Sunday, April 6, 2008

Management material!!

Sausage Monster had a great idea today - he wanted to do some sewing and, more to the point, he wanted to put what he made into my etsy shop to earn himself some extra pocket money!!

Well, I'm of the opinion that such enterprise is to be encouraged.

We discussed what he wanted to make.


Why, of course.

Why not.

We discussed how to go about it.

First off, designs are required.

So, he happily designed a batch of aliens.

Then we rifled through ten tonnes of fabric to choose the necessary materials.

He really got into making his first alien - TZ220 or Terence, as he's known to his friends. Sausage was very involved in the actual construction, doing some sewing, turning and stuffing, and drawing Terence's face on with fabric pen.

I was required to stitch the trickier bits and do a bit of stitchery on the alien's face.

Once finished, he went into the shop to meet a pre-order from Mrs Locket, for Fred Locket's birthday :)

Here's TZ220:

Right then, one down....several more to go.

Just as we were choosing the fabric for 'Jib Jib', Moogsdad suggested a boys' trip to the park to play football.

Sausage was off in a cloud of smoke, faster than you could say 'Hey, I thought you wanted to sew with Mummy!!' - and I was left to make alien MKII!!!

Jib Jib:

That boy has great 'management potential'!!! I was given a very detailed brief and strict instructions to get the shelves stacked in Sausage Monster's new section of the shop, before he returned from the park!!

Of course, I did!!!

Tomorrow, the beasties and I are off up to Brum for a couple of days to see my Dad. We'll be back on Wednesday, in readiness for the Minx's birthday on Thursday!!

Oooh, it's all go , isn't it?!!!


By the way .... go here and do this!!!! Go on - you know you want to :)


Locket Pocket said...

Can't wait for our special alien to touch down in the Locket household! In true me fashion I won't be able to keep him until June for Fred's birthday!!!! Clever little Sausage Monster - definitely management material!!!

Locket xxx

Kitty said...

Isn't it fabulous when they want to 'join in'? Those aliens are brilliant!

When my friend and I had the Craft Stall, No.1 was always making things to sell on it :-D Her beaded bangles went down VERY well.


Louise said...

Aliens, shelf stacking and birthdays, it's all go in the Moogs-house! Will you get to relax up at your Dads? x

Kaz said...

Oh wow that boy has some serious talent!! Love those aliens but why he'd want to go out and run about in the cold and the mud instead of making stuff I can't work out.

trash said...

Do you know what Missus? I am beginning to thonk our houses are psychically linked - just this morning Babyman asked if I would teach him to sew. I said yes but as I was in the middle of something secret and special and no longer on time I said it would have to wait.

Those boys. I am sure they are twins!

trash said...

Think. Obviously I meant THINK. Perhaps some people should hang out less with Missus Locket Whiplash!! :-P

Anonymous said...

Those aliens are fab, What an enterprising youngling well done sausage monster, may get mine into child slavery too!!x

dottycookie said...

Oh he's so clever! And so are you for the brillinat interpretations. Clever Mrs Moogsmum!

(I am hoping for my own delivery in the morning ...)

Unknown said...

Fantastic aliens - well done Sausage!

Julie said...

I'm in love with Jib Jib or is it
J16J16? Clever lad you've got there - till he got deflected by football :)

Leigh said...

Your son got your talent! Woohoo! You should be proud! I just love the alien! Management potential, teehee! I hope you have a nice time with your dad!

Christina Lane | The Sometimes Crafter said...

First - I really like your blog. Second - you're a bad influence, I joined the swap. :) Third - you're sons creations are so very cute!

. said...

Great Aliens, and full marks to TSM for entrepreneurship and for mastering the art of delegation so young. He'll go far (well, actually he'll probably stay put and have other people do the travelling for him ;)).

Now you've left me with the dilemma of whether I'm confident enough to sign up for a blog swap. Eeek. I'll probably phaff over the decision until it's too late like I usually do.


Leanne said...

Cute alien - typical male really start something then leave it for a women to clean up.

Monkee Maker said...

Wow, you're doing a marvellous job on stacking those shelves .... and I'm glad to see that you've enlisted help .... kinda ....


Jodie said...

aha, I do believe master Jib Jib is coming to live with me!!!!

Angela said...

Jib Jib is wonderful, do you have a designer in the making?.

artisbliss said...

These are wonderful. Your son is a very brilliant boy and lucky to have a mom who can translate his imaginative drawings into such terrific stuffed 3-D interpretations!

Bethany said...

I think that's wonderful!!! Though you should get a cut of the profit for your work!! Your son and my son would get along great. They think alike! In fact, my son would love your son's designs! I hope Minx has a wonderful birthday!! And speaking of, since I've had to be out of town and will be again this weekend, it is postponing your gift being sent... but it will come!
And a HUGE THANK YOU for mine!!! I just love it Lesley!!! I can't believe you sent me one of your fabric containers that I just loved when I saw it!!! I will use it here in my studio where I can see it daily. And the notebook cover is so beautiful!! I love orange... it just makes me happy! (and matches red perfectly). I blogged about it today so you'll have to look when you're back in town! Thank you , thank you , thank you!!!!!!!! You're the best!!!