Friday, February 5, 2010

The Specialness continues

I didn't manage to post about my gorgeous Day 2 parcel yesterday.

I was in meetings all day, including my performance review in which I blarted like a big baby in front of my boss! As always, she was incredibly lovely, supportive and reassuring and gently suggested that maybe next time my life went t*ts up it might be a good idea to mention it.

It was good to come home and open my Special parcel. I truly couldn't have wished for a better swap partner - Mrs Dragonfly has put so much thought into this swap and I feel she got the short straw, having a swap partner who's head was full of porridge at the time!

Here's my yummy Day 2 goodies - THE most delicious soap and a pack of beautiful sweet pea seeds.

Today was equally special. I've really enjoyed getting to know Dragonsfly's blog and am quite awed by her beautiful crochet - and now I have some Dragonfly crochet of my very own.

I was fully intending to use my Day 1 goodies to make me a very special cushion today but have spent the whole day doing some very secret crafting. Talking of which, Mr Moog and I are having a grown-up night out tomorrow, with a certain 40 year old hilltop blogger and the mayor of the hilltop!



Unknown said...

Too cute... I can smell the goodness from here.....right through my screen...

Thimbleanna said...

Ooooohhhhh, I wish I could be there!!! Don't forget to give us the whole report when it's all over. Love your specialness too -- that little heart is just adorable!

dragonfly said...

Have a fab night out! I could do with one of those!

Did my shopping in style yesterday and got lots of bag compliments - thank you, I love it!

trash said...

All well-deserved loveliness Missus Moog. May I assume 'blarting' involves facial leakage from the eye region?

As for tonight's efforts suggest you wear facial mask as I have a really crappy cold.

wonderwoman said...

sweet peas are my absolute favourites!
i hope all your 'crafting' has not worn you out!!! see you later!


French Knots said...

Oh those sweetpeas will be lovely, aren't they a wonderful colour.
Hope you have a smashing night out!x

Twiggy said...

What's a night out ??? your parcels are lovely and well deserved Mrs Moog. Have fun.
twiggy x

Kitty said...

I think being partnered with Mrs Dragonfly was a very smart move. Her blog oozes 'class' in my opinion.

Hope pyou have a fabtastic evening up there on the hill. Give the Aussie trout a big hug and kiss from me.


Locket Pocket said...

Beautiful goodies Moogs! But I know that you have sent equally gorgeous gorgeousness to Dragonfly too so don't put yourself down or you'll have me to answer to!

I second Kitty's sentiments about giving the Aussie bird a big hug and kiss from me as it seems an especially good idea to arrange for that to be done by proxy considering Trashy's crappy cold! ;o)

Gina said...

What lovely swap goodies. Have a super night out and send Trashy hugs from me too (you don't have to kiss her if she's got a cold!)

Julie said...

Hope you're having a lovely evening out :o) xx

silverpebble said...

How was the party? How was the party? Was your wine glass made of crochet? Due to poxes of a ghastly kind I have been rubbish in the secret area, but will send someone a secret something direct this week.

Giz a bell if you fancy a chat.

Michaela said...

Hoping that the 'secret crafting' is the start of my 50th birthday present. Glad to see you're starting nice and early, only 7 years left to go!!!!!