Monday, October 13, 2008

Brilliant bloggy friends!

Just very quick.

If you haven't done so already you really must go to Australia to visit Jodie - she has done the most amazing thing with selvedges!!

Also my dear friend Mrs Locket phoned me this afternoon. There was a lot of high pitched Little Locket squeaking going on and I distinctly heard someone say 'She's got the dog!!'

Of course I had to ask 'Dog? What dog?'

Turns out there is not another new canine in Locketland after all....... but if you'd like to go and congratulate Lucy about her new JOB then pay her a call !

Must get my ears checked......



Locket Pocket said...

Um, gulp, scared now!!!!

Beginning to wish it was a dog!

Locket xxxx

wonderwoman said...

that is just blooming brilliant - way to go lucy! and the dress is brill too!!


Unknown said...

it's fab isn't it? Both Locket's job and Jodie's dress (and isn't that teenager of Jodie's bloody gorgeous too? Crafting genius, that woman!)

Jane said...

Clever Lucy, jane x

Kitty said...

Juicy's got a new hob? Oh how marvellous!

Jodie's dress isn't crafting, it's not sewing, it's *A*R*T* She's one clever blogger.


trash said...

Cor Locket! I wish it was a dog too. We could be the three dogsketeers ;-)

Julie said...

Wow that selvedge lady is amazing! I shall never look at selvedges in the same way again. and now I shall have to start saving them (for her) too.

Bethany said...

That dress is amazing. I didn't think I read it right at first, but it really is all selvedges! And nothing is ever quiet around here and Lucy's, is it? :)) I can only imagine your phone conversations!!

Thimbleanna said...

You're hysterical Lesley! You and Lucy bring a smile to my face every day!!!

Rachel said...

Hi Lesley, just to let you know that I've picked you for an award! Pop over to my blog to pick it up.

Leigh said...

Oh, cool links there lady! Thanks for sharing!!!