Friday, August 1, 2008

Savouring the little things

I really haven't felt like blogging this week. I know that you'll all appreciate that sometimes things happen and it doesn't feel right to witter on in blogland as if nothing had happened.

I got some bad news on Monday morning. My lovely cousin, who is only two years older than me, has been told that his cancer has spread. That's all I really want to say on here.

I've been keeping myself busy with the children, trying hard to enjoy the moment.

My Mum always told me to take each day as it comes.

We've made the most of the sunshine down here, packed picnics and visited some of our favourite places with friends.

Time at home has seen me doing nurturing things like baking bread - I've tried to make bread every day this week.

This is today's offering made with some lovely locally milled granary flour.

Minx had a tap-dancing exam today and we followed that up with a trip to the supermarket. My two beasties decided to play up when I was packing the shopping. The cashier did the old 'Huh, and it's only been a week!' thing.

How I didn't just tell her to stick the shopping I don't know!! Part of that shopping was something I've wanted for ages *so it's a good job I kept my cool!

*(Half price at Sainsburys right now!!)

The kids have had their moments this week but on the whole we've been good friends and are getting into the holiday groove.

The urge to be crafty has faded slightly but if I get a chance I'll be starting some handquilting this weekend :)

I hope you all have a lovely weekend xxxxxxxx


Michaela said...

Thinking of you and your cousin - big internetty hug coming your way.

As to your 2 beasties doing what all children do in Sainsburys (like mine did today) - all I can say is that I hope you haven't had to cope with the 4 broken windows that mine have managed to do in! School holidays and cricket balls don't mix very well!!!!

Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

Ahhh school holidays.
PS LOving the picture of the water hair flick...

Quinn said...

Lovely, lovely bread-baking. I think it's as close as humans come to producing flowers.

Thimbleanna said...

So sorry to hear about your cousin. New like that always makes it hard to continue on in our imaginary happy world. Sending you cheery hugs from across the pond.

Locket Pocket said...

Your lovely mum's advice is very good. Sending you lots and lots of love, Locket xxxx

Gina said...

Sorry to hear you've had bad news - lots of love going your way and to your cousin. Mum's advice couldn't be better - continue to enjoy the little things... and just slap any offending cashiers! Hope you have a good weekend.
Gina xx

silverpebble said...

Sending thoughts - it looks as though you've handled the bad news in the best way possible - enjoying the kids and making things. Your bread looks gorgeous and I can't wait to hear what delicious goodness you brew up in your ice cream maker. Here's hoping your bit of quilting helps to cheer you a little, although it's tough getting the urge when there's something worrying isn't it? Hope your weekend's as lovely as poss. Emma x

Julie said...

So sorry to hear of your bad news Lesley. Your Mum was right and I'm glad you've managed to enjoy some time out in the sunshine with your little monsters and friends.

Your granary bread looks wonderful - I can smell it from here! Yum!

What's that? You kept your cool buying an ice cream maker? ROFL!

Take care of your self and have an easy weekend. xx

quiltdude said...

Sending you lots of hugs and love. Make sure you look after yourself, it's important when you're feeling low.
X Clare

Simone said...

Blogging helps us escape from some of life's harsh realities doesn't it? I have a friend who is very sick at the moment and she told me she is 'making hay while the sun shines' or in my case craft while it is raining! Hope you have a brighter week to come.

Twiggy said...

Sorry to hear about your cousin :(
Isn't breadmaking addictive? We are getting through ahem a loaf a day, I must stop but it's so lovely and makes the house smell gorgeous. Enjoy your ice cream maker, funnily enough ice cream is one thing (only one mind you) that I'm not bothered about, if only it were the same for chocolate, bread, cake, etc ,etc.
Twiggy x

Bethany said...

I wish I had a mom like you had. I know it's hard for you not to have her around right now. I know she loved you very much because you were so close to her! I'm so sorry about your cousin's news. I hope things turn around. I'm going to be designing a book cover for my sister's friend who wrote about her battle with cancer. She beat it and I hope your cousin has a similar story to tell! I also picked up some yarn and began knitting for the first time in so many months! It makes me relax. I'm knitting sleeping socks for Caroline for the winter! Well, just hang in there... I'm sending a big hug!!! And give those two cute kids a big hug too and tell them you love being their mommy... because I know you do!!

Louise said...

Which ice-cream flavour are you going to make first, I wonder? I have always quite fancied an ice-cream maker too. My other half would love me to make bread for him every day, you have lots of jam to go with it. I hope you have some nice plans for the coming week. x

the vicious chicken said...

Sending you big hugs, Lesley - so sorry to hear you've had sad news. Look after yourself.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to read about your cousin, Lesley; best wishes to him and his family.

That bread looks simply divine .... are you SURE you didn't pick it up in Sains along with the ice cream maker??

I'm sure your crafting mojo will return, in the meantime, just kick back and enjoy the summer hols with your two not-such-beasties!


artisbliss said...

Oh, you'll enjoy your ice cream maker. We've had one since we got married lo these many years ago and really like to use it.

Sorry about your sad news but you're right to just keep chugging along, baking lovely bread and enjoying your kiddos, as trying as the little darlings can be sometimes--trust me, I know.

I hope you'll be back in a crafty space soon.

JuliaB said...

Hi L
So sorry to hear about your bad news. Sending you strong vibes over the blogersphere ... and a hug. xx

est said...

you're right. never take a day for granted but we always slip that don't we? :) but it never too late to start a bright new love day with yr loved one .

French Knots said...

Sending my love.
Nesting and nurturing are good for the soul.xx

Jennie said...

Ooh I used to do tap dancing.
How behind am I on your blog!! Bloomin school holidays!
sending you belated hugs *hugs*