Friday, October 3, 2008

Psst....wanna see my feet?

Earlier this week I developed a yearning for a new pair of feet.

It's not that there was anything wrong with my old ones. They do everything I ask of them.

It was just that I wanted some slightly fancy ones that could help me do certain things better than my existing ones could.

So what do you think?

Isn't that a fine pair of feet?

The one on the left is a free-machine quilting foot and the baby on the right is an applique foot - with more open toes so you can see what you're doing!

Of course, I couldn't resist playing with my new feet.

First off, the applique foot.

It really does help you to see what you're doing and as a result get neater applique:

Now for the one I was most excited about - envisioning a future with beautifully quilted quilty things in abundance.

It's not as easy as it looks!

When I turned it over I realised something was not quite right....

....but after a lot of swearing, a quick look in a quilting book in Borders and some fiddling with the sewing machine - adjust tension 36 times, new needle, rethread 77 times..... came out a bit better.

I have a feeling I'm going to have to spend a lot more time playing with my....

I may also need to invest in a pair of these glamorous beauties - I can just picture Moogsdad's face :)

The only trouble is I want to get straight on and produce a masterpiece rather than spend hours practising!!



Eve said...

They are just what I want too plus I want a walking foot too.

What machine do you have?

Where did you get your feet?

Questions, questions ;o)

French Knots said...

There are so many feet and gizmos for a sewing machine, most of which I've never heard of! Freestyle quilting sounds exciting Mrs!

trash said...

You groovy city dwellers with your fancy footwear!

It wasn;t like that in my mother's day let me assure you. Why! They quilted with thread through their fingers! And they were happy about it!!

Kitty said...

Oooh, I love the look of the appliqué foot. I'm going to look out for one of those. Not sure my basic Toyota would cope with one, but I'll give it a go.

I just knew your new feet would look *fab* with those lounge pants.


Locket Pocket said...

Oh maaaaaaaaaaaan!!! How did you manage to work out that free-motion quilting so quickly? I don't think I'll ever be able to do it (not that I've really properly tried I 'spose)

Your feet are beautiful!

Locket xxx

tess said...

very lovely quilting ! I have a pair of the oh so glam gloves, and I think they do help, but you have to cope with looking ridiculous in them!

Daisie said...

I now need an applique foot! Such a great idea, why have I not already got one....?
I need to get a teflon foot too for sewing oilskin shopping bags (stops the foot 'sticking' to the fabric) I have found a very very low tech solution, I may tell you one day when you need cheering up!!
Have a lovely weekend!

Quinn said...

I had a pair of those gloves a few years back, but for reading outdoors in chilly autumn weather - could turn pages without removing gloves! Think I paid 3 dollars at a tack shop...they were sold as casual riding gloves.

Enjoy your new feet!! will look forward to your creations :)

wonderwoman said...

thats the trouble with new machines, you have to fiddle with them for ages (at least i do!) to do what you want, when all you really want to do is get stuck in!
lovely feet - i'm sure they will soon be producing great wonders!


Julie said...

I so giggled at the swearing :o)) Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.....pretty much every time I try something new on the machine lol

A walking foot? Hmmm, I thought that's what feet did? Ok, ok, I know! Oh no, it was boots were made for walking! What's a walking foot? I like the applique foot, looks like a great idea and very useful too.

est said...

wow! the little 'feet' really do works wonder!! :) worth the time & effort of adjusting the tension :)

Gina said...

Beautiful feet! Unfortunately practise is the only way with free machining/quilting!

Kate North said...

As I'm sure many people have told you already, the only way to become really good at free machining is to practice. It's also useful to keep a little quilt sandwich nearby to check your tension before you begin! It's a lot of fun once you get a bit more confident, though.