Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pray silence for an announcement

The results are in.

We have a Champion Geek.

The points have been checked by an independent adjudicator:

They were then verified by an unbiased third party :

So here is the moment that you have all been waiting patiently for..... reverse order the Top Ten Geeks in blogland are as follows:

10. Marmadaisy - 94 points
9. Trashy - 110 points
8. Silverpebble - 137 points
7. Dottycookie - 150 points
6. Kitty - 152 points
5. Kristie - 166 points
4. Wonderwoman - 173
3. Lucy Locket (!) - 174 points
2. The Vicious Chicken - 193 points

..and now....

....a hearty round of applause for The Top Geek 2008......

..........with an outstanding 253 Geek Points.....

..........a geek with a very geeky family.............

.........a geek who blogged one of my favourite all time experiments......

......... a geek who got more excited about the Geek League than I did.......

.........drumroll please.........

The winner is.........


A suitably geeky prize will be winging it's way to you in the not too distant future (once I've decided what it will be!)

To all of you who took part...and those of you who stayed faithful to the blog despite not knowing what on earth was going on.......THANK YOU!!!

I've learned a great deal throughout this Geeky phase:

1. I'm maybe not as geeky as I thought
2. I'm not very good at organisation
3. I enjoy handing out points on a completely ad hoc basis - thus shirking any responsibility for setting up proper challenges with an appropriately weighted system of points
4. I need to think things out before opening my big mouth
5. I'm looking forward to doing some sewing


Things may get back to 'normal' round here.....

.......tomorrow I might show you my new feet - once I've had chance to play with them :)


p.s. if you were waiting for this post yesterday, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting :-) Yesterday would have been my Mum's birthday and I decided I'd rather have a day off blogging.


the vicious chicken said...

Gah! So near, and yet so very far :o(

That said, whopping great congratulations to Lesley at tintocktap! I'm seething with envy, obviously, but I'm still very pleased for you :o)

Thanks for the geeky challenge, Moogsmum - I've enjoyed it loads! Just wish I'd been that little bit geekier ;o)

love from the second-geekiest geek :o)

Thimbleanna said...

You're so funny Lesley! Aren't you glad it's over? Congratulations to Tintocktap!

Locket Pocket said...

Thank heavens it's all over!

Oooops! Did I say that out loud? Silly me!

All I mean is, at least now I won't have to keep desperately trying to think of ways to make my totally ungeeky (but undeniably odd) self sound clever in a geeky kind of way!

I'm very proud of myself for doing so well but I'm sure the nag-factor has to be taken into consideration!

Congratulations to TTT - you clearly deserved to win!

And lots of love to you mad woman, Me xxxxx

wonderwoman said...

oh wow! can't believe i came fourth - wahooo! congrats to TT and thanks to you for organizing the geek challenge! you are a star!!


dottycookie said...

Congrats to Tintocktap! I am off to give back my PhD since I clearly don't deserve to call myself Dr DC anymore ;-)

Kitty said...

Oh congratulations to Tintock - she pulled it out of the bag with that last post, didn't she? I'm pleased to have made the Top 10 - no danger of relegation.

Looking forward to seeing your new feet enormously - they'll be the ones to match those lounge pants? ;-)


Julie said...

Congratulations to Tintocktap! I'm off to see who she is in a minute.... I'm glad to see a monkey got in on the act!

Sending you a big hug (not sure which gizmos on the keyboard stand for hugs) xxxx

trash said...

Phew! Just inside the top ten. I need not hang my head in shame.

Kristie said...

Big geeky congrats to Tinocktap!!! I am happy to be at #5....mid-way geekiness is not too shabby!!! (though my competitive nature says I should have tried harder) I am rather pleased to see two Australians in the top ten (HI Trashy!)
I am looking forward to the return of normal craftiness from you ♥

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm so glad to see that Lesley won - she really put her all into it, didn't she? And VC a close runner up? Hurrah!

From your thoughts about this challenge, can we take it that you won't be hosting any Mrs L type swaps anytime soon??


Gina said...

Gosh, I'm releived that is all over. Especially as I managed to get through the whole thing with ZERO points!!! Congratulations to Lesley!

tintocktap said...

Oh dear! I don't know whether to be pleased or embarassed - pleased that I'm a winner, but I hadn't realised just how terribly geeky I am! Put it down to being on maternity leave and having no other outlet for my geekiness!!

Thanks Mrs Moogsmum for the fun!

Bethany said...

I am so relieved that I didn't make the list! Phew! I probably could have done better if I'd really wanted to! You crack me up, as usual!! Enjoy yourself now that it's all over and you can focus on other things. Actually I'm surprised you didn't give the U.S. the top award with all the stupid hullabulloo about the elections! (and I'm drawn in too...yikes!) I'm a political geek!

Val said...

Congrats Lesley! This is a very cute post. This is also my very first visit and I will be back.