Wednesday, June 11, 2014

She's hooked again

After my last post I was fully expecting to crack on with more weaving and some sewing, using my woven fabric. I had a plan and a head full of ideas.

However, my lovely niece came to stay for a week, as she was working down here and as a recently self-taught and now thoroughly addicted crocheter, she asked me to show her how to crochet a granny square.

This led to me hauling out my stash of acrylic yarn, which happened to contain a work in progress - my rainbow circles that I started last November.

Being me, I immediately got thoroughly obsessed with finishing this blanket, forgot all those other things I had planned, and in just a few days it was all done.

 Naturally, whilst busily hooking away at my rainbow circles, my head was already racing ahead to my next project, which turned out to be a super-bright and colourful patchwork of a blanket, based on the Babette blanket pattern on Ravelry. I started this on 25th May, hooked all the way through the half-term holiday, and finished it on 5th June. Fairly safe to say, I was a little absorbed in this project!

Both of these blankets have decided they want to be draped over the back of the armchairs in the kitchen, where they really brighten things up.
As is always the case with me, one thing leads to another and all of a sudden all of my cushion covers were looking a bit tatty and jaded, so I set about revamping them.
Cushion #1 - in pretty shades of blue. This is my favourite :)

Cushion #2 - a ripple cushion cover in subtle muted shades. 

Cushion #3 - bright, in your face, colourful African Flower squares. I wasn't expecting this to turn out quite so garish!

I did all three of those covers over four days/evenings. When I get obsessed I really do get properly obsessed!
I'm still planning to do that sewing and weaving and have a million things I want to make but this crochet thing is ongoing for now. Rather than get stupid and stressed about all the other things I want/ need to make or finish I've chosen to just go with it and see what happens.
I do have quite a few other little bits and pieces of crochet that I've made this week but they're as yet unphotographed. I have one project in my mind and I'm waiting for something to arrive to finish it off, so I'll be back with that one soon. 

 In other news, the Wobbly puppy has been recovering from being spayed. Having her spayed was a condition of her adoption (as was having Merlin Moog's boy bits lopped off) and our vet does this procedure from six months onwards. Wobbler was seven months old a couple of weeks ago.

She's been a real star about being forced to wear the cone of doom and is now once more lampshade free. A reaction to one of her sutures has led to two short courses of antibiotics but all is now well.

Merlin and I, however, are still recovering from the severe bruisings we received when she ran full pelt into us with this thing on her head - we ended up wrapping the edge with sticking plaster to soften the blows, which didn't work!

 As you can see, it totally messed her hair up and she developed a fetching pair of devil horns through wearing it. How apt.
Moogs xxx


SaraJ said...

Goodness you've been busy - and all so gorgeous.
I would love a dog - Matt's dream is to have a border collie - maybe one day. x

Kaz said...

So much gorgeousness in one post. Love all those bright colours together. Draped where they can be admired all the time is perfect.
Glad Willow is cone free now xxx

Thimbleanna said...

HOLY Cow Woman -- it would take me a year just to finish the one you started on the 25th. WOW! They're all so colorful and beautiful! My favorite (if I'm allowed to have a favorite) is the first one -- oh so pretty. I love those rainbow colors! You're amazing!!!

Unknown said...

Those are all beautiful! Crochet can be so addictive - it's so fast and the results are so pretty! I have 2 crochet blankets on the go at the moment... normally I am a diehard knitter, but I too have caught the crochet bug!

silverpebble said...

*taps ear trumpet* MOOGS, IS THAT YOU? HELLO MOOGS?

Oh for the love of Penelope Keith you've outdone yourself with colourful joyous crochet.

Guess what? I'm about to try to crochet a strawberry. I KNOW!

Also, what's this about another dog? I feel so out of touch. Like some tragic old Fenny bint who lives miles away from anywhere.


Breathing Life said...

You are an inspiration. I think I need to take up crochet again. And border collies, I definitely need to get another one of those too!

Jodie said...

Oh that quilt - with the squares - every single colour of awesome possible !!!

Kitty said...

Both those blankets are utterly gorgeous! And so are the cushion covers. I'm loving the 'garish' one - so cheerful! You clever thing. x

Gina said...

Crikey... when you go for a project you really do go! Love both the blankets!