Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sewing is done and housework studiously ignored

There are times when housework is best ignored in favour of more pleasant pursuits. After two days with Moogsdad at home finishing up some DIY, the house was looking less than delightful.

Did I whizz round tidying up the mess that he created? Did I battle to maintain a modicum of organisation amid the increasingly overwhelming chaos.

No, I did not!

I spent an evening making myself a lovely new bag :-)

With a pattern from artsycraftybabe and spotty fabric, gifted to me by my lovely bloggy friend Kitty, that was a perfect match for some flowery stuff I bought ages ago....

....and a very contrasting lining of Kokeshi doll fabric, this bag has made me very very happy :-)

This is the first time I've followed a pattern to make a bag ( I usually make up my own) and I was really pleased with how easy it was. The bag is a good size too, with loads of room for all my doings, including my sock knitting and library book.

I bet even this lovely new book would fit in there...

I've seen this on other blogs for ages and tried to resist but it was no good - the promise of recipes for homemade butter and homemade curd cheese, not to mention fresh pasta and sourdough bread had me hooked! Of course, the fact that it's co-written by my hero Hugh F-W makes it essential reading as far as I'm concerned ;-)

Mind you, I may not follow his example on last night's River Cottage Summer. Somehow, slug soup or satay slug just doesn't do it for me!

Nope, I'll stick to something much bread made with flour from our local windmill....

...and planning the weekend's meals with a fantastic box of free organic fruit and veg from Abel & Cole.

I've been dithering over trying an organic veg box scheme for ages. So, when I was offered the chance to try one for free, in return for reviewing it's contents, I said a big 'Yes, please!'.

It arrived bright and early this morning and I was amazed how excited the children were about a box of veg!

So excited, in fact, that they took some of it to school in their packed lunches.

Cheese and salad wraps, using veg box lettuce, and a slice of yummy mini-watermelon.

We used more of the contents for tonight's dinner. Jersey new potatoes, broad beans and carrots were sampled and all were delicious.
Even Moogsdad was moved to comment on how tasty it was. Not bad for a man who only normally comments on how good a meal is if it involves oven chips and a fried egg ;-)



Gina said...

Great fabrics in your bag... it's super! Very upset that Abel and Cole don't deliver here. Was asked if I would like to review a veg box too but can't because they don't come to our area :(

Julie said...

Very fine bag, Lesley.

Thimbleanna said...

Yipee for studiously ignored housework! Your bag is gorgeous -- I love the b&w -- very, very clever. And it's a good thing I don't live closer -- I might show up in time for dinner!

Locket Pocket said...

Wow! Cool bag!!!! And very delish looking veg box - but why don't they deliver up here???? Not fair at all! Although I do really love the Abel and Cole cookbook!

I've got that HFW and Fizz Carr book and it is lovely - at least I think it is, Dot keeps nicking it to read so I haven't had as much of a chance to look at it as I would have liked ;o)

Locket xxzxzzzzz

dottycookie said...

Lovely lovely baggage, Mrs M!

I am getting very envious of all these free veg boxes. I've had the email from A&C (hello Mrs A&C marketing woman, because I bet they're scanning comments again) but they don't deliver in my neck of the woods. Bah.

Ali said...

I am very jealous of your mini watermelon - mine morphed into a normal melon en route. Not that they aren't nice, I just had a seed spitting competition in mind...

Lina said...

Hurray for ignoring the housework! I've recently been able to enjoy watching Mr HFW again, now that we have worked out how to get 4OD here! Yay!

Quinn said...

You made the right decision!

I forced myself to do worky stuff All Day Long today (for a change), and I don't feel pleased or cheery or accomplished or anything,PLUS there is no lovely new bag HERE.

And it's raining...again...still...

rachelmp said...

Love the bag! and the bread. Envious all round :)

Unknown said...

I got a box too - and I was so impressed with the contents, isn't everything fresh and tasty? A bit like your bag, actually!

French Knots said...

I had an Abel and Cole leaflet in the post yesterday and thought how tasty the boxes looked - well the contents really but you get my drift.
Well done for ignoring the housework, it's a key skill and I am working hard at it!x

JuliaB said...

Wow! that bag is AMAZING!! xx

. said...

Hello Mrs Moogmum. I haven't been here for so long! I'm trying to play bloggy catch up.

Lovely bag, the black and white is fab.

I'm noticing a definitely Abel and Cole feel around blogland lately. They deliver around here and we're always getting leaflets through but I'm yet to try it as yet. I might consider giving it a go though, everything I've seen looks yummy.

Jane said...

Beautiful bag and lovely looking veg. Jane x

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Fabulous bag! I love the lining fabric. You've done a great job!

Michaela said...

I once had an organic box of fruit and veg delivered. It was awful. Within a day half of the fruit was mouldy (despite being in the fridge). The onions were the size of those tiny ones you use for pickling and the 'fresh' beetroot must have been picked the month before. When I complained, I was told that 'yes, organic things don't last as long and we thought the onions were rather small'. No mention of so much as an apple by way of sorry. I have never gone organic since. But then we don't have Abel and Cole.