Friday, May 1, 2009


Hello, Bumblebee here.....the famous escaping chicken.......

......I like nothing more than a good old rootle around in that Moogwoman's flower beds......

....scattering her pansies hither and thither.....

......I've got my eye on the veg patch next.......

....those stupid humans think that regular wing clipping......

.........and making this fence progressively higher or potentially more scary.....

...will stop me escaping to wreak havoc in the shrubberies.....

......mwah ha ha ha ha.....

.....nothing will defeat me.....I am a genius escaping hen with attitude......wanna mess with me? wouldn't dare......cacklecluckcackle....

Note from Moogsmum: this pesky bird, Jazz's replacement if you remember, has never quite fitted in with the other three and takes to escaping every time they're let out into the run.

So far she has:

- uprooted most of my spring bedding plants

- covered the lawn in uprooted stones

- made her way into the kitchen - and pecked the poor Moog hard on the nose

- come into the living room once

- come into the living room again - and c**ped on the carpet

She's trouble, that bird. Whatever measures we take to keep her in the pen, she overcomes them. We are at a loss. Just how do you keep a determined chicken in her rightful place?

Answers on a postcard please!

At least I have these to play with while I ponder the chicken situation :-)



Locket Pocket said...

She's obviously a real home bird at heart!!!! hee hee hee!

Locket Pocket said...

Problem is.............

it's YOUR home she's after!

silverpebble said...

So glad to see you back Mrs M and that blogging is smiley for you again - a really good sign. Marvellous thrifty craft on Minx's trewsers in the last post.

What a delinquent hen - poor old Moog. Hairy P had to endure the smallest P biting her ear the other day. Tolerant and noble ladies both


Joanne said...

Oh she's a clever one, she looks very handsome though.
Sorry not sure what to do about her escaping.

Joanne x

dottycookie said...

Errmmm - potroast?

I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Maybe just waving the roasting tin at her would be enough ....

Julie said...

No, I'm clueless! Sorry :o)

Oh, I know, you could show her Chicken Run and suggest she builds a plane and flies off. Hope that doesn't upset the little Moogs!

Thimbleanna said...

Bad, bad chicken. And poor, poor Moog (ouch!). If she insists on coming in the house, slap an apron on her, hand her a broom and make her help with the housework. That'll teach her!

Fenland Textile Studio said...

Hi. I have a chicken like that, she can even get in through the cat flap! From personal experience I would say your have one stubbon lady on your hands (watch out for newly laid eggs on the sofa, been there & done that too!)

Gina said...

Oh dear! We've got tomorrow earmarked for clearing an area in our garden for chickens (eventually) but I didn't know they could be delinquent! Poor Moog!

wonderwoman said...

i dont think you will be able to tame that one - she's definitely one of a kind!!!


Kaz said...

oh dear! You can see she's trouble, she's got that look in her eyes!

I hope Moog nipped her back!

JuliaB said...

Knit her a jacket? so she can't flap those wings??

Perhaps she is an X-chicken ? Perhaps she isn't a chicken at all but an Xman who morphs into a chicken shape? That would explain why she's taking over the house!!

Michaela said...

I'm with Dotty Cookie. That bird is obviously good for one thing only. Suggest bread sauce to her and if that doesn't calm her down, read her the list of ingredients in a packet of chicken nuggets. That's enough to make anyone keel over!

Cloudy Kate said...

When I was a child and we had a dog that misbehaved quite badly, he was taken to "live on a farm." I suspect that wasn't quite what happened, but The Wild One might actually be happier with a bit more space. Can you donate her to a larger enterprise? I'm sure I've read of "chicken rescue" organizations, who might find her a better home. I love your pictures of her! Kate in Oregon

Quinn said...

that second trip to the living room made me laugh out's like she forgot something the first time :)

Calidore said...

Try making the fence so it leans in towards the chicken run (like you see on industrial fencing) and put some slack wires or string along the top. Chooks can't fly too high but they can flap to the top of something solid, get their balance then flap off to pastures green. If there are loose wires or heavy rope there it's too wobbly and might discourage her. Failing that try the crockpot - with vegies and gravy she should taste quite yummy.....wicked grin.

Leanne said...

I think showing her a roasting tin is a good idea..... how dare she peck Moog on the nose.

LiEr said...

Hello Lesley, thank you for coming to visit and commenting! Very sorry (although I chuckled- very rude, I know) about your home and Moog's nose being victim to hen-invasion. Hens these days! I have never had hens or roosters or even chicks so I can't help. I agree with some of the comments, though - chicken soup would be like, er, killing two birds with one stone, wouldn't it?
P.S. Thank you for the idea of wallet patterns. I would never have thought of it!

marit said...

I'd suggest chickensoup...;-D

Nell said...

When you find out a solution let me know. We have the exact same problem (except our hendini looks scruffier and has never laid an egg in its life!) I asked my husband if he could bring himself to kill it and he said "I'd have to be REALLY ANGRY with it!"LOL He is so not a farm boy (and luckily not given to violent outbursts LOL

the vicious chicken said...

Can't stop sniggling here at 'Hendini' - what a fab word! Puntastic :o) (Not meaning to belittle your chicken-escaping difficulties, of course. Sorry.)

You always make me smile, Mrs - thanks :o) Hope you are smiling too, today, and that all is OK in Moogland.

Mama said...

Deliciously if her home is in a chicken pot pie!!!

Jane said...

She's Ginger in diguise, just watch out for the old crate! (Nick Parks Chicken Run)Jane x