Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A bit of this, that and the other

As if to prove all I said in my previous post about the friendliness of blogland, I am now the very proud owner of a sparkly new award from the very lovely, new to me, blogger - Woody at bake and sew!!

Thank you so much for my award Woody! I love how they depicted me on the picture - so very true to life ;-)

The award comes with a little tag attached, whereby I need to list five addictions. Addictions, moi? Surely not!

Mmm - I suppose I could try. I'm going to play a little game with you though. I need you to spot the one that really isn't me. Those of you who guess the correct one will go into a hat (don't worry, it will be a big hat - either that or I'll just put your names in) and the lucky winner will win some bits and pieces from my stash.

Here goes - my five addictions:

1. Being creative. Whether this is sewing, knitting, crochet, papercrafts, painting, cooking - I have a constant need to make. I get twitchy if I have to go more than a day or so without making or doing - and I'm not nice to live with when I'm starved of craftiness!

2. Nature. I have to get my fix. Whether it's simply listening to woodpeckers as we walk to school or spending time watching the sea, I need to be in touch with the beautiful things that nature provides - I need it as much as air.

3. Our chickens' eggs - they're bloomin' gorgeous! Why did I not know how fantastic homemade eggs are before now?

4. Housework. I love nothing more than to spend time cleaning and tidying my house. Show me a big basket of ironing and I am one very happy woman.

5. My little family. Love 'em - even when they're all driving me to utter distraction.

So there you have it. Now, I'm going to be a big bad rule breaker and not do the award passing on thing - because you know I love all of you and cannot possibly choose for fear of offending! It's yours for the taking :-)

What else?

Small bits of craftiness have happened. I've only managed to make two stars from the gorgeous fabrics Angela sent to me, so far. I have another seven cut out but have not had a minute to do them. They're at the top of my list and need to be done, so that I can send them out to Australia.

Other than that, there has been a little bit of sock knitting - oh, and I ran away to my best friend's on Saturday for a girls' night. We went for a delicious Thai meal here - which I can highly recommend - and then settled down with a nice glass (or two) of red and Mamma Mia.

Of course, we talked through the whole film! I wasn't too worried, as I've seen it eight times. We also discussed a very exciting plan. In two years' time, we will have been best friends for forty - that's 40 - yup, you heard me FORTY years!! We've decided that's something that should be celebrated and to mark the occasion we are going to run away together. Or to be more accurate - fly away together. We'd like to have a weekend in a European city - possibly somewhere Scandinavian - not sure. Any tips would be gratefully received!

I'm now going to excuse myself from blogging for a wee while. I have rather a lot going on and need to focus my attentions on family stuff and some stressy report stuff for work.... and, hopefully, more patchworky star stuff

I'll leave you with some floral loveliness - happening right now inside and outside Moog's house.

....and the news, that the man who did this to my home and I are going to be celebrating our first decade of total married bliss (snort!) later this week.....

Bedroom destruction update: old ceiling down. new plasterboard up. plasterer cannot come for another three weeks. mess down to almost bearable level. children still sharing a bed. Minx has decided she wants to share a bed with Monster for ever. anticipated date of bedroom rebuild completion - at least a month from now. ugh.

Take care. Have fun. Back soon.



wonderwoman said...

Let me see now, would it be the i love housework _ (ha ha!)! put me down for that! blocks are looking blooming marvelous. what is it with men and knocking things down and then taking ages to sort it all out!
happy anniversary!


. said...

I suspect the vaguest possibility that #4 is the one that's not you, because serious - is there anyone who really likes housework? Really? Well, except for Anthea Turner, but clearly she's a freak of nature.

Nice patchworky pieces. Hope the room rebuild goes smoothly from here on in.


trash said...

That will teach me to just skim read a blogpost while on the phone to Ric-Rac, Number Four had my eyes bugging out.

I went back and reread and things started to make sense. I think you are a big fat fibber and you so do not love ironing and housework best in the whole world.

Kristie said...

I think that was a bit too easy...no one in the whole world really loves housework...especially not ironing. If you were truly addicted to ironing then someone should be calling the men in white coats on you girly!!!!
Your stars are looking rather nice...I'm sure the lovely Australians who get them will be extremely appreciative...I know I would be :)

Daisie said...

Deepest sympathy with the room arrangement. I have been sleeping on the futon in the spare room between my son (there is nowhere to put his cot) and my husband since July!! The girls have to shuffle between many odd pieces of furniture to get into their beds and I fear that something may fall over and kill them in their sleep. We have been let down by three plasterers (argh!!) and have given up all hope. Hubby is currently sanding the joints and we're just going to run with it from there. Ceiling, four walls, two windows and an added partition wall. Wish we'd never started!

Sorry, blathering on a bit now!!

