Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Crafting is the best medicine

I can only take so much feeling sorry for myself before I feel bored with me.

I decided that a crafty challenge was the perfect way to forget that I am in the throes of the very worst cold ever that anyone has ever suffered ever.....ever!

I needed a new bag but had a yearning for something zippy. Whilst perusing U-handbag recently I came across this fab tutorial on the blog.

Of course, being me (Miss Independentdoesn'tlikedoingasshe'stoldthinkssheknowsbetter), I decided to do it slightly differently. I took photos, so that if it worked I could share it with you.

It worked - with not too much swearing - so here it is:

How to make a bag with a zip in it by Moogsmum

1. Find a zip the right length or longer, as you can cut it down. I then added a fabric tab at either end of the zip, like so:

2. I then cut out two pieces of fabric to form the 'placket' (the fabric bit the zip sits in). Press seams inwards as shown and press in half lengthways.
I haven't given measurements as it depends on the size of the bag you're making and the length of the zip.
I used a 9" zip.

3. Attach your zipper foot and machine stitch the zipper into the plackets

4. Here's a very rubbish close-up of the zip sewn into the placket.

5. Stitch one side of the placket to one of your lining pieces, approx 1" down from the top edge. Then stitch the other lining piece to the other side of the placket (this is where the U-handbag tutorial is so great - I was very excited when I saw this bit!!).

Then carry on to construct your lining as usual.

6. Construct the main body of your bag. (I lined mine with cotton batting for extra body but less rigid than heavy interfacing).

7. Pin your handles in place and baste them on the sewing machine.

8. With reverse side of lining fabric facing out, push your bag (complete with handles) carefully down inside lining - right sides together.
This is where you may start to swear as it's a bit tricky with the smaller zipper opening to get the lining and main bag nicely lined up. I did one side of the bag at a time and used plenty of pins. Sew the top edge seam together slowly.

9. Turn it all through and then close the bottom seam of the lining.

10. It looks like this now.

11. Now topstitch round the top edge - again this bit can cause swearing due to the zippy bit but just take it slowly and make sure the lining doesn't pucker underneath.

12. To help your bag stand up nicely make a bottom bit for inside the bag. I just grabbed the only bit of anything stiff I could find to hand (!!!) - which happened to be a (possibly) less than satisfactory piece of corrugated card. Make a fabric sleeve for it like so:

13. Not so bad, huh? I just won't be putting this down anywhere damp!

14. This is just to show you what the end of the zipped placket looks like - i.e. there's a gap (tiny one) between it and the end of the bag.

15. Ain't it pretty?

16. Tra - la - la - grown-up, security conscious, zipped up bag and it's mine...all mine!!!

Ooh ooh - just thought, I will have to put a nice bit of ribbon through the zip pull to make it extra lovely.

I now need to buy a gazillion zips and churn out some more of these babies :)

If you want more detail about constructing the bag itself go to U-handbag for their brilliant tutorials - my bag is very similar to this one. I may even follow this one next time for even more zippy goodness. There's even a tutorial about adding piping to your bag but I'm not sure I can cope with piping just yet!!

For everyone who has left me such lovely comments this week I am so sorry I haven't replied. I've been lying prone of an evening nursing my poorly self and have barely been near the computer - hence 261 posts for me to read in Google Reader!



. said...

Oooo. Lovely zippy bagness. I love that pink fabric. Yummy.

I hear you on the lurgy. I seem to have had a cold for a forthnight and it's showing no signs of going anywhere. Grrrrrr.

Maybe some crafting is just what I need to take my mine off the hacking cough and the snot river??


Angela said...

Oh ah what a lovely bag just what the doctor ordered to cheer yourself up.

Daisie said...

Love the bag, luverly!!
What you need is a Daisie dangle for the zip!!
Hoping you are well soon!

Locket Pocket said...

Wow! It's fab! Make more, make more, make more!!!!! With that birdy fabric down the middle or some fab Japanese stuff or, or, or.........! I may have to have a telephone tutorial for the parts I don't understand or I might just bully you to make one for me!

Locket xxx

trash said...

