Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Do what I should do or do what I want to do? Mmmm

I know I said I had decorating to be getting on with, just in case DH gets his job and we have to move, but I have to admit today is not the day! I wanted to play instead. I did a bit of prettyfying in the bathroom. DH has been going to make doors for two years now for our two bathroom cupboards. These things take time and planning you see.
I decided to make something to at least hide the contents for now and came up with these curtains:

Cotton fabric - thrifted or gifted, can't quite remember; very cheap ie. 3 for £1 cotton waffle teatowels, some old buttons and a bit of hand embroidery. I didn't have any curtain wire so used the nice thick bra elastic I got from the scrapstore!!
Not perfect but prettier than what was there before. It's amazing how wanting to put something on the blog can make me suddenly feel the urge to clean! No really, the bathroom always looks like this ;-)

I haven't Pfaffed today but might do a bit before I pick the kids up from school. Then again I could go and put the ironing away that I did on Friday!

In case you are wondering, this is what the machine basically consists of:

Five small barbed needles that punch up and down at a rapid rate. You can use fewer needles depending on the effect you are after.

Here are the bits I did last night:

This one is mostly 'silky' synthetics with some merino wool embellished over the top. The textures are very much like bark.

I love white on white so had a go with a few different fabrics and fibres. Sorry about the awful photo - the sun was brighter than I thought and threw a lot of it into shadow.
You can also use the reverse side of the work and the white one came out like this:

I've got so many ideas and things to make buzzing round my head at the moment - knitting, sewing, crochet etc and need to get some focus. I've still to make the soft toys I promised the kids 3 weeks ago! I'm going to have to write myself yet another list and maybe even a timetable to make sure I do actually get some of those things done.
How do you decide what to do first? Let me know if you have any cunning plans.


artisbliss said...

If you could see the state of my housekeeping, you would know which choice I make too much of the time! Your work looks interesting. I have some wool roving and silk tops that I like to hand felt into bowl forms.

Locket Pocket said...

Can't help you on the planning front I'm afraid - definitely one of my weaknesses!!! Lucy x

Monkee Maker said...

Hi Lesley,

I love the curtain you made for your beautifully clean bathroom!

And your Pfaff machine looks brill - if a bit scary. Thank heavens for finger guards!

And I simply can't believe what a fabulous mother you must be ..... letting your little minx play with your new toy before you did?? That would never happen in this house!

Bethany said...

I love your curtain too! And my bathrooms are patiently waiting today to be cleaned (though I'd rather be sewing!). I had never seen that kind of machine before but it does look just like a handheld needle felting tool...just quicker!! Okay... off to clean!!!