Saturday, June 25, 2011

...and about time too!

Goodness me, the gaps between my blog posts seem to be getting bigger and bigger! I haven't ventured into blogland for weeks and have no idea what any of my lovely virtual friends are up to. I have frittered away many hours lurking around on Ravelry, however, so maybe it's time to get back in touch with what you're all up to.

I've had quite a few bad days just recently, feeling very low and not wanting to face the world and yesterday it finally dawned on me what all this was about. It's a little thing called grief. I allowed myself to take stock and think back over the past few months and I realised it's perfectly okay and normal to feel this way.

I think we all feel we should just be able to dust ourselves off and get on with things all the time - I know I do and I know I really irritate myself when I give into the glums. Yesterday I let myself work through it and I'm feeling like a cloud or two is starting to drift away.

There's still lots of lifecrap to deal with - work is once more hugely uncertain thanks to two more council reviews which seem more likely to result in our jobs going than the last one, and I have another funeral to attend. My cousin's husband - a really wonderful man - passed away last week after a short but brave battle with prostate cancer. I reckon that'll be enough funerals for one year, they're not something I'd like to make a habit of.

Knitting has been sustaining me through all this. No photos today but I've got several pairs of socks on the go - I don't know what I'd have done without my sock knitting!

Also for the first time in I don't know how long, I've actually done some sewing. Minx has had a couple of birthday parties to go to lately and I was a bit low on funds, so I decided to get making - bags of course :o)

Bright and cheerful and cool enough for trendy ten year olds - at least that was Minx's verdict!

Merlin Moog is doing great. Growing by the minute and being a model student with his training classes - just as you would expect from a super-intelligent Border Collie :o)

He now completely fills his 'cave'...

....and has started to really make himself at home!

We were having big problems on our walks, as little man was terrified of cars but slowly and surely we're making progress and each day he becomes a little more confident and a little more relaxed. He's turning out to be a fantastic little dog and is doing a grand job of trying to fill Moog's very special shoes :o)

I'm now looking forward to a relaxing evening, catching up on some very overdue blog reading.

Love Moogs xxxx


Jan said...

So sorry you have had the 'glums' but you sound as though you are coping with it quite well ,Your bags are lovely,and Merlin is so handsome Jan xx

Twiggy said...

Aww welcome back Mrs Moogs. Hope you're soon feeling better, give yourself plenty of time. Your little Merlin Moog is so cute.
Pop on over to see me for my bloggy giveaway.
Twiggy x

Gina said...

Hope you feel better and things pick up soon Lesley

trash said...

Excuse me Missus. I think that big dog might have eaten the puppy you had last time I saw you.

(hahhhaha...word verification is 'entree'. No jokes!)

dottycookie said...

I've been thinking about you over the last few days - good to see you even if you are feeling low. It will take time - but you know that so I shall just shut up and send hugs.

And the creative spirit is obviously thriving!

Karen said...

Wow, you're new little man is surely growing. I lost one of my 4 legged kids in January, Miss MIffy and I still miss her dreadfully. I have 2 other little doggies and I thought it would be easier still having them. But how wrong I was.

wonderwoman said...

so lovely to have you back - each person deals with grief in their own way, there is no right or wrong - just take care of yourself.


Thimbleanna said...

Awww, look at that little puppers -- he looks happy and at home. Hope this is the beginning of the return of happiness -- take your time. It's good to see you back!

Ali said...

The good news about blogland is that it's always here when you come back from real life taking priority. Glad to see you, Leslie!

Locket Pocket said...

Lovely to see you back in blogland Lesley - but I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling low - give yourself time to grieve and don't be too hard on yourself.

Merlin is looking adorably cuddly and is really growing fast!

And your bags are beautiful - great presents for some very lucky girls.

But now I want to see photos of those socks you've been knitting! I'm on the hunt for the perfect pair of socks to knit on my holiday.

Locket xxx

marit said...

Merlin is adorable!!!

Great bags!

Take care,

Hugs from me

Anonymous said...

It's nice to hear you again, and see your lovely bags and Mr. Perfect dog. About the grief, my father died about 18 months ago, at the age of 91, and while the major sadness faded, I still have moments when the sharp pain of loss just jumps up and bites me. At least, that's how I think of it. I read once that one never "gets over" such a loss, but just "gets used to it." Maybe that idea helps a bit. Take good care, Kate

Charlie P said...

It's not been your year so far, has it? :-(
Nothing wrong with taking a little time out. I think we all get those low moments, but I'm sure you'll find a way out. Hope it's sooner rather than later :-)

Kaz said...

Sorry to hear you've had rough days, you are allowed to, it's normal.
What a wonderful thing to be able to rustle up a couple of bags for gifts - perfect for girls of any age.
Merlin is still just adorable and laying there with Minx is so like my niece and Jess. I'm there next week so will show them Merlin's development. They were over the moon to be able to follow Jess's brother. I shall have to blog some photos of her.
Big hugs for you xxx