Friday, October 26, 2007


I was getting a little stressed as I seem to have so much to do. What with friends here today and also weekend visitors plus fitting in a football match for Sausage tomorrow morning, 5 million tonnes of laundry (yes, that old chestnut - again!), a house in need of TLC, grocery shopping (opted back in and did a big shop at Sainsbury's for the first time in ages), laundry, entertaining kids, changing beds and then changing them again, reprimanding kids, planning meals, laundry, cooking meals, stopping kids killing each other, drinking wine and laundry (no - not drinking laundry. Mind you if it was alcohol I'd have no trouble dealing with it!!!) all the while fighting an overwhelming urge to ignore all of it and crochet instead, I did seem to be getting a trifle (understatement of the decade!) flustered.

So, I've had a word with the boss who, despite her fearsome exterior, is actually very supportive in times of need. She has told me it's ok to take a blog break for a day or two. She also said you won't all dessert me and not to worry that we're in spitting distance of the big
five-O on the blog. She's told me to concentrate on enjoying my weekend and to come back refreshed and raring to go with some good crafting next week.

Mind you, I imagine she'll have her foot on the back of my head when I get back, pressing my nose to the grindstone.

Great being your own boss isn't it - even if you don't actually earn any money.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and look forward to 'seeing' you all next week.

Now.....where's that wine......


Monkee Maker said...

.... it's here - right next to me!!

Hope you have a happy blog-free weekend and of course we'll still be here next week!

.... some of us are hunched over our pc's at all hours :)

Locket Pocket said...

We'll be here but oh how we will miss you! Will you manage to hold out on us or will you cave like MM???? Somebody I know from school has just joined blogland (Patti, of Just Another Row) and she knows how to ripple! I've told her I will be invading next week - I know where she lives!

Have a good weekend. Lucy x

dottycookie said...

Enjoy the weekend - and you're in my bloglines list so whenever you get the urge to write again, I shall know, haha!

Ali said...

Have a glass for me too!

Leanne said...

Have a wonderful relaxing weekend and don't think of us out here in blog land. I have you on bloglines so will not forget you - I will know when your back.

Bethany said...

Have a GREAT weekend Lesley!!! I can totally relate. And Craig stocked the wine rack again...yeah!

(Angie) Norththreads: said...

Yes, we will all be here when u get back! Have a fabulous weekend!

Monkee Maker said...

.... so? How's it going? Bored yet??

I notice you couldn't stay away from the computer entirely :)

Gina said...

Of course we'll be back.. I'm joining you with the wine right now!

artisbliss said...

Did you make it through the whole weeked without caving in?