Friday, November 16, 2007

Counting the minutes...

Winter seems to have arrived with a bang. This morning we had a lovely hard frost and despite having one or two things to do (!!) I had to take the camera for a walk round the garden.

That done, I threw together a beef stew for tonight and Ruby helped me make these to keep our strength up:

A little bit of last minute sewing was required in the shape of 6 Dammit Dolls one of which is to donate to the raffle. These little guys go together really quickly.

I worked on them while having a chat to Lucy who was having a chat to me while doing her housework - this is us!!!

I had to gather their necks as they were a bit on the thick side! I used top stitching thread for this and I'm a total convert to this brilliant thread, for buttons and anything that would otherwise cause sewing cotton to snap just when you don't want it to :o)
What happy little chaps:

So that's it, all done! DH has gone to get the children from school to enable me to get ready for tonight. Which, of course, is the reason I'm on here blogging - hahahahaha!!!
I wouldn't want to break my promise to bring you naff music every day this week so that was my justification for blogging ;) This little number is a true classic. I even had the album and knew every single word to every song - I know that Monkee Maker cannot fail to enjoy this one as it does have some relevance to her.


Locket Pocket said...

Fantastic post Lesley! I love the picture of us - I think I should get a copy to stick on my fridge!!! It's great having a semi-real-imaginary-friend at the end of a blog, email and now phone!

I really, really, really, really wish I had sound on my computer today! My children love the Goodies - my parents have a DVD of them and it is one of their favourite things to watch over there!

REALLY BIG GOOD LUCK for tonight! I hope it goes well and I hope you managed to get a bottle (or two) of wine in the fridge for after!

I managed to upload some photos ready for blogging but that's as far as I got!

Lucy x

dottycookie said...

Wow! It all looks so fabulous Lesley!

But you do realise I'm going to have to buy myself a perforator now, don't you?

Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

Oh Fab post it made me laugh...Oh and Ah about the photos...all a post shoule be:-)
All the best for the weekend
Suzie Sews

Julie said...

Great post, Wonderwoman! I hope your sale goes well tonight you deserve it too after all your hard work. I'll be up for some shopping if you've got anything left.....not physically "up" if you get what I mean but the cheque book will definitely be available.

Gina said...

Great post Lesley... thought it was a coincidence that we were both out taking pictures of the frost and finding time to blog when there was so much to do! Thinking of you tonight and hope it goes really well for you.
Gina x

Monkee Maker said...

I'm so jealous that both you and Lucy can fit into that tight fitting body suit!!

Hope you're having a fun time tonight .... I too would love to buy one of your corsages if you have any left ....

And doh! I felt sure it would be something by the Monkees .... LOVE Davy Jones - love him! (... well, I used to ...)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pics!! Now you know we have a lot in common. I look just like the pic of WW, okay maybe not but the running around I do makes me like her sometimes.

The song, ummm... I like the big G's. Retro applique maybe?

Hope you did wonderfully at your sale.

Anonymous said...

Hope the sale went well and that you enjoyed it. Like the Dammit Dolls - I think new parents should be given one as they leave hospital with their newborn!