Thursday, March 6, 2008

I'm not really blogging today ok?!!

I know I know I said I wouldn't but stuff happened that I just have to blog about - no gloating about how you knew I just couldn't keep away, right?

First of all it's our anniversary and I got a lovely card off Moogsdad. Very pretty with a glass of wine and two sparkly glasses on the front with the words 'On Your Anniversary' (your???) and inside? With love to you both.

Now looky here I thought - is he calling me fat? Both?

Did he not read the card before he bought it???

He dug himself out of this corner very well I have to admit.

He chose the card because he thought the wine bottle had a certain relevance (!!!).

Both? For me and my alter ego, Moogsmum.

Now can you see why we are still together after nine arduous, exhausting, stressful lovely years?


Both stark staring bonkers :)

So what else has caused me to 'come into work on my day off'?

I had a wonderful email this morning informing me that I had made my first sale in my sparkly new Etsy shop!!! Who was my lovely first customer?

Why, it was the very discerning and fashion conscious Monkee Maker!!!

Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much MM - I was a trifle excited as my emails to you may have implied ;)

Your new bag will be winging it's way to Brizzle imminently.

Surely, today could not get any better?

Well, first off today's dental prodding was not too excruciating.

Then I got home to find something peeping out of the post box that has gotten here incredibly quickly from my lovely Bunny Hop Swap partner Est!!!!!!

How cute is the packaging with special bunny picture and cute tape and everything?!!

and just feast your eyes on all this loveliness!!!!

Isn't she just the most adorable bunny you have ever seen?

She has her own little apron and bag and quilt and the sweetest little dress ever!!

Just look at the gorgeous Easter card that Est made to go with her!!

There's even a special little message so beautifully stitched on the reverse of her quilt:

She is so exquisitely stitched and has such an adorable face...

...she's just as cute from behind!!!

Thank you so much Est I am completely overwhelmed with my swap present and I will treasure her always!! I have a feeling the children will be tucking into those special sweeties later :)

I'm feeling very smiley and pleased with myself - just like this in fact:

Going now - I have promised to go into school for an hour to be librarian.

There may be some sort of an announcement going on here soon as I have just noticed how many posts I've done!!!!


artisbliss said...

It's amazing how restrained you were in this non-blog. Very nice bunny, no wonder you wanted to show it off.

I'm married to a man with a very quirky sense of humor, so I know what you mean about the card. At least he's not predictable!

Angela said...

She certainly is a most adorable bunny.

Kitty said...

Congratulations on the sale at Etsy. There is something very fitting about MM taking your Etsy virginity ;-)

That bunny is fabtastic isn't she? There are so many clever bloggers out there - I never cease to be amazed.

Hope you have a lovely anniversary evening (had to snigger about the card - typical bloody man, eh?)

Take care. x

Mama said...

WONDERFUL bunny swap package!!!

ps: I'd hide the candy, only to save the kiddos from breaking their Lent fast you understand. And, I'd selflessly fall on the sward of sweetie temptation myself (after they'd gone to bed), thus saving their souls. Ahhh, I am a wonderful mother!

Locket Pocket said...

You were right to be squeakily excited about your parcel from Est - although my ears are still recovering!!! Your bunny is adorable and I love all her goodies like her quilt and her bag and that wonderful card! Do you really think one of my mad bunnies will be good enough for this swap now?????

Me xx

Gina said...

Ha! You couldn't stay away!!
Well done on the Etsy sale - I keep meaning to attempt to set up an Etsy shop but I'm such a computer dunce I'm sure I'll mess it up!

That is a beautiful bunny and I'm very sad I missed out on this swap.

Ali said...

You make me laugh! Those dog lips are downright scary.

Congrats on many fronts!

the vicious chicken said...

Volunteering to work in the school library? Even for an hour? You must be nuts. Sounds awful to me... (Please don't tell my boss I said that - and if my boss is in fact reading this... I love my job. Honest.)

Happy anniversary to all three of you ;o)

PS I've got my eye on one of the bags in your etsy shop, too - so I was relieved to see that MM snaffled a different one! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that 'my' bag will still be there come payday :o)

Julie said...

Congratulations on your Etsy sale and on your Anniversary. Your bunny is beautiful and I love the smiling dog! Hope you have a good evening :) (Clever hubby you've got there. I think mine is probably on a similar wavelength too!)
Not surprised you couldn't keep away!!!

French Knots said...

What a smashing bunny!
Etsy and anniversary congratulation too!

Jodie said...

Awesome bunny- she is just so cute.
Those giant lips freaked me out for a minute!

Leigh said...

CONGRATULATIONS on your anniversary and your first sale!

Love that bunny!!! Ah, those lips, those lips!!!

Bethany said...

I laughed out loud at your comments about your husband's card!!!! That is so funny! But that's why we love them, isn't it?!! They need us so badly!

Your bunny is soooo adorable!!! I'm so jealous. And congrats on your first etsy sale. What a day! Hopefully you are enjoying a glass of wine right now (or in bed... you're a couple hours ahead of us!)

est said...

oh my! yr 'aniversary card' case is so funny!!! and congrats on yr first etsy business!! :) and thanks for the lovely post on the bunny :)

Monkee Maker said...

Oi! You said you weren't posting yesterday! Could I possibly be THE ONLY BLOGGER IN THE WORLD who is too lazy to sort out Google Reader or Blog lines or whatever it is?

That's why I missed your Etsy shop opening I think .... mind you, you did do it under the cover of darkness I note.

Anyhoo, thank YOU for making such a scrummy bag - did I mention I like bags?

Regarding your hubby's card ..... an excellent excuse, but it did rather remind me of something .... there seem to be three people in your marriage ..... (either that little royal faux pas or Me Myself and Irene)

Very very cute bunny and goodies.


PJS said...

LOVE the bunny, i think my favourite touch is tht she has her own bag, gorgeous.

Congrats on the first etsy sale... it's exciting isnt it?

Hope youenjoyed the rest of your anniversary.

PJS :)

Annie said...

That bunny is unbelievable - just so georgous. Lucky you!

Leanne said...

The bunny is very sweet you are very lucky - congrats on the first etsy sale may there be many more.