Friday, December 11, 2009

Bags and bags of bags

We're getting into the Christmas groove here in the House of Moog. Feeling in need of sparkly things we set to and got our decorations up nice and early.

Although not as early as the people round the corner who have already had their decorations up for three weeks!

As well as busy work stuff, busy school stuff and busy cubs/brownies/swimming stuff there's been some busy sewing stuff.

Minx's class teacher from last year was so thrilled with the bag we made for her that she asked me to make one for her sister - who loves lady shoes and pink

and one for her Mum, who loves owls - and pastel colours.

Then the Headteacher, who bought the posh black bag at the Ladies' Night, asked me if I'd make two more. I was given total free reign with colours/fabrics and I have to say - it terrified me!

I think I got there in the end though and she said she liked them.

After that little bag making marathon I felt I deserved a reward.

This bag has been brewing in my mind for weeks now and when we were in London recently I treated myself to a metre of oilcloth from Cath Kidston. What with flu and work and life I just hadn't had time or the inclination to make the mental picture come to life.

I think this is just about my favourite bag ever that I have ever made ever in my whole life ever - this makes me so happy! Shame the crubbish photo doesn't show those lovely pleats up so well but take my word for it - this is exactly how I'd hoped it would be.

-big, roomy, stands up on it's own and it's winter proof!

I drew up the bag design for this and the little posh bags myself and they even have zip closures! If I can sort out the technical bits I may put the patterns on sale in my poor neglected etsy shop in the New Year - what do you think?

That's not quite the end of this bag-heavy post. I just had to show you these too. This is what I made for my Rainbow swap partner and I really wish I'd made one for me too!

Making that bag was some of the best crafting fun I'd had for ages and I really hope my swap partner likes it. I don't actually know if she's received it as I haven't heard - I just hope it didn't go missing in the mail as it was sent a while ago and may have caught the tail end of the postal strike.

Here's the rainbowy pouch to match the bag - in my very favourite Kaffe Fassett fabrics from Rowan - yummy colours :)

I think my next post might have to include my top tips for sewing oilcloth - what do you reckon?

In the meantime, I think my next bag is going to have to be made with this.


Quinn said...

Lovely bags, all! And isn't it the BEST when a project turns out the way one has pictured it?

Yes, please, on the oilcloth-sewing advice. Just yesterday I was wondering if I could even FIND oilcloth these days, to make weatherproof bags.

Anonymous said...

yes please from me too! that oilcloth bag is Gorgeous and i'd love to make one myself, but wouldn't really know where to start. advice and a pattern to purchase in the new year would would certainly make for a happy new year :)

French Knots said...

Oh yes, very festive chez moog!
Love the bags, the rainbow one is a work of art and the oilcloth one should come and live with me I think!! I have some oilcloth that I covered a table with but have never used for sewing so I'll read your instructions and see if I can make a pretty bag too....or a bag at any rate!xx

Gina said...

Wow missus! You really are the best bag lady ever! Some super bags there.

JP said...

great bags - clever you- like the decorations too - did you make the crocheted birds - they are cute!

Michaela said...

Gorgeous, all of them! You are jsut too clever by half you know!

marit said...

LOVE your bags!!! And it's fun when someone actually like your bags enough to ask you to make them another, isn't it?

Locket Pocket said...

Totally fabby bags Lesley! That red one is really spiffy and I love your new oilcloth one - and the owl one, and as for the rainbow one - REALLY brilliant! What a lucky lucky swap partner you had!

Locket xxx

Leanne said...

Lots of fabulous bag action happening there. Good idea Re the patterns make them PDF's and they can be emailed saves on postage. I have bought a few e-patterns of late.