Monday, March 23, 2009

...and on it goes...

I had intended to reply to all your lovely comments this week but even more life c**p has gotten in the way.

Moogsdad is recovering slowly. Getting a bit less confused and a bit less sore. We had a revolting week sorting through all the insurance and legal c**p last week. Here's some hard-won advice - don't ever get third party only insurance - it's just not worth the hassle.

Although the insurance companies involved have agreed the accident was definately not his fault, his insurers have left him to sort out all the crubbish with the recovery company, lawyers, police. It cost £300 to settle the recovery bill and, because he was third party, we've had to pay that up front and now need to claim it back. Pah!

On top of all this my lovely Dad is very very ill. As well as being terminally ill, very frail and almost immobile, with a brain tumour, he has now contracted a very severe case of Novovirus. It's not looking good. I'm heading up to see him tomorrow. We are hoping he'll be admitted to hospital today (bed spaces permitting) as he desperately needs round the clock nursing.

Life is like buses. You bimble along quite happily and then it all comes at once!

I'll be excusing myself from blogland for a bit longer.

Here are my latest, and rather gorgeous, socks to keep the craftiness going....

L xxxx


marit said...

Keeping you and yours in my thoughts.

Locket Pocket said...

Lots of extra big hugs for you all from the Lockets xxxxxxx

tintocktap said...

Hugs to you and your Dad - take care! I'll be thinking of you all.

trash said...

Chin up chick. The bus youhave to wait so long for will eventually take you to the place you want to be. Or something ;-)

. said...

{{{HUGS}}} to you. Sorry your Dad is so poorly. Hope he manages to get a bed and the care he needs.

Glad Moogsdad is on the mend. Grrrr about the insurance though.


French Knots said...

Thinking of you and sending my lovexx

Chris said...

I'll be thinking of you
Chris xxx

maria said...

I hope everything improves soon, Love Maria.

Ali said...

Sheesh - hope the run of bad fortune is over really soon. Take care.

Jane said...

Hope all goes well, I will be keeping You and your Dad in my thoughts and prayers. very colourful socks. Jane x

Rachel said...

Hope your dad gets all the care he needs. (((Big hugs to you all))).
R x

Daisie said...

Life an be so s*** sometimes.
I'm so sorry.

dottycookie said...

Oh, Lesley - huge hugs. I'll be thinking of you.

Kitty said...

This time last year I was stood under a pile of 'LIFE', so understand where you're coming from. It's horrid, and you are all in my thoughts.

Remember to take care of yourself, as well as everyone else. Please.


LiEr said...

Just prayed a bit for you, Lesley, and your precious family - for grace to meet the hard parts of your days and rest and peace for all the other parts.

silverpebble said...

Lesley, whilst I was dashing about on Friday a couple of my texts went astray and were deleted - one may have been from you. So sorry if you texted me about this and I didn't reply. I'm thinking of you whilst you deal with the awful buses. Sending thoughts, much love, Emma xxxx

Tacha said...

I'm so sorry Lesley. I will be thinking of you and your family. Take care of yourself too.

Mama said...

Thinking of you all:)

If you get a sec - send me your addy as I have something for you...


Calidore said...

I'm keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers and sending cyber hugs your way.

Julie said...

You so don't deserve all this c**p. I do hope your Dad is now safely in hospital and being cared for. I'll be thinking about you all. Look after yourself and keep safe. Sending you lots of love xxxx

Quinn said...

So sorry you've got such difficult things going on all at once, Lesley. Lots of good thoughts to you and and your lovely family.

Blossom said...

massive aussie hugs to you all.
I'll be thinking of you all.

the vicious chicken said...

Oh, Lesley - you don't deserve such horrible 'buses'. Thinking of you with all best thoughts. Take care of yourself xx

Angela said...

I will be thinking of you and yours. Don't forget to take care of yourself.

Gina said...

Big hugs... thinking of you. Gina x

JuliaB said...

You poor thing!... thinking of you (and yours) . x

monda-loves said...

oh dear, it does sound like a crubbish week. I hope this brings you better fortune.



wonderwoman said...

big hug from me - am thinking of you.


Louise said...

So sorry to hear your dad is ill Lesley. Take care of you and all. x

Michaela said...

Sorry I've not been over here for a while, what a whole load of dreadful things have happened since my last visit. So glad to hear Moogsdad is recovering, albeit slowly.

Hoping that all goes well with your dad and that everything is as good as can be wished for. There's not a lot any of us can say at this awful time for you. But thoughts are with you.

Take care.

Thimbleanna said...

Oh dear Lesley -- big, big hugs to you and your family. I hope things go well with your family. Wear your pretty new socks and remember that we're all thinking of you!

Penny said...

Take care. Hope everything gets more sorted soon.

Kaz said...

Oh Lesley, I'm so sorry to hear this news. I also didn't know anything about your husband's accident.

I may be a bit late on this but sending you all lots of gentle hugs.

I hope things improve all round for you soon.

Take care xxx

Twiggy said...

Sending a big hug to you and yours. Hope your Dad gets the care he needs, don't forget to look after yourself too.
Twiggy x

est said...

hope everything will be alright soon. especially with your dad. take care.

Lisa said...

Ah, I'm sorry it's all going to crap. I hope it all gets better soon.