Friday, January 15, 2010

What to say?

It's difficult to find the words to express the horror of what has happened in Haiti this week. Every news bulletin brings heart rending stories of real people undergoing unimaginable trauma and loss.

Standing at my kitchen sink this morning, washing a bundle of handmade socks, I was struck with the irony of it all. There I was washing, rinsing and re-rinsing without a care for where the water came from, safe in the knowledge that I had as much of it as I could ever want or need, listening to Radio 4 and a Haitian father appealing for help, pleading for fresh water, asking to be remembered.

We all love blogland for it's ability to cheer us, to take us away from 'real' life, to escape a little into a safe and colourful world, full of beauty and inspiration. Sometimes, we just can't ignore the real world out there.

There's little we can do other than hope and pray for those affected - and donate to the emergency appeal.

Here are some useful links:




Locket Pocket said...

Brilliantly put Moogs. Locket xx

trash said...

thanks Missus Moog. Am putting to gether a Second Trash raffle so anyone who contributes can earn raffle tickets. details up later.

Angel Jem said...

Thanks for putting it into words. I wept yesterday when listening to a man on the radio who had found his son's body and would not leave it to go into a mass grave but couldn't afford the coffin to bury him.

dottycookie said...

Hear hear. Well said.

French Knots said...

It's just too awful.

Julie said...

Well said Lesley. It is difficult to comprehend the scale of this disaster when we take so many things for granted here.

wonderwoman said...

absolutely agree Lesley - we take so much for granted sometimes and something like this really brings it home.


Kitty said...

Hear, hear Mrs Moogs. x

Dotty said...

good words

Twiggy said...

Well said Mrs Moog !!
Twiggy x

Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

I think your words are very suitable. Its a difficult difficult thing to express the horror and helplessness of this situation. I can not believe that in our world the help and support that should just happen does not and then you listen to the various parties with any power in this country and they argue over such stupid matters when people are buried alive....shocking!!!