**dy cushions. My husband is just the same!

Leigh said...

Your cushions are very pretty, it would take me a month to make what you make in a day!

I understand about having to add goodies just to make a good blog photo!

I hope everyone is feeling better.

Woohoo, I hope your vacation is restful, creative, and full of bloggy fun!



Just to say I'm glad I found your blog today (via Julie - Mixed Media) and it's so lovely and I want to come back and visit again so I've added you to my blog buddy list!

Sending greetings