Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Big foot

I was very firm with myself this morning. I refused to take any more of my c**p or pathetic excuses and told myself to get on with it and do some sewing.

You know how it is. You have lists and lists and then more lists with all the things you want or need to make. However, instead of ticking things off the list you just keep adding more to it!

By this morning I had well and truly had enough of me. Out came the sewing machine and just about all my fabric stash and I got busy. As I've said before I plan to make most of my Christmas presents this year. The reading pillow that Bethany has made over at Red Yarn was the catalyst I needed to wake up my sewing head!

In the process of assembling the first one I tried something exciting and new...

something I haven't tried before...

it's like a whole new world has opened up...
Sorry if you were hoping for something more exciting.
I have used the buttonhole foot on my sewing machine for the first time to sew proper buttonholes - as opposed to the wonky ones I've made in the past when I couldn't be bothered to change the foot!!!
Now I want to sew buttonholes on everything!! I did 24 of them this afternoon :o)
Here's the pillow production line:

and here is the one I have completed so far:

I've adapted the pillow very slightly having not put pockets for glasses and pens on the front and not piping the seams. They would have looked nicer if I had done those finishing touches but I figured the recipients won't know the difference.
I would have liked to try the piping as I've never done it before. However, after buying the toggle clasps I didn't have enough pennies left for 12 yards of piping cord.
I've got to make some cushion pads to go inside but I wanted to get the complicated bits under way. I have the joy of stitching on 24 buttons to look forward to once they're done. That may have to involve red wine!!
With all this frenzied stitching I have not rippled today or even checked out many blogs.
I have knitted the first 25 rows of a monkees bum though! DH wants the computer so I'm going to settle down with Jamie Oliver and my rippling
Love xxxx


beki said...

Ack! I'm still afraid of button holes. My cheap-o sewing machine doesn't make very good ones.

dottycookie said...

Oooh, I'm a big fan of buttonholes too. Aren't those feet fab?

I like the cushions too. I need to thin of some pretty presents this year - and those could fit the bill very nicely!

Locket Pocket said...

I love my button hole foot too - only used it for the first time recently - and it really did button holes! wow! I discovered I can do zips now too!!!! Did you buy the pattern for the reading pillow or make it up? Looks pretty cool! Lucy x

Monkee Maker said...

Brilliant! And I'm so with you on the whole not being bothered to change the foot thingie!! I take it one stage further though, by not being bothered to make button holes at all! (May try now as you make it sound fun!)

And yay - Monkee bum!!

Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

Wow...you go girl...I adore my button hole and button foot...I to had such a fear of them for nearly twenty years...someone showed me what to do and I have never looked back since...I can make clothes and everything...now if I can just get over the fear of zippers!!!!

Bethany said...

It looks great!!! I didn't realize that I could influence you like that...hmmm...now what do I put in your head?! ha!

I am in buttonhole envy over here though because I've never tried it myself!