Monday, March 29, 2010

Running away

My brain is befuddled with a stupid headcold and I've sat here for ten minutes typing and deleting the first sentence to this post......after three hours of waiting for Blogger to allow me to upload and see my photos!

So, instead of setting the scene or finding an interesting way to tell you I went to London at the weekend to meet up with lovely bloggy friends, for chat, laughs, yarn and cake, here's the photographic evidence:


Laughs (and cake):

Gorgeous brooches from Locket and Gina and gorgeous sock wool from Loop and iKnit

The torrential rain didn't dampen our spirits (although a sleepless night and a snotty nose may have dampened mine a little!) and we picked up just where we left off last time we met up i.e. chat, laugh, yarn and cake :o)

It was great to see my sock guru Mrs Stashbasket again (especially as she gave me a fab parcel of her delicious homemade fudge).....although I did draw the line at showing her the bl**dy awful mess I've made of my Polly Jean sock challenge socks and 'accidentally' managed to leave them at home, waiting to be frogged. Glad I did too, as Michaela had her first (finished!) sock with her and it's GORGEOUS!

Here's my version 1 pair. Ugh.....just how much of a mess can a person get into with lacy socks?

Fortunately, Loop came up trumps with the MOST delicious Colinette Jitterbug sock yarn (possibly my favourite sock yarn ever). I made a determined effort to choose colours I wouldn't normally go for and couldn't resist this......'Wasabi Squeeze' colourway.

It seems to have done the trick. Polly Jean mkII is, so far, an absolute delight to knit and much more fun that the scratchy version 1.

Mrs Locket has done a fab post about London, with a lot more detail than mine, so head on over to see her version of events.

I'm now off to blow my nose for the gazillionth time today!

p.s. there were more lovely gifties but I haven't managed to show them to the camera yet.


Locket Pocket said...

What you really mean is that you've already eaten all the fudge and there's no way you are going to be showing it to the camera!

It was a fab weekend - thank you once again for coming out to play!

Locket xx

Jan said...

So sorry to hear you have succumbed to one of those silly colds ,that leave your nose streaming and sore ,then all rough like sandpaper ,and the sneezing ,well I dont mind sneezing in fact I quite lke it .anyway I hope you are feeling better now ,I read Lucy's account of your weekend it did sound a lot of fun Jan xx

Thimbleanna said...

Hahaha -- I'm going to have to agree with Lucy -- that fudge is probably long gone! Looks like you had a grand time -- how fun to see the ladies smiling back at the camera. Wish I could have been with you all!!!

Michaela said...

Well thanks for the highly flattering photo Mrs Moog! I was not going to let that big chocolate fudge brownie hang about for long! When can we next go to Loop? I've nearly run out of yarn!

dottycookie said...

And there was I feeling good about having at least thought about casting on Polly Jean and you've been and gone and finished it. Pah. Just plain rude ;-)

Feel better soon.

Lina said...

Looks like you had a grand time...I think you're turning into a bit of sock queen, how many pairs do you think you have knit? Hope you feel better soon!
Lina x

trash said...

just as well I didn't come along given that there is only room for four at that table.

Hope you are feeling better soon and you are welcome for me kickstarting you with Jitterbug ;-)

karenshopes said...

How lovely to meet up with bloggy friends I havent had that pleasure yet,you look like you had a good time,hope you feel better soon.

wonderwoman said...

such a shame you are poorly, i hope you get better very soon! Looks like you had a fab meet-up and that sock wool from Loop looks gorgeous!


Sew Create It - Jane said...

Sounds like you had a good day out (I read Mrs. Locket's version)

Hope you are feeling better soon!

French Knots said...

How unfair to be feeling snotty and grotty for a girls weekend!
But I have heard that cake is a great cure for a cold!x

Gina said...

It was lovely to see you again... sorry I missed the cake and yarn but I wasn't going to hang around for another day to be called a tart! Hope the cold clears up soon.x

Kitty said...

Has Mrs Locket gone blonde since the last time I saw her?

Looks like you all had a wonderful time. :)


PS I'm as snotty as a snotty thing too. :( Hope you feel much better soon. xx

Thimbleanna said...

Haha!!! You've been outed by Trashy!!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!