I've dithered all week about having to post my poorly sick Baby back to the supplier. A quick phone call to the supplier this morning confirmed it was indeed down to me to pay for her return. That's because they sell them so cheaply in the first place.
The very nice man said that their engineer would look at it (his word!! he didn't realise she was a she) as soon as it (men!!) arrived with them. If it looks like a problem that'll take a bit of solving they'll replace her with a new one straight away. Otherwise it should take a day or two to fix.
I got her parcelled up and then pondered the logistics and cost of trying to send her Royal Mail.
Mmmm - they've shut all the helpful local post offices that you used to be able to park outside of (or even walk to!!). It would involve driving to the main post office and walking 300 yards from the car park with a 15kg bulky box only to find it would cost me a gazillion of our pounds sterling in postal charges.
I think not.
There has to be a better way.
I put my thinking cap on.
I Googled 'parcel delivery services' and found Interparcel.
At 10.20am-ish, after a very simple and straightforward bit of online form filling, I completed my request for a DHL man to come to my house and pick up my poorly baby and deliver her 150 miles or so to the poorly sewing machine hostipul.
At 11.20am the dog exploded into the angry 'pretending to be a fierce guard dog' barking that can only mean one thing.
There's someone at the door.
A lovely lovely lovely DHL man!!!!
He carefully picked my poorly Baby up and gently placed her in his van and off she went.
Bye bye Baby!!!
Whether I see that Baby again or Baby MkII waits to be seen but at least she's on her way to hostipul where the sewing machine doctor can operate.
I am so impressed by the whole Interparcel thing that I had to share it just in case anyone else out there was faced with the prospect of struggling to the post office with a bulky something :)
I'm so kind it sickens me.
I haven't so much as stitched a stitch today but have parcelled up some somethings to be sent abroad very soon and have revisited an old obsession of mine - card making.
March is always a busy month for us with birthday's, anniversaries and Mother's Day.
This is for my nephew who is 2 this Sunday:

This is for my friend whose birthday is on Monday:

This is for Mother-in-Law for Sunday:

I thought I got messy with my sewing but it was nothing compared to the mess I made just doing these cards. Every box and drawer containing my papercraft stash was open. Every bit of the table was covered.
It took me ages to do them as I dithered and pithered with choosing what to do and what to do it with!!!
Oooh, would you look at the time. I have to be going.
For those of you having a pretty horrible time, and I know a few of you are right now, I'm sending you a big hug from me and Moog. Hers is the smelly dog flavoured one :)
p.s. couldn't resist this