Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I'm shocked to see it's nearly a month since my last confession I last blogged. That month has disappeared in a fog.

Moogsdad is very nearly back to his version of normal.

My poor Dad has frightened us all witless several times. He's been in hospital since 23rd March and was all set to go home three weeks ago, when he developed a serious infection and went into heart failure.

He's amazed everyone by fighting off the infection and the heart failure. The man has the most amazing inner strength! Where he goes from here is still unclear as he's still not a well man, his mobility has decreased dramatically and we may need to broach the dreaded subject of nursing homes.

I've spent some of the past few weeks up and down the motorway visiting him and my lovely brother and family. I guess that's why there was no 'me' left for blogging.

We managed to combine a little family camping trip with a bit of hospital visiting last week. The first part of the week was spent in sunny Dorset, where we squeezed in a trip to Monkey World.

My favourite bit was walking through the woodland where beautiful lemurs were 'free range'.

My least favourite bit was the anxious gibbon who pee'd over the glass front of his cage and then proceeded to sit on a branch and eat his own poo!!

The latter part of the week was spent at a campsite on the outskirts of Birmingham, where we admired the sunset, and spent the loveliest evening having a barbeque with my brother and his family.

So, although it's been a very crappy few months, things have levelled out a little. We're feeling relaxed after our week away and ready to face the next load of lemons that life throws our way.

Image blatantly stolen from here

Crafty activity has all but ground to a halt.

However, as of today a load has lifted.

I've finally (hopefully...depending on my manager's verdict) completed the stinky 5000 word report for the work course I did way back in January. After being given an extended deadline twice due to all the crubbish going on in Moogshouse, I have finally...once and for last...written the darned thing!!

I can give the left side of my brain a rest for a while.

It's (fingers oh so very crossed) time to get creative!!



Rachel said...

Welcome back! I was just thinking about you today, wondering if everything was ok. I hope your dad continues to improve and that everything works out ok. And glad you managed to enjoy half term too (we went to Monkey world a couple of years ago - it started pouring with rain when we got there and didn't stop! - not so much fun!) Anyway, just glad you're ok and hope you can get some of your well deserved me time back again.
((hugs)) Rachel x

wonderwoman said...

welcome back, have missed you but quite understand why you have not been around - so sorry to hear about your dad, lets hope he continues to rally!
feel like you need a day out with trashy and me!!!


trash said...

Sigh. I love that feeling when a big essay is out of the way. Yay you!

Glad you had a good end to the holidays :-)

Anonymous said...

Welcome back - but take it easy, we will still be here in blogland when your family has gotten all sorted out and better. I hope your Dad pulls through and you and your family can relax a bit.

Jane said...

Good to see you back, sorry to hear your Dad has been so ill. I hope he continues to get better. Em wants to go to Mnokey world too but no-one else in the family fancies it! so it will most likely be me taking her in the summer holidays. Great to hear you managed to finish your essay. happy crafting Jane x

dottycookie said...

Glad you're back; I've been thinking about you and wondering if all was well. I'm sorry to hear your dad has been frightening you, and I hope he stays well now for a good while!

Congrats on the essay, and good luck with sewing machine wrangling!

Locket Pocket said...

Hooray for having you back in blogland!

Hopefully things are going to get much better for all the residents of Moogsland. Maybe that yukky gorilla wasn't just eating his own poo but also all the life-crap that has been flinging itself your way!

Looking forward to the craftage that will no doubt be happening in your neck of the woods now the stinky stoopid report is finished!

Locket xxxxx

marit said...

Good to hsve you back! I hope your dad continues to improve.
I hpe you get some time to be crafty again!

Blossom said...

nice to see you back!!
I am sorry to hear your dad hasn't been well....we are dealing with similar things here.


Angela said...

Nice to see you back. Glad to hear everything is getting better and you had a good holiday.

Ali said...

It's good to see you again. I'd been wondering how things were going in Moog-land.

Let's hope for a clam patch (at least for a little while).

French Knots said...

How rude to give you a report to write when there's crafting to do and life is hectic!
Hope your Dad continues to hold his own.x

Sew Create It - Jane said...

What a roller coaster ride you've been on...hope things slow down a bit and that you get some crafting time.

Love the sign about the lemons...that's a great one!

Hope your dad makes a recovery...take care :o)

JuliaB said...

Hi L! Have been thinking of you and wondering if you're ok. Sounds like you've had a busy and stressful time. Hope things settle down soon and sorry to hear about your dad. Well done on completing that report! x

Gina said...

Brilliant to see you back and hope there aren't too many more lemons in future. (Limes taste better with tequila!)
Gina xxx

Jodie said...

must be a relief to get that report done. Things like that just haunt the back of your mind don't they ?

Thimbleanna said...

Yay! You're back! Sorry about your month -- I sure hope June is much better to you. Congratulations on the finishing of the report!

Michaela said...

Welcome back! What a shitty few weeks you've all had, hope that all is getting as well as can be hoped for and that the creativity is flowing!

Penny said...

I've been worrying about you, nice to see you back again. I'm so sorry about your dad's health, hope it is stabilised and his living accomadation is sorted out quickly.

Twiggy said...

I was wondering where you'd got to. Hope your Dad continues to get better, he sounds a real fighter. Glad Mr M is also on the mend. We went to Monkey World about 100 years ago, it's fab isn't it ? Hope you soon get time to chill a bit and do a bit of crafting. Well done on getting your assignments out of the way.
Twiggy x

monda-loves said...

hello mrs moog - I have been thinking about you this last week wondering if all was ok with you and yours.
Glad to hear you are well and that you were just immersed in normal life stuff.
The essay/report didn't sound fun though, poor you and well done for finishing it.


Julie said...

Good to see you back Lesley :) Thank you for the email, I'll get round to answering in the next couple of days. I was just about to eat some chocolate when I got to the bit about the gibbon!........Maybe later.....!

Congrats on finishing the essay :o)

julie said...

A big welcome back. It sounds like there's been so much going on your end, here's hoping that there's no more lemons and that life quickly settles down to a nice calm pace again.

Leanne said...

Some times blogging just has to take a back seat. Welcome back I seem to be for ever catching up in blogland.