Hope bedroom and stressy stuff is over with soon and normal service can be resumed at moogs house soon!


French Knots said...

I bet you look just like the picture on the blog award when you go to collect the eggs!
Hope the stressiness soon resolves itself.x

Kitty said...

G'day Mrs Moogs ... my Mum always said you get a big fat white spot on the end of your tongue if you tell a fib. I think, however, you will be excused if you're offering a stash giveaway attached to said fib! I am, of course, with you on the loving the housework issue. Who amongst us couldn't love their ironing basket and its contents?!

Happy Anniversals to you and Moogsdad, and I hope you enjoy your little bloggy break to do all the stressy/family things going on in your world.


Emma Loves Stitching said...

I'm guessing you may be fibbing regarding your love of ironing!!?!!

If not you can definitely help me out-I hate it!!!!

Emma x

JuliaB said...

ooh that evening with your friends sounds perfick!. Myself and the Italian Connection are celebrating 20 years of bestfriendship this very year, in September to be precise. So I am in a similar conundrum... do we go to her place in Italy (where she lives) or do we go somewhere else .. hmm... you got me thinking now ... Hope you have a good bloggy break. x

Locket Pocket said...

Wow! Forty years of friendship definitely needs celebrating in style!!! But you need to wash your mouth out with soap and water for saying you love housework - such rudeness!

Good luck with the house stuff and the stinky report.

Me xxx

Twiggy said...

Hmmm I think housework must be the red herring.
Come back soon but hope you get your stressy stuff sorted out.
Twiggy x

marit said...

Happy Anniversary- you do not love housework- you've made some faboulous blocks!- and I should say"go to Oslo", but I WILL say " GO TO REYKJAVIK", Iceland is fantastic!!!

Julie said...

Well, I am sure that number 4 can be the only one that's true!! Oops no, got that wrong, that's the fibby one! :o) You had me worried for the minute!

Your girly night sounds excellent. Happy 40 years! How wonderful to have a friend for so many years.

A very Happy Anniversary for later in the week. Your flower photos are beautiful so I hope you get some celebratory ones too. We will have managed 3 years married in 2 weeks time so we're lagging behind a little.

We'll miss you but enjoy your blog break and don't overdo the report thing.


Anonymous said...

I guess like the rest of us crafty people it would be housework that you love ha ha.
Hope the house rebuilding goes well.

Munkeh said...

I vote for not enjoying housework!
Its just a wild guess!

rachelmp said...

Is it the housework?? I am training my kids up.. Enjoy those anniversaries too!

Anonymous said...

Well of course we all hate housework--is this a trick question? I know that "this, that and the other" feeling. Do all creative women have too many projects going at once? Actually, it's never too many creative projects, but all that other stuff, like shopping and cooking and pushing clutter under the bed so you can walk across the room without tripping. So tiring. Good luck on the report.

Thimbleanna said...

Hahaha -- what is it with that snort??? Your blocks are gorgeous -- such a wonderful thing to do. And I'll have to be contrary and go with #2 -- the nature thing. SOME people love housework, no? I actually do enjoy it when I'm not worrying about all the other things I want to do!

Oh, and why limit yourself to a European City??? You need to come to the states...and preferably Chicago ;-)!

Gina said...

Happy anniversery to you and Mr Moog! As to the odd one out in your list of addictions it can't possibly be housework can it??? (Love the picture of you on that award)

Jane said...

Happy Anniversary, Copenhagen was fantastic, especailly the Tivoli gardens. Don't be fooled by the name it has lots of restaurants, rides, marching band and is a beautiful place to spend your day(s) Prague was good too, lots to see. Jane x

dottycookie said...

Move in here, m'dear, and I promise I can keep you happy - wine, Mamma Mia, chocolate and all the ironing you can eat.

Or was that the odd one out? I'm sure I've heard you praising housework many times before ;-)

silverpebble said...

Hmm, I'm thinking number 4 Mrs M. Housework - blee - it's rubbish!

Loving those quilty stars - gorgeous, and the flowers- lovely to see.

A bloggy break? Hopefully not for too long - what would we do without the updates from the moogy household?

Also 40 years? 10 years? All kinds of anniversary-style business going on! Fab!

maria said...

Easy peasy lemon squeezy, the odd one out is housework and I didn't even look at other people's answers to work it out!

Louise said...

We've been on two city breaks, Brugges and Barcelona, both of which we enjoyed very much. x

Angela said...

Your patchwork looks lovely. Enjoy your break and have a very happy anniversary.

Kate North said...

well after a lot of thought and deliberation (or maybe it's the length of time it took to click the comment link) I'm gonna going with no 4, housework. If I'm wrong, and that's a true addiction and what you really hate is nature, please can you come live at my house?