Tuesday, September 8, 2009

FOs, UFOs and WIPs

Er......ahem.......(shuffles into view and clears throat)......hello?!......

.......feeling somewhat like I'm going to the confessional here......

.......so, let's see.....what is it that I've been doing of late that has meant I have nothing to blog about?

Well....the thing is yr'honour, I do seem to have been somewhat otherwise engaged.....what's that y'say?.....entertaining the children?.....getting them back to school?.......housework?......ironing?......sewing?......work?......reading?


I have to admit to spending hours on the internets......but not blurking, lurking or commenting......I've been on here rather too much....and also here quite a bit.

All in the interests of education mind you. Learning all about this
and this , in order that I might produce something new and exciting.

Ta daaaaaa! My first ever attempt at knitting socks from the toe up on two circular needles!

So, y'see my absence was not in vain.

Then there's been a bit of new baby knitting for a friend's soon to be born baby girl.

I just had to put the cotton reel there for scale - this is a weeny little jacket :)

For Ravellers here's the pattern.

I tried a first attempt at knitting patterned socks - Glynis from this book. An almost whole sock had to be frogged and restarted (on bigger dpns)- and is now hibernating - after I knitted it and then found I couldn't even get the darned thing over my heel - pah!

A few of these were done earlier in the summer. They may become cushions - or possibly a lap blanket.....one day....

Some ripply action has been started - and briefly stopped. A possible blanket for the same new baby girl. Or possibly not, as she's likely to be a teenager by the time I get back to it!

Because.....this week I 'are most been knittin' 'ats!

Or rather, a hat. For me. A soft, floppy hat. For me. Using another Ravelry pattern - a hat named Cheeky :) For me.

I may also have accidentally bought the wool to knit one or two (five) more.....not all for me.

......and you'll never guess what......

......I even knitted one of these:

I'm so proud of this. I never thought I'd be able to do one of these. I feel like framing it.

My first ever tension square!!!

Also, this coming Friday, for the first time in over two months, I have a day off. A. Whole. Day. Off.

For me.

Sewing may be done.

Sewing had better be done. I have a daunting to-do list that needs some action.



Locket Pocket said...

I always get sooooooo excited when I see that you have blogged and I shout out loud "Yay! Moogsmum!" much to the alarm and consternation of whichever Lockets happen to be around at the time! This happened again today even though I had chatted to you for such a looooooong time on the phone this morning and practically begged you to blog all your knitted goodies.

So, those knitted goodies...... pretty damn fine if I may say. Especially that teeny weeny cardigan.

But I may have to find a way of deleting your Ravelry account if that's where you are going to fritter away all your time instead of playing here in blogland with all of us!

Locket xx

Ali said...

Conclusive proof that staying off the internet really does help get stuff done!

trash said...

loving the sockage Missus. I think that hat might be just exactly what I am looking for. Off to play on ravelry.


Enjoyed your post today. Those socks are gorgeous and I really love your orange wool. You make me want to get my knitting needles out. Well, it is nearly Autumn so it must be knitting time

wonderwoman said...

ithink i could be on the posts you pointed out for a while - fantastic knitting there Mrs Moog -i love the idea of knitting socks from the toe up - may have to look into that! and i will def have a look at that hat pattern! love the colour.


Gina said...

Just like Lucy I get very excited when I see a Moogsmum post! And you didn't disappoint... those socks are amazing!

Mama said...

Goodness gracious! Aren't yo the productive one?! The socks are wonderful!! Seems so many people have cought the Cat B. bug lately...have to watch out for that myself as I've got more in progress that I can handle.

Enjoy YOUR day :)

Kitty said...

Oh my - that baby jacket is possibly the most edible thing I've seen for a baby. I love it.

It's hard to do other stuff when the kids are off school isn't it? They just sort of take over. Anyone would think they were important or something.


Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

fab knitted goodies, so want to do a ripple blanket.

rachelmp said...

Nice work! Enjoy that day off

Angel Jem said...

Well worth staying quiet for. I love the shade of the hat, the idea that your socks are too small (me too) and that the blanket for the baby is actually for a teenager in the end. Love September.

est said...

oh so pretty crafting! i love your chosen colors of the ripple blanket :)

karenshopes said...

Wow you have been busy, I love the socks if that was your first attempt its fantastic.

JuliaB said...

Cool knitting! Must get down to somemyself...

French Knots said...

What a lot of knitting! Love the socks, fab colours. And the little jacket - too cute! You have motivated me to go and find the half knitted sock that I've had on the needles for about a year!

Mavis said...

Just a thimbleful....

Can't wait to explore Ravelry and the YouTube crochet cast-ons. I've got a pattern for spiral socks - every time you put them on the heel is in a different place! They NEVER wear out!

Twiggy said...

Internet overuse is allowed when you are doing something creative, well so says Mr Twigs, well done, some lovely makes there missus.
twiggy x

Thimbleanna said...

Well, that's as good of a reason as ever to have been absent from here. Those socks are gorgeous. Just beautiful! And your hat turned out great too!

Leanne said...

I love your socks. Gemma has just started a new job and now catches the train to work. She said she sat next to a lady who was knitting with lots of colours and 4 needles. I envisioned your socks. Gemma was worried if they crashed with so many needle she would be impaled. LOL

Leanne said...

OK Lesley you have me interested in socks. I need some help here where can I get the pattern for those socks? I have trawled Ravelry and am very confused.

Leanne said...

OK Lesley you have me interested in socks. I need some help here where can I get the pattern for those socks? I have trawled Ravelry and am very confused.