Tuesday, March 2, 2010

More treats for me!

I just had to show you the gorgeous goodies that postie delivered this week. I was so excited when I tore off the paper to reveal this very pretty Spring Swap box and I was even more excited when I realised it was from JennyFlower !!

I love the poem on the lid and will be making sure I keep this.

Once I opened it, things got even better!

Some of my very favourite sweets in the whole wide world - chocolate eggs and chocolate limes.....yum yum yum :o)

Just look at all this fabulous springy goodness! The most beautiful yarn, fabrics, crocheted brooch and pretty hair bands (claimed immediately by the Minx!).

....and just look at this fabulous bag! This must have taken ages to make and I just love it - it's now holding my latest knitting projects :o)

This was such a ray of sunshine in a very grey and wet week and it reminded me just how wonderful the world of crafty blogging is. Thank you so very much Jenny - I am so thrilled with my spring goodies!

In other news, househunting has so far drawn a blank despite taking up just about every spare moment - mostly trawling the same old websites looking at the same houses day after day.

We've viewed two houses so far, neither of which met the very exacting Moogfamily spec - ie three bedrooms (not shoe cupboards), good school catchment, good sized garden to accomodate Moog, chickens and a 12 foot trampoline.

You may be surprised at the details we've been sent for tiny bedroomed houses, in totally the wrong area, with gardens half the size of our current one!

What with that and having to listen to Mr Moog rant to me and anyone who phones/stands still long enough, about the whole buying and selling houses business ad nauseum, I've had very little 'me' left over for crafty stuff or bloggy stuff.

Before I wrote this post, I was about to announce a prolonged blog break. However, I've now had a change of heart as I think I need this little world to keep me sane!! I may not be leaving comments much but I am still lurking around reading your blogs and enjoying all your crafty doings - makes such a refreshing change from Rightmove!!!



Gina said...

It sounds as though that Spring swap parcel was just what you needed. Lovely goodies!

dottycookie said...

That certainloy is a wonderful, springy parcel.

If you've not read Jill Barklem's Brambly Hedge series, I strongly recommend you do. I love it when my children ask for them at bedtime!

Locket Pocket said...

You do know, don't you, that if you even tried to have a "prolonged bloggy break" you would earn yourself a VERY BIG KICK UP THE BACKSIDE from me!

Only delivered with the VERY best intentions, of course!


French Knots said...

Oh the trauma, no not of house moving, of threatening a blogging break!! You know you'd miss us!
Your parcel looks lovely, just the sort of pick you up needed when having to tidy the house for selling!xx

wonderwoman said...

what a lovely parcel from Jenny - such gorgeous goodies!
Wishing you lots of luck with the house hunting and hoping to see you again very soon!


Michaela said...

I've told you, just come and live up here near me. I'll find you a house right away if you want - there is a beautiful thatched one in our village. Big garden, secluded lane with little passing traffic, swimming pool, 4 bedrooms, £550,000. Shall I put in an offer on your behalf?

Thimbleanna said...

Yay! Don't take a break -- we'd miss you too much! Thank you for sacrificing for us LOL!

Eeek! You got your swap pkg already -- I haven't sent mine yet. Your goodies are wonderful!

jennyflowerblue said...

Glad you like your parcel! House hunting really is what it says isn't it? Like hunting a large angry animal, using stealth and cunning. I hope you catch your beast!

JP said...

changing houses is definitely very stressful! - are you sure you don't want to stay?!

Twiggy said...

Lovely goodies. House hunting is a chore, we aren't moving but changing mortgage providers and that's doing my head in, so I sympathise. Keep lurking.
twiggy x

Twiggy said...

Lovely goodies. House hunting is a chore, we aren't moving but changing mortgage providers and that's doing my head in, so I sympathise. Keep lurking.
twiggy x

Kitty said...

Gosh, what a lovely parcel from Jenny - so glad it cheered you up. Moving house is such a pain - I really hope that the place that's just right for you is just round the corner (not geographically speaking, because that would be silly :p ).

Glad you're not going, too ;-) x

quiltygal said...

Ohhh Id hate to have to move sooooo much stuff & c$#p too!!
Best of luck let me know where you will be in Sept as I am invading the Uk from the 5th on would love to have a blogger picnic or something similar??

Julie said...

I love chocolate eggs too, all that crunch and yummy chocolate! The bag is beautiful, what a fantastic parcel and just at the right time. My stepmum has just moved house and it was a tough experience (sorry to not cheer you up!) so you are not alone in your struggle. Hope your special house is just around the corner.

PS Word verification is phooerph! What a useful word in times of stress lol