Suggest you install conference call facilities Chez Moog so I can listen while you try and teach that Locket woman how to make these rather fab bags.

I got some lovely chicken fabric today that would lokk triffic as the accent piece ;-)

Kaz said...

That is gorgeous!

Hope you feel better very soon. It sounds like you have'man-flu'!

monda-loves said...

Oh my! Mrs Moogsmum, with these bag tutorials you are really spoiling us.

You just made this look really easy and the end result is lovely. I agree with Mrs Locket - make more, make more!


Gina said...

That bag is totally amazing and I would like to be in on the conference call too please! Actually I prefer Lucy's idea of bullying you into making more and selling them!

Loads of sympathy for the cold/virus thing which sounds almost as bad as mine ;) Hope you feel better soon.

artisbliss said...

Great tutorial, and you're quite clever yourself there Mrs. Moog. I love the pink fabric, too.

wonderwoman said...

that was a great tutorial! and a lovely bag - if i don't get round to making one, can you put me on your list as everyone else seems to want one too!!!

hope you are feeling better soon.


Michaela said...

Absolutely no way on this earth could I make one of those! You make it sound so easy but it looks so damn difficult. Give me a ball of wool any day!

Hope you're starting to feel a bit better - then you can make lots of bags for us all to buy (not that I'm selfish at all!)

Kitty said...

That is fabulous! As you know, I have a yearning to make bags - remember our gusset chat? (Ooh, that sounds like a guilty secret!) I will do it. I really will. One day. When I get brave. In the meantime I shall bookmark your tutorial and admire your bag-gy-ness.

Hope you feel much better soon. xxx

kim said...

Oooo, I love the bag. Great for a craft bag, weekend bag, purse or even a bag for your kids. I love that it zips to keep wandering hands out and to help prevent spillage.

I agree crafting is the best medicine!!!

Quinn said...

This is WAAAAAY beyond my skills! Very impressed, I am. It took me til #10 to understand what that zipper-placket thing was about!
Beautiful bag :)

Hope you're feeling better!

Thimbleanna said...

Beautiful bag Ms. Moog! Love the colors!

You can do piping -- it's easy peasy. Just sew it to the right side of one piece of the fabric, put the other piece of fabric on right sides together, and then stitch on top of the first sewing line...Presto Perfect!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to read that you've been afflicted with the dreaded lurgy, I hope you're on the mend now.

That bag is just gor-jus! Must it really be yours though?? Are you sure you wouldn't rather pop it in your Etsy shop?!

Thanks for the brill picture-rich zip tute.


Rachel said...

That bag is fab, love the scrummy pink fabric! Hope you feel better soon. :)

French Knots said...

V impressed! It is fabby, love the pink fabric, zips scare me!
Hope you are feeling much better x

JuliaB said...

That bag is FAB! and your tutorial looks slightly less scary than Lisa's which i haven't tried yet on account of it's scariness!! Hope it's been the tonic you needed and you feel much better. xx

Julie said...

Beautiful bag Lesley and well done you for working through your horrible grotty cold. I hope you'll soon feel much better. BTW I'm joining the queue for bags for your bestest friends....

Your finished quilt is gorgeous. I love the cloud fabric. I should have said so when I read about it the other day but I must have got distracted and not come back (must have been the whiskey, oops, sorry, I mean whisky, I went all Irish then). I do apologise - old age you know.

Unknown said...

How I agree with you - crafting truly is the best medicine! I hope it worked for you!

est said...

oh this is a very good tutorial! thanks for sharing!! :)

dottycookie said...

Yummy bag. I've been going ziptastic here too - have you discovered the joys of neverending, cut to length zips yet? Not exciting colours, but I ended up with 10 30cm zips for £4 ...

And don't you just think placket is the best word ever? Love it.

Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

Ahhhhh zips, I hate them and avoid them, magnetic clasps are the way for me...Maybe no longer, you make it sound so easy...must make time to try it out. Lovely tutorial, and lots of pictures. Thank you

Leanne said...

Great tutorial Lesley. Hope your feeling better.

Bethany said...

thanks for posting the instructions!! I think I could possibly make one!

Michelle said...

What a great tutorial!! Thanks for sharing your method!!