Sunday, July 5, 2009

A lovely day

The children are in bed. Moogsdad is snoring on the sofa - after a hard day as a lone parent ;-)
So, now I can blog about a really girlie day out in Winchester.

Trashy, Maria and I met on the Guildhall steps just after 10.30.

Handmade @ Winchester was our first stopping off point. There was a good range of stalls, with some lovely jewellery, handmade soaps, textiles and ceramics. The first stall to catch our eye was full of the most gorgeous hand-dyed yarns from Ni Mu and each of us was unable to resist a little yarny indulgence.

Then I made my way, as quickly as was decent - without appearing to rush past all the other stalls! - to a stall I had been very much looking forward to seeing....

It was great to finally meet Monda (and Mr Monda!) in person. As happens so often with meeting fellow bloggers I immediately felt at ease with Monda. Her stall looked great - just check out those fab big birdies on the board behind the stall - and the softies are even more gorgeous in real life - especially those little monsters :)

After a bit more browsing and a bit more buying, it was time for a long and leisurely lunch, indulging in good food, good conversation and a healthy dose of people watching.

Whilst people watching we'd noticed one or two Cath Kidston carrier bags passing us by. Of course, this warranted further investigation!

I had no idea I had one of these so close to home!

The shop's only been open for four days and we all lost ourselves in here for a nice long time. Soooo pretty :)

Due to getting home and finding a very flustered husband, very stroppy Minx and not very well Monster, I've had no time to photograph woolly purchases or the very pretty summer top I bought for Minx from this maker.

I did manage to sneak a minute to snap Monster's new monster - Boris :)

....and the gorgeous cards made by Monda.

Yup, a truly special day. I feel more relaxed now than I have for ages - thanks to a day full of pretty things, good conversations, a rather nice lunch and lots of laughs.

It's a good job I've had a relaxing day as Monster is full of cold - fingers crossed it is just a cold - and I have a feeling I may have his company tomorrow. Luckily he's got a brand new woolly monster to snuggle up with :)



Julie said...

We have a joke here that if you are short of money you go 'on the Guildhall steps' Huhhum! But I'm sure that's not what you were there for lol Sounds like you had a great day out. I hope little Monster feels better soon and it's nothing piggy.

trash said...

Bugger! It seems if we had hung around on the steps a bit longer rather than going to find Wonderwoman(not!) we might have made some extra cash! Next time ;-)

thanks for the luvverly day out. Over our way next time?

Jodie said...

You are so lucky to have one of mondas monsters - she does such great little characters....

Hope there is nothing swiney at your place.

Ali said...

Sounds like a wonderfully fortifyin day - just right for re-charging in time to play a little nursey. Hope the patient is feeling better.

Gina said...

Very envious - it's sounds like the perfect day out. Hope your monster is feeling better!

Unknown said...

I'm sure Trash would have stuck around those steps all day if she could have earned herself a few quid.

Sounds like a fab day out!

dottycookie said...

Sounds like a wonderful day out, you lucky little bloggers.

Hope the Monster is OK and feeling better (and you're resisting the lurgy). Did he read that Ron Weasley had swine flu recently? I have to say they're keeping them so busy at our school right now it's a wonder they're not all down with something nasty.

kelly said...

ohh i was in winchester on sunday too, & had a great day out, the handm@de fair was so lovely, i hope they do another one there x

Locket Pocket said...

It sounds like you all had a brilliant time! How exciting to get to meet Mr and Mrs Monda!!!!!

Locket xxxx

wonderwoman said...

it was a great day out - feel the need to do it more often!!!]]xxx

Thimbleanna said...

Looks like you had a great time. Monda's little monster is adorable. Hope your little monster is better soon!

Renaissance said...

Sounds like a really great day out and that monster is just adorable!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Sounds like a delightful day out...just the thing to recharge the batteries ;o)

Leigh said...

Oh lady, I have been getting caught up with you and your bloggy business and WOW! I am sooo sorry about your March... I hope your hubby is feeling 100% now. How scary was that! I still feel like a slacker when I see all of the pretties that you have been making. I am even more envious that you got to go to a Cath store!!! I have missed you!

JuliaB said...

Does indeed sound like a perfect day!!

Charlie P said...

Ooooooooh, I'm consumed by jealousy! It looks like a fantastic day- crafts, bloggers AND Cath Kidston, what more could you want?! I also like how Boris the monster's expression resembles that of a human Boris...

Ah well, you can be jealous when I'm having lunch and Q&A with Amy Butler!...once I've got round to booking tickets, that is...and persuaded Locket to abandon her family to join me.

Twiggy said...

Sounds a lovely day, hope Monster is soon better
Twiggy x

monda-loves said...

Hi Mrs Moog
It's been yonks and yonks since Winchester and I have been meaning to drop you a line to say that is was really lovely to finally meet you in the real world and have a brief chat - in fact I would have quite liked to be able to trot off around Winchester with you for a chat and a shop - it sounds like you had a great day.
Thanks for the nice write up too *blush*. I've been very lazy since Winchester - I'm only just beginning to catch up with all my blog reading now